Politics and Religion

Posted before. Being mad is right. Listen to mng. Yeah, don't pay loan or tax (eom)
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1685 reads
1 / 22

and end up sharing a cardboard box with him.

Oh well, I guess I really doesn't matter, ng says the "end of days" is coming, and he would never steer us wrong, would he? lol

Priapus53 1443 reads
2 / 22

If mrng is tj, that's pretty fucked up; if not, that's REALLY fucked up.

Mrnogood & Robertini are both retarded paranoid schizophrenics. A match made in heaven, as they
hold hands awaiting "the coming rapture".

Howard_Beale_2011 5782 reads
3 / 22

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!

We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."

Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.

I want you to get mad!

- Howard Beale - (from the movie classic Network)

The attached video clip is an updated version, circa 2011.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1275 reads
4 / 22

is behind the alias of Mr. NG?????

Does it really matter that much???

Stop reading Mr. NG stuff and maybe you won't be so concerned. Hell, I stopped reading your ridiculous OT posts months ago.  And life if much better now!!!!

And it is very clear that you are infatuated with TJ as well.  C'mon, you know you miss her . . . . .

Priapus53 1441 reads
5 / 22

& take your own advice & stop reading my posts, if they offend your frail sensibilities so much." Life is SO much better now"?!-----Jesus---------GET A LIFE !
Apparently, live & let live is a credo unknown to
your obtuse mentality-----:)

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 2337 reads
6 / 22

You are so fucking easy to fuck with . . .  LOL!!!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1562 reads
7 / 22

...he might take his ball and go home again. :)

Priapus53 1001 reads
8 / 22

Also, the "old maid" doesn't have a ball to take home------;)

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 10:03:28 AM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1316 reads
9 / 22

Judging from the quality of his posts, he doesn't have a brain to take home either. :)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1785 reads
10 / 22

Why? Because this guy is calling all the shots.
Speaking of shots, where's the Ecumenical Liberation Army when you need them?

Priapus53 1629 reads
11 / 22

He was a leftist & he'd be spinning in his grave the way a right wing jerk like you "stole" his charcter.

This is the SECOND time this tiresome "corprotocracy video" has surfaced. I can tell you this; Paddy's diet did not include what is shown on the pic below.

Lastly, if you're gonna throw bullshit "leftist racist" insult at me, keep in mind that leftist poster Zorff, who is black, also called me a "racist", which should negate any cheap shots coming from your pathetic, corporate bought, honky ass.

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 12:12:49 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1516 reads
12 / 22

holy jesus this pic has made me wanna come home early and bake me some goddamned cookies. Cookies! motherfucking cookies!!! Aren't cookies the most awesome goddamned thing in the world? COOOKIES!!!!!

shit, sorry guys. I knew I shouldn't have skipped lunch today. :)

Robertini 4 Reviews 1456 reads
13 / 22

Posted By: Howard_Beale_2011
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!

We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."

Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.

I want you to get mad!

- Howard Beale - (from the movie classic Network)

The attached video clip is an updated version, circa 2011.

Howard_Beale_2011 2974 reads
15 / 22

Posted By: GaGamblerssmarterbrother
and end up sharing a cardboard box with him.

Oh well, I guess I really doesn't matter, ng says the "end of days" is coming, and he would never steer us wrong, would he? lol
ng is an idiot. The latest in the long line of idiots who have infected this board with sheer stupidity and lowered the bar for everyone else.

Every minute you spend reading his offal is a minute of your life you will never get back.

marikod 1 Reviews 1684 reads
16 / 22

or the Captain of the Starship Enterprise, try not to end your sentences with "up."

    I think you owe Strunk and White an apology.

Priapus53 2438 reads
17 / 22

the subject heading is an example of colloquial writing, which you can shove up your Strunk & White------;)

pwilley 59 Reviews 1487 reads
18 / 22

I can tell you without doubt TJ has fantastic pussy, a really tight butt, and gives exceptional head.

marikod 1 Reviews 1668 reads
19 / 22

“The breezy style is often the work of an egocentric, the person who imagines that everything that pops into his head is of general interest and that uninhibited prose creates high spirits and carries the day.”

     “The author in this case has managed…to commit most of the unpardonable sins: he obviously has nothing to say, he is showing off and directing the attention of the reader to himself, he is using slang with neither provocation nor ingenuity…he is tasteless, humorous (though full of fun) [editor’s note – I think they meant “it”]” dull, and empty.”

Strunk and White, The Elements of Style page 73-74 (3d ed).

    Damn- do these guys know you?

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 6:44:37 PM

Priapus53 1261 reads
20 / 22

I find your "Strunkian ripostes" to be ahem, "ironic"---------;)-----LMAO !

Howard_Beale_2011 1500 reads
21 / 22

Posted By: willywonka4u
Judging from the quality of his posts, he doesn't have a brain to take home either. :)
And you think you do? You're just as big a thread hijacking ASSCLOWN as anyone on this board.

You think you're better than the Holier-Than-Thou Smug-Ass Conservatives but you're not. You are just as guilty as mng and the rest of the unwashed idiots of spreading swill and stupidity and disguising it as righteous indignation. Shut the fuck up and pay REAL attention to what's happening in the world.

Pissing contests in subthreads like this one having nothing to do with the original comments serve no purpose but feed the impression you're all ignorant as Fuck. your Kool-Aid doesn't taste any better than theirs does.

Stop worrying about the size of your dick on this forum and go find a hooker to tell you "Oh Willy!!! you're so BIIIIGGG!" Maybe you can believe that lie as well.

I'm MaD as HeLL!

Howard_Beale_2011 1195 reads
22 / 22

Posted By: Priapus53
He was a leftist & he'd be spinning in his grave the way a right wing jerk like you "stole" his charcter.

This is the SECOND time this tiresome "corprotocracy video" has surfaced. I can tell you this; Paddy's diet did not include what is shown on the pic below.

Lastly, if you're gonna throw bullshit "leftist racist" insult at me, keep in mind that leftist poster Zorff, who is black, also called me a "racist", which should negate any cheap shots coming from your pathetic, corporate bought, honky ass.
Speaking of clueless narcisstics, here you are, with no knowledge whatsoever about who this is, and what my agenda is, posting only so you can see your name in print.

Pri, in the past, you've called me a lefty, a righty, an anti-Semite AND written to me extolling how much our viewpoints have in common.

It's why they're called aliases, you hump.

Now, considering the post to which you commented wasn't even directed at you, how is it you find it necessary to respond when you would have been better left not saying anything.

Oh yeah, I forgot, Wednesday is when you channel MP67, another self-serving fool-on-a-stick.

I'm MaD As HeLL, and Paddy Chayefsky IS rolling in his grave after reading all the nonsense you post in this forum disguised as relevant commentary.

Stop taking yourself so seriously, go fuck a hooker, and write about THAT! Ir's all just a fantasy anyway, right?

PS - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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