Politics and Religion

Politics tends to be naturally polarizing because
thesausage 2095 reads
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Worst. Excuse. Ever.

About a month ago, Florida State Rep. Bob Allen (R), a co-chairman of John McCain’s presidential campaign in the Sunshine State, ran into a little trouble with the law. He was arrested in a public park after allegedly offering to pay to perform oral sex on an undercover police officer. Not a good career move.

Josh Marshall notes today, however, that ol’ state Rep. Allen can explain everything.

   It turns out that Allen revealed the true reason for the alleged park-john-offer in a tape recorded statement he made just after his arrest.

   “This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park,” said Allen, according to this article in the Orlando Sentinel. Allen went on to say he was afraid of becoming a “statistic.”

OK, let me get this straight. Allen was in a public park, late at night. For some reason, he’s afraid of black people. As a result of this irrational fear, he wanders into a bathroom, where he offers another Black man $20 to perform oral sex.

In other words, Allen thought he might be attacked by some “stocky” black men, and this is his first instinct? Josh added, “I guess this raises the question of whether if you thought you were about to get mugged by a group of stocky black guys, your first plan of escape would be to try to give one of them a blowjob.”

-- Modified on 8/7/2007 6:21:59 AM

-- Modified on 8/7/2007 6:23:01 AM

Jack Daniels 2407 reads
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The Republicans are no more prone to sexual deviation than the Democrats.  The reason their escapades get so much publicity is because they pretend they are the moral bastions of society.  They have no one to blame but themselves because of their pandering to the religious right. It is true they have picked up a sizeable amount of votes from the Evangelicals which has helped win elections, but it will hurt the party in the long run the same way affirmative action hurt the Democrats. The Democrats had the support of the majority of blue collar workers prior to affirmative action, court ordered quotas, etc.  They captured almost entirely the black vote from the Republicans but lost a greater number of low and medium income workers to the Republicans. From the conclusion of the Civil War to the depression of the 1930’s almost the entire black population of the United States, that was registered to vote, were registered Republicans.  Almost every elected official in the Southern United States was a white Democrat until the civil rights movement that began in the 1960’s. Now there are very few Democrats who hold elected office in the South and the former black Republicans have joined the Democrats.  If you preach family values you better practice what you preach. There are a lot of Republican elected officials who don’t buy into the high moral bullshit but they suffer just the same because of their party affiliation.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 2767 reads
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pulling their weight in the political perversion entertainment sweeps.

The Republicans seem to understand that politics is about entertainment, and they have consistently given us our money's worth.

So we all want to hear some tales of perverted Democrats.   We all know the Lewinsky BJ by heart, let's hear something new.

GaGambler 1911 reads
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just bigger hypocrites.I confess to voting more often for Republicans than Democrats, but on the hypocrisy scale, the reps outdo the dems in spades.
What really pisses me off is the fact that I can't buy a beer in a grocery store on Sunday because of these pious fucks, but they can boink a twelve year old boy behind closed doors.I don't believe in hell, but if there is one, I hope they reserve a special hot spot for these religious pukes who want to legislate their own morality on the rest of us, but can't practice what they preach.

Fuck the christian right, and fuck the dems for not coming up with anyone I can actually vote for.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1708 reads
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only the people with permanent hard-ons do it fulltime.

The Supremes made a really shitty call about allowing closed primaries on the theory of 1st amendment association.  Not that association isn't an implied 1st amendment right (and it's funny how righties can get behind activism when it's activism for THEM) but that political parties, using public facilities and processes to run for public office, are not private associations.

So open primaries was one of the last moderating influences, and that got shut down.  So now you have the extreme freaks on either end duking it out, with our tax dollars and bodies in the middle.

And ignorant shit like, "nukem all and let Jesus sort it out" doesn't improve things.  Bush got elected on the platform of ignorance as virtue, because the FUCKING! Democrats have to make everything perfect for everybody, because their poll workers are usually the rainbow fucken coalition.  

So now we have the Jesus crowd running things.  Maybe we can beg God to stop shitting on us, if we promise to burn a few more fags.   That should work real good.

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