Politics and Religion

Pro-life vs pro-choice
Luv-Kitty 203 reads

One big issue in this campaign concerns the life of the baby. May we hear from some erudite & studied opinions on this board? Of course the religious people would say that life is sacrosanct. I once heard from a pro-choice Christian rationalizing this way.  
“If you look at the Bible, you see many instances that God killed babies en masse, such as the Passover event. At first blush it shows a cruel God. But I believe that He did it for a greater good. The Bible guarantee that all babies will go to Heaven, thus there is no loss for them.  God knew that all these babies would grow up to lead too tough a life, thus a form of mercy killing. Killing is not always wrong, sometimes for greater good, such as abortion after rape & incest. Or collateral killing as necessary evil, like our bombing on Dresden or Hiroshima.“  
To those who love to quote Proverbs, does this rationalizing pass mustard?  
Or maybe someone should initiate a new OP on a related issue: "When does life begin?

As Hillary Clinton stood by at the last debate, it is best left to the woman, her spouse and doctor to make the decision.    It should not be Trump or Ryan or McConnell making the decision.

Whatever is a person's faith, it should stay in their homes.

I'll admit this much to the example of the Passover story and the idea of mercy killing:
If a rational woman looks at the world, clearly sees that the effects of global warming are bound to create a violent, desperate world, and realizes that any child born today will experience extreme suffering and despair by the time he or she is, say, 50, decides it is best to not bring a child into the world and save him or her the agony of such a life, then I would not argue with her decision. Many women not even looking at that terminate pregnancies because severe birth defects are indicated, and I respect their choice as well.

Personally, were everything else equal, I've always felt that simply using abortion as a form of birth control was unwise and disrespectful to humankind. But however one defines "wrongness" or "sin" or "error," it is up to the individual alone to make that choice and face their own God or Godlessness with the decision they made.

I don't think many women make the decision lightly.

Note to the Anti-abortionists: no one is advocating forced abortions on those who believe as they do. No one is coming from the big bad government to kill YOUR unborn baby. So relax.

However, the big beautiful businesses you treasure are poisoning the soil, water, air, and food supply, thus elevating the risk that your baby will suffer severe damage during the formative and post-formative stages.

-- Modified on 10/23/2016 8:25:08 AM

a woman what she can and cannot do with her body and personal health choices.  I laugh at all the hypocrisy over abortion.  Republicans think terminating a pregnancy is murder but they have no problem with executing actual living human beings.

saltyballs51 reads

The outright hypocrisy of these right wing religious zealots absolutely confounds me!

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