Politics and Religion

Police Chief shoots his own wife at home!
randomvr301 493 reads

More proof guns are not for protection BUT to settle disputes in families, work place and kill for fun shootings in schools, malls and numerous places to name.

How can anyone in his/her right mind defend this and call this a civilized country.

She was fired, the union fought and went to arbitration and she gets her job back!    What sort of Justice system this country has?

It is less the "justice  system"  that the lock unions have on public service.

Look at the way it is virtually impossible to fire terrible teachers.  The same goes everywhere.  

I had a friend who was a nut case.  She worked for the L.A. District Attorney's Office.  It took over two years of having her get full salary not to work in order to reach an agreement where she "resigned" for anotther 6 months salary.

THe same story can be repeated a million times.

...phil by ignoring the example in the OP.  The cops did not want the officer back but the union took up the cause of a bad cop and shoved her down the PD's throat.

You righties hate unions, except for cop unions, right?

GaGambler483 reads

Phil the righty, and I fully agree with him, is most definitely blaming the cop union for putting a bad cop back on the street.

Hey, I admit to drinking a lot, what's your excuse for not understanding plain English? Or are you simply going to delete your post or use RAP to make my post vanish and pretend this never happened once you realize how dumb your post sounds.

...Where's the plain English?  He doesn't mention cops because he works with them and has to put up with their lies while licking their bung holes.  He has to eat crap every day while suborning perjured cop testimony to get convictions.  That's what DA's mean by "a search for the truth."

is a public service union. Where have you been BP these organizations have been responsible for destroying every failing city across America.

With the private sector unions, production will drop to the point that the company can no longer remain viable. Therefore the PS union has to have the best interest of the company in mind, for their members sake.

Where as a municipal worker union can rely on a never ending supply of taxpayer money to fund their shenanigans.  

... of course their was that incident with the UAW union, who bankrupted a private sector industry. Then relied on tax payer funding to keep their industry afloat.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...phil by ignoring the example in the OP.  The cops did not want the officer back but the union took up the cause of a bad cop and shoved her down the PD's throat.

You righties hate unions, except for cop unions, right?

Did this fact escape? Did I really need narrow down my definition of municipal worker to include public safety workers?

I'll mention it the FOP, I'm not sure if they are actually a union, but they seem to function as such.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...but nary a mention of cop unions.

FOP represents only LE. I think you are going for the Forever SPOTY.  

The point of my post was, service workers don't produce an end product, unlike production workers. The only way to screw up a service is not to complete the service. All municipal workers are service workers, the do not produce a prudent. The majority of private sector workers produce a product. The union representing production workers needs their workers to get the job done(produce the product). Service workers do not have to get the job done

Public safety workers might not need union representation, if the public didn't demand that they "look like us" Like that changes the public's opinion of the police.

Pure liberal nonsense, demand it and you'll get it!

DA_Flex341 reads

According to the GOP...The only union worth supporting/protecting are police unions.  The union busting that occurred in Wisconsin specifically exempted Police. No one loves law and order than a conservative.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
is a public service union. Where have you been BP these organizations have been responsible for destroying every failing city across America.  
 With the private sector unions, production will drop to the point that the company can no longer remain viable. Therefore the PS union has to have the best interest of the company in mind, for their members sake.  
 Where as a municipal worker union can rely on a never ending supply of taxpayer money to fund their shenanigans.  
 ... of course their was that incident with the UAW union, who bankrupted a private sector industry. Then relied on tax payer funding to keep their industry afloat.    
Posted By: BigPapasan
...phil by ignoring the example in the OP.  The cops did not want the officer back but the union took up the cause of a bad cop and shoved her down the PD's throat.  
 You righties hate unions, except for cop unions, right?

More proof guns are not for protection BUT to settle disputes in families, work place and kill for fun shootings in schools, malls and numerous places to name.

How can anyone in his/her right mind defend this and call this a civilized country.

Posted By: comfortzone
More proof guns are not for protection BUT to settle disputes in families, work place and kill for fun shootings in schools, malls and numerous places to name.  
 How can anyone in his/her right mind defend this and call this a civilized country.

Now the story is he shot her two times "accidentally"!  Really.   Hey Chief, first time is an accident, the second shot is called "murder".

Domestic violence, I have the tendency not to involve myself into other people's domestic issues. I find that there is nothing to gain by doing so.  

Posted By: comfortzone
Now the story is he shot her two times "accidentally"!  Really.   Hey Chief, first time is an accident, the second shot is called "murder".

Guns come in handy, right!    That sacred second amendment, the obsession called "protect myself against criminals".     Alas, the victim was not a criminal but the guy's wife.     So are the hundreds of wives, children and grand children.     They are not criminals.

Whatever happened to civilized discussion, argument, counselling etc.,    Guns show the easy way in this country.

What a dangerously gun obsessed society and culture.

...only hit once.  And it's not murder; she's still alive but in critical condition.

The chief has not been charged yet so he may try to finish the job to keep her from talking.

-- Modified on 1/2/2015 1:58:22 AM

We need more Governors who can bust these unions.

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