Politics and Religion

Praise Be to the Hubble!!!
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 730 reads
1 / 9

...and I've become a Thumper too!!  Our dear Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created Man in his own image.  He gave us the ability to think and reason.  We have used our God given brains to find seven Earth-like planets that are only forty light years away.  That's a stone's throw, cosmically speaking.

Now, we can continue fucking up our planet until it is no longer capable of sustaining life.  Then we'll all hop on board spaceships made by great capitalists from the private sector like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson and go to the new, younger planets that we can fuck up until we find even more planets that God has provided for us to fuck up.

Thank you God!!

For God and Country (and new planets)

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 9:33:38 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 207 reads
2 / 9
hotplants 193 reads
3 / 9

Because, it's looking like god is just not great enough to save us from ourselves.

This administration clearly could not give one single fuck about protecting water or natural wildlife habitat. And this ridiculously stupid border wall will seriously endanger scores of animal species, including the remaining endangered jaguars, jaguarondi and ocelots, and then there are the bobcats, and wolves and coyotes…and….ah…who cares? We have pictures of the animals on the internet way-back machine that we can look at after we kill them off, and move to our new planet.

But, in the meantime, this big beautiful wall might keep some of those poor migrant farmers out!  

Thank you Mr President! I feel so much safer now.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Our dear Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created Man in his own image.  He gave us the ability to think and reason.  We have used our God given brains to find seven Earth-like planets that are only forty light years away.  That's a stone's throw, cosmically speaking.  
 Now, we can continue fucking up our planet until it is no longer capable of sustaining life.  Then we'll all hop on board spaceships made by great capitalists from the private sector like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson and go to the new, younger planets that we can fuck up until we find even more planets that God has provided for us to fuck up.  
 Thank you God!!  
 For God and Country (and new planets)

earlweaver 190 reads
5 / 9

chicken little shit here

"the sky is falling! the sky is falling!"

just another scam by libs to take your shit

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 235 reads
6 / 9

Poor migrant workers have access to H-2A temporary work permits.
 They are not the clear and present danger to our society.
  Illegal border crossing criminals, killing, raping and pillaging are a concern citizens are facing.  

 I surely hope your love  seat with BigP, the pin cushion cactus doesn't go extinct.  


  In closing, we already have an over abundance of criminal sovereign citizens, why give them community organized opportunities to strengthen their gangs ?
Posted By: hotplants
  this big beautiful wall might keep some of those poor migrant farmers out!  
 Thank you Mr President! I feel so much safer now.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Our dear Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created Man in his own image.  He gave us the ability to think and reason.  We have used our God given brains to find seven Earth-like planets that are only forty light years away.  That's a stone's throw, cosmically speaking.  
  Now, we can continue fucking up our planet until it is no longer capable of sustaining life.  Then we'll all hop on board spaceships made by great capitalists from the private sector like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson and go to the new, younger planets that we can fuck up until we find even more planets that God has provided for us to fuck up.  
  Thank you God!!  
  For God and Country (and new planets)

hotplants 144 reads
7 / 9

than any other President in history. Obama focused, specifically, on undocumented people that have committed violent crimes. Your guy, OTOH, in a purely political move to satisfy his voting base, after running a campaign utilizing non-stop terror rhetoric about all of the immigrants and refugees that are ‘pouring over the border’ for no other reason than to kill, rob, pillage, and rape our (white) women, is performing surgery with a sledge hammer.  

Trump supporters are not the only people who live in this county, Quadd. And, the MAJORITY of Americans do NOT support this wall. In fact, millions find the entire concept appalling. And while T is painting a picture, for his supporters—like you-- that undocumented immigrants from south of the border are criminals and rapists, millions of people, like myself, who actually live in communities, side by side, with many people who are undocumented, we’re shaking our heads and saying to ourselves: wtf is wrong with this guy?

Crime happens, sure…but…quit telling me what I fail to see. I can see what's happening quite clearly. Clear and present danger, my ass.  

There is absolutely no reason why the existing immigration system can’t be improved without US citizens being asked to pony up 20-30 billion dollars to build a wall, and destroying inter-generational families by deporting hard working individuals who happen to have no papers, because of some small infraction with the law, while making an enemy of Mexico and making Americans look like complete and total assholes all over the world.  

And, just because you, and your glorious leader could give a fuck about the environmental impact that a 2000 mile long physical barrier will have on wildlife---animals that have no concept of arbitrary country borders and need the land open to survive as species’, myself and millions of other Americans actually do care.  

If this wall gets built it will be a terrible mistake. And, by the time we can do something about it, it will be too late.
Posted By: quadseasonal
Poor migrant workers have access to H-2A temporary work permits.  
  They are not the clear and present danger to our society.  
   Illegal border crossing criminals, killing, raping and pillaging are a concern citizens are facing.  
  I surely hope your love  seat with BigP, the pin cushion cactus doesn't go extinct.  
   In closing, we already have an over abundance of criminal sovereign citizens, why give them community organized opportunities to strengthen their gangs ?
Posted By: hotplants
   this big beautiful wall might keep some of those poor migrant farmers out!    
  Thank you Mr President! I feel so much safer now.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Our dear Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created Man in his own image.  He gave us the ability to think and reason.  We have used our God given brains to find seven Earth-like planets that are only forty light years away.  That's a stone's throw, cosmically speaking.    
   Now, we can continue fucking up our planet until it is no longer capable of sustaining life.  Then we'll all hop on board spaceships made by great capitalists from the private sector like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson and go to the new, younger planets that we can fuck up until we find even more planets that God has provided for us to fuck up.    
   Thank you God!!    
   For God and Country (and new planets)

JackDunphy 261 reads
8 / 9

They commit AT LEAST another illegal act once here, and you STILL demand they stay?

That is insane. People who have no regard for our laws and rules need to GTFO.

I do have compassion for people who want a better life for themselves and their children, but when they come in without any vetting they put us all at risk and when they then spit in our eye by not following our rules once here, they have no one to blame but themselves Plants and I lose my compassion at that point.

There are consequences for their actions. To not hold them accountable is a slap in the face of every law abiding immigrant who went about it the right way.

hotplants 194 reads
9 / 9

“ you have compassion for people who want a better life for themselves and their children, but when they come in without any vetting they put us all at risk and when they then spit in our eye by not following our rules once here, they have no one to blame but themselves Plants and I lose my compassion at that point.”

“Put us all at risk”? “Spit in our eye”? How? By working?

This tells me that you have little understanding of who many of these people are that are immigrating, today, or the circumstances that drive them to try get into the US. The poor folks from Central America are not trying to spit in our eye by not walking up to a border agent and declaring themselves at the border. They don’t have passports (likely wouldn’t know how to get one), many have little to no formal education, they don’t speak English---in some cases not even Spanish.  

Yes, the immigration system has been need of an overhaul for a long time. But, again, Obama deported more undocumented immigrants than any previous President, and net immigration on the Southern border has been decreasing for years.  So, despite all of T’s blathering and xenophobic bombast---there is no critical emergency here.  

Immigration is not as black and white as saying: “they broke the law when they crossed the border. Round ‘em up and deport them!”----*IF*, that is, you actually care to understand the problem is nuanced, and be compassionate when dealing with it.  

There are multi-generational families in the US with family members who came here many years ago. They’ve had children, grandchildren, kept jobs, they’ve been law abiding, they’ve contributed to communities, they’ve been peaceful guests in our country. And, at some point in all of those years, they may have had some kerfuffle with the law---not committed a violent crime---but, some minor problem. Obama had the compassion to exclude these people from being targeted for deportation.  

What do we gain by deporting somebody’s mother or father, or grandparents to a country they may not have lived in for, possibly, decades? How is this keeping us safe? What is this protecting us from?

There is complication and nuance here. There are real people. But, T doesn’t give a shit. All of this, for him, is about looking like he's a tough guy. Round ‘em up and deport ‘em. No questions asked.  

That is not compassion.
Posted By: JackDunphy
They commit AT LEAST another illegal act once here, and you STILL demand they stay?  
 That is insane. People who have no regard for our laws and rules need to GTFO.  
 I do have compassion for people who want a better life for themselves and their children, but when they come in without any vetting they put us all at risk and when they then spit in our eye by not following our rules once here, they have no one to blame but themselves Plants and I lose my compassion at that point.  
 There are consequences for their actions. To not hold them accountable is a slap in the face of every law abiding immigrant who went about it the right way.

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