Politics and Religion

Palin the sessionist next smear
Timbow 2377 reads

The campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., likes to herald the independence of its new running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."

Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.
We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

She says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be.

"My own separate opinion as an individual is that we should be an independent nation," Clark says. Others in the AIP "believe that being a commonwealth would be a good avenue to follow." Some advocate statehood -- but a fuller statehood than exists now.

She doesn't know what Palin's position was.

"It never came up in conversation," Clark recalls. "But when she joined the party, our platform was right under her nose."

Clark says that Palin left the party and became a Republican in 1996, when she first ran for mayor of Wasilla.


Jack Tapper is another piece of work . What do y'all think about this attempt on Palin ? Being from SC I know all about  secession and this is another pathetic attempt to paint her as not worthy of being VP. This matter seems more like State  Rights then her being   unpatriotic.

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 7:08:23 AM

GaGambler1607 reads

Her only answer needs to be,"I am for State Rights, and a smaller Federal Government just like any "true" conservative" end of story. What's not to like? Even the new thorn in my ass, RR should have no problems with this one.

jaytee663417 reads

I'm familiar with Bristol Bay.  The politics is mid-nineteenth century.  The proposed VP's positions include digging a copper mine that will kill all the fish and salmon in that area - the world's greatest fishing spot for them.

The Alaskans have never voted to protect the environmnent when they could make a buck.

And they pay Alaskans around $9,000 a year to reside there.  From the oil exploration.

Now the 'soccer mom' is gonna be a grandma because she doesn't believe in safe sex.

Then they ask the US Government to build a bridge.  If they had taken that oil money and spent it on the states infrastructure, they would have that bridge in Ketchikan and lots more!

A stupid criticism to bring up.  I doubt Obama would even consider it.

Its annoying.  Both parties can easily say, "This is what [the other guy] said he wants to do.  This is why he is wrong.  This is why I'm right."

Instead we're going to have to weed out all of the nonsensical drivel as best we can.

McCain was actually abducted by aliens and the government came up with the POW story as a cover, while Obama had a muslim prayer rug in his mother's uterus with him with instructions on how to surrender the US to al-qaeda woven into the material.  Why aren't we focusing on concrete issues like that?

Timbow2075 reads

''You must be joking. What a pathetic excuse for a defense of this fringe, secessionist group and Palin’s membership in it. Palin is so done. This is a direct quote from Joe Folger, founder of the Alaska INDEPENDENCE Party, “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.” After what we’ve said about Rev. Wright, any defense of the AIP from the right is beyond hypocritical.''

From Left site ,they are reaching .
It has started  does Obama really want these nut jobs to go this route . Rev Wright is supposed to be writing  a new book in OCT too :)

GaGambler1619 reads

that he can't win a stone throwing contest while living in a glass house.

His supporters OTOH are no where near that smart.

kerrakles1517 reads

Palin also wiped her ass with some leaves while hunting. I read it on Daily Kos!

I know a guy who did that once, and got poison oak.  Poor bastard.

Tusayan1006 reads

How is it a smear if she voluntarily joined this organization and the media are now reporting on it?  Are there any factual errors in the story? Sounds to me like the only reason she left the AIP was political opportunism.  You guys might want to drop it right now because as more news comes out each day about the background and history of Caribou Barbie she just becomes more of a joke and so does McCain for selecting her.

GaGambler1429 reads

It plainly says she denies ever being a member of the AIP and has her voter registration proving she has been a registered Repulican since 1982.

Sheesh you guys just don't give up do you? In case you don't want to read the story yourself I'll copy it for you

""Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982," Rogers says, providing voter registration documentation showing her to be a Republican. "As you know, if she changed her registration, there would have been some record of it. There isn’t"

You would think you would prefer a woman that was not just another "Loyal Republican".If there is ever a Republican that doesn't follow the Bush/Cheney mold it would be her.

RightwingUnderground1360 reads

I can't find a link, but even Blubberman's crew on PMSNBC are saying tonight the NYT was wrong. Palin is a long time member of the Republican party. Gosh so much for a venerable institution like the NYTs checking their sources. Or maybe they did, but just didn't care that they were wrong.


Timbow1275 reads


Mathews says it seems the feeding frenzy is down to a minnow. An old DWI and a pregnant daughter. The Alaska Independent party Story was false and is now admitted to by the Times.:)

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