Politics and Religion

Which addiction is worse - drugs or religion? Charlie...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1975 reads

...Sheen was fired from 'Two and a Half Men' because of his behavior due, at least in part, to drugs.

Now Angus T. Jones, the 'half' in Two and a Half Men wants to be fired from the show because he has become a Thumper extraordinaire.  He is begging people not to watch the show and calls it "filth" even though he gets paid $350,000 per episode.

He is a Thumper for the Seventh-Day Adventist church.  So which is worse - drugs or religion?

Rip a page out of the book of Narc (I mean Mark) roll it up and snort some lines with it. I thought appearing on ABC was a sin.

Angus should give all his wealth to God.

I was not indoctrinated from birth.  Had a pretty normal childhood, parents that worked hard and middle class, devoloped a powder cocaine addiction in my early twenties.    Got clean right after my daughter turned 2, through a spiritual 12 step program.  Rocked on for years, going to meetings, found God, eventually looking to further grow in God, I found church.  I found very quickly that I enjoyed a very "spirit filled" church, an exciting preacher,  and became a member of a church where I was the minority.  A non-denominational church.  I absolutely loved it, would be prayed over by elders, slain in the spirit.  No doubt religion was better than drugs, and I was certaintly high on God.  I was a much, much better mother, daughter, sister, wife....than during my self-absorbed, self-centered drug addiction.  I was treated like a dignitary at the black churches I would visit.  They loved me, and I loved them.  Rock on a few years down the road, things don't look right...The Dekalb county police Dept are escorting the ushers at church.  The church wants to see my W-2.  I was having marital problems and needing counseling at the time.  Showed up for my appt and saw the preacher, rehearsing his Sunday sermon...Something clicked at that moment....it was all staged...all the emotion...it was a show..the sermons became more and more about money and expansion.  I eventually quit.

That was several, several years ago.  I feel I have grown more in my spirituality in the last few years.  I have spent time on what makes me happy, being myself, learning boundaries and how to say "no", learning to run a business and how society thinks, how to get a long in this diverse world.

My regrets.  I raised my daughter in a Christian private school.  She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.  She is 22, raised Christian, no drug problems.  But, she has an eating disorder.  Even though, she doesn't see what I see.  That she has abs of steel from working out with a trainer at 6am every morning.  She has ego, self-esteem and all the learning steps for her own paths journey.  I hope she finds peace one day.  Just as I found peace from the powder cocaine.  We all carry a different load in life.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...Sheen was fired from 'Two and a Half Men' because of his behavior due, at least in part, to drugs.

Now Angus T. Jones, the 'half' in Two and a Half Men wants to be fired from the show because he has become a Thumper extraordinaire.  He is begging people not to watch the show and calls it "filth" even though he gets paid $350,000 per episode.

He is a Thumper for the Seventh-Day Adventist church.  So which is worse - drugs or religion?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Sheen was fired from 'Two and a Half Men' because of his behavior due, at least in part, to drugs.

Now Angus T. Jones, the 'half' in Two and a Half Men wants to be fired from the show because he has become a Thumper extraordinaire.  He is begging people not to watch the show and calls it "filth" even though he gets paid $350,000 per episode.

He is a Thumper for the Seventh-Day Adventist church.  So which is worse - drugs or religion?

Drugs will only kill you but religion kills others!

See example of the nearly universal "Golden Rule!" Religion, particularly in the past has been used as an excuse not to follow the Golden Rule, in order to follow a Ruling Class designs to wage war's of convenience, and/or to inspire those being attacked to fight their oppressors. Just like any gun advocate would say that guns don't kill people, people kill people, it's the same with religion; religion doesn't kill people, people kill people! In this country anyway, if you talk to any ER doctor, I'd bet s/he would say that s/he sees many more people die of substance abuse, or the consequences of it, that religion or the consequences of that!

FistFullOfFifties464 reads

And politics is a religion.

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