Politics and Religion

Just one more, then I'll go. Why are all these companies leaving?
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 18359 reads

Why are the jobs going overseas?

Remember the good old days of multibillion $$ lawsuits against those big greedy corporations? Fuck up our environment will ya? Take THAT and add it to your cost of doing business!

How bout the economic paralysis everyone felt when the Steelworkers went on strike and said, "Fuck you! We're not gonna work for your shittyassed $25/hr, 40 hr workweek, full beni'd, cradle to grave packages!!!!!!!!

We won, did'nt we?

Anybody seen the labor code, tax code, health code, morse code, lately?

I wonder why we're losing all these jobs???????

There is a silverlining, the government's hiring. SOmeone's gotta haul in all that loot.


This is now the greatest problem in American politics:  the promotion of essentially Marxist ideas, which are so discredited by history and science and morality as to be laughable, by an educated intelligentsia, among academia, the press, and the literati, who depend only on the power of their own sophistry. This makes them perfect shills for interest-group politics, where the only real interest is in getting money out of the government. For this to work, taxes and spending must be as high as possible. But then it was discovered, during the Reagan years, that spending could be run up far beyond the tax base without immediate consequences. The deficit spending that had been the animus of conservatives since the New Deal now was sold to conservatives on the principle that the relatively low tax rates did promote prosperity, while the high spending bought off the interest groups. The future, evidently, could take care of itself.

Nevertheless, interest-group politicians, meaning all Democrats and most Republicans (or at least most Republicans in office), retained an instinctive love of taxes. The credulous President Bush was thus duped, with old fashioned fiscally conservative arguments, to break his only meaningful campaign promise of 1988, and his only real link to the Reagan political constitutency, by raising taxes. A Democratic Congress then never bothered providing the promised spending reductions. President Clinton, under the deceptive "New Democrat" banner, but still a whole-hearted believer in taxes, spending, and socialist command-economy devices for politically hot areas like "health care" and "child care," slowed the recovery from Bush's 90-91 recession with his own tax increases.

A new Republican Congress in 1995 derailed, somewhat, where that was all headed; but it is now clear that the Republicans have been corrupted both by the same interest group politics and by fear of the self-righteous disdain of the intelligentsia. They have thus cooperated with Clinton in the lie that hemorrhaging "social" spending, whose liabilities are kept off budget, does not count and that a "balanced budget" will soon arrive.

They have also joined in the despicable practice of transferring expenses from the government to private business by mandating uneconomic "benefits," like "family leave." The government thus can hand out goodies by law rather than by taxing and spending.

This evades the truth that, as Walter Williams says, "businesses are tax collectors, not tax payers," which means that people will be paying for these "benefits" anyway, in higher prices, higher unemployment, lower wages, or in whatever ways that businesses will need to use to finance them. It is only the forseeable bankruptcies of Social Security and Medicare, hurried by any unforseen problems with the economy, that will put an end to the continuation of this era of political dishonesty and looting.

The E Ticket18930 reads

Actually the corporatist ideology of the rabid right wing extremists which have taken over the GOP is the biggest problem for the US and world.

In a nutshell.

Corporatism means: Privatizing profits whicle socializing all risks for the corporation.

the worst of all worlds


""Actually the corporatist ideology of the rabid right wing extremists which have taken over the GOP is the biggest problem for the US and world.""

LOL! Sounds like rabid leftwing extremism adopted by "Progressives"

1690bill15596 reads

i'm afraid i work for the biggest gangsters out of the usa , GE the so called world leaders, i am ashamed of my co. its values and all that are suppose to be their values, we build plaine engines, cheaper than the usa, but more expensive than the likes of brazil etc, through no fault of me ( i am anti globalisation) we work 24/7 for buttons exceptp there is a qualitity product at the end of the day

of what is preventing others from "having too".

Attacking me though does not address the issue...tell me where I'm wrong.


StartThinking!17140 reads

a true meritocracy.  But many of the "haves" still cling to that illusion.

StartThinking!14418 reads

Let's all try to minimize acting on our prejudices, so that it can never be used as an excuse again.

But let's also not try to minimize acknowledging the effect it has.  

The ones who really annoy me the most are those who delude themselves into thinking that they have moved from "have not" to "have" status based purely on merit, as if prejudice did not exist.  Unbelievably arrogant.

can honestly say they did it all on their own. I can't. I did'nt. There many people I can point to, both along the way and with me presently, that have helped immensely.

Frankly, I'm not inspired by me. Nor do I hold myself out as an example. There are far better examples than me. I was watching the show "The Apprentice" the other night. They finally had whittled down the initial field of 200,000 to 2. One of them was a black guy named Kwame. He and the other guy were sitting on the roof toasting each other's success when he told the story of his grandpa. A guy who signed his name with an X.

Kwame is the first person in his family to graduate college, Harvard MBA I believe. The dude is one step away from being hired by Donald Trump to RUN one of his companies for a year. I've seen enough of Trump's org to know Trump don't hire chumps! and this guy is a step away......

That inspires me. That tells me that anything is possible if someone does not let the ignorant bigots in our society defeat them. I like Bill, but I'm pulling for Kwame.


The E Ticket17056 reads

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."


-- Modified on 4/10/2004 11:41:50 AM

Well, yes, if you disregard the religious wars, the nationalistic wars, and then of course the plain old wars just for the sheer pure hell of it.

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