Politics and Religion

Parents, what would your reaction be...
no_email 3 Reviews 1890 reads

if your son or daughter, said they wanted to serve in the military?

Would your reaction be different, depending on the sex of the child enlisting?

can be a wonderful path for men to grow up and become responsible for something bigger than themselves.  my family has sacrificed enough for my unborn grandchildren, in my opinion.  But if I have a grandchild with dicipline problems one day, I would have the way the options of it still being wartime.

...when I was 18 a Marine recruiter came knocking on my door. I seriously considered joining. And then I read General Smedley Butler's book War Is A Racket. Ultimately, I decided not to be a thug for corporate America.

GaGambler351 reads

It's quite another to be a poorly paid one that is likely to get his ass shot off.

I did my time in the military, and I don't regret it for a minute, but if I were in my late teens today, I wouldn't consider it even for a minute.

I have to agree with the mainly lefty idea of reviving the draft and making the sons/daughters of privelege serve right along with "expendable" poor kids.

Even when there was a draft, because of exemptions, many of "the sons/daughters of privilege" stayed out.  Most of the grunts in 'Nam were blue collar.
BTW, Willy, so what are you now?  A thug for the Federal Government?  LOL!

-- Modified on 5/29/2013 3:46:22 PM

lol. No, Nicky, I'm a regulator who gets the joy of forcing corporations to obey the law, and sometimes gets the joy of fining them, and once in a blue moon, I get to raid them. Let me tell ya, those raids are more fun than field trips ever were in school. This anti-capitalist has to get his jollies somehow. :)

The sexual assaults on females would make me do every thing I could to stop a daughter from joining. A son I'd probably try to talk them out of it, maybe if they were through college and entering with a special skill or rank. I don't regret serving but definitely see the down side to it.  

Posted By: bigvern
if your son or daughter, said they wanted to serve in the military?  
 Would your reaction be different, depending on the sex of the child enlisting?

for such a horribly managed and historically ungrateful employer"?


 I'm just thankful I'm NOT a parent.

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