Politics and Religion

Only the most naive person on earth would think that Bill has been "faithful"
followme 1743 reads
1 / 18

Fucking Clown Car.

There are rumors floating about, that Joe Biden, Al gore and even John Kerry are considering getting into the race. ( especially if hillwhorie continues to get more damaged, which is very likely)

Can you see those three going at it?....in a debate that is.

It is looking like the dems are in much more disarray than they will admit.  

This is getting very entertaining, almost as much as the libs here.

2016 = GOP All The Way

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 460 reads
2 / 18

When there's this many candidates I often try to picture any of them in the White House. Do any of them seem Presidential?  

Scott Walker? Trump? Santorum? Rubio? Rick Perry? Bobby Jindal? Huckabee? Lindsey Graham? Ted Cruz? Chris Christie? Ben Carson?

On the Dem side I can at least picture Kerry, Gore or Clinton as President. Not saying I'd vote for any of these people. But it seems to me that the Democratic side of the race is pretty boring, unless you count Bernie Sanders. Which I plan to vote for, but I admit I can't picture him as President. But on the Republican side? That's the biggest fucking clown car that's ever graced the circus.  

And Trump is like a little gift of comedy gold. Here you have a freaking troll competing to be President of the United States, and he has a double digit lead in the polls over every other Republican because the Republican party has become a party of trolls. Trump is either a complete idiot or a fucking genius. I don't know which.

HONDA 153 Reviews 415 reads
3 / 18

..........for POTUS knowing full well the drama he would create on the Republican side. Bill Clinton is a political genius, weaken the eventual Republican nominee and make it an easy cakewalk for his wife to win the General election. Trump at this point has nothing to lose, he can insult anyone or anything and get away it., he's also having a ball too...lol

Posted By: willywonka4u
When there's this many candidates I often try to picture any of them in the White House. Do any of them seem Presidential?  
 Scott Walker? Trump? Santorum? Rubio? Rick Perry? Bobby Jindal? Huckabee? Lindsey Graham? Ted Cruz? Chris Christie? Ben Carson?  
 On the Dem side I can at least picture Kerry, Gore or Clinton as President. Not saying I'd vote for any of these people. But it seems to me that the Democratic side of the race is pretty boring, unless you count Bernie Sanders. Which I plan to vote for, but I admit I can't picture him as President. But on the Republican side? That's the biggest fucking clown car that's ever graced the circus.  
 And Trump is like a little gift of comedy gold. Here you have a freaking troll competing to be President of the United States, and he has a double digit lead in the polls over every other Republican because the Republican party has become a party of trolls. Trump is either a complete idiot or a fucking genius. I don't know which.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 373 reads
4 / 18

Gores time has come and gone. If he wanted another run at POTUS, he would have kept an active role (ie some cabinet post in Obama's administration). I doubt he would be drafted by the DNC.  

Kerry I do see an outside chance he might try to springboard his efforts as Sec of State into another run for the Oval office. But if he did... the GOP and maybe even some Dems would "Swift boat" him over the Iran negotiations (we can argue the Iran deal elsewhere... its not the subject of this thread) as well as the "quintessential insider" gambit. Plus hes boring as shit and is not a compelling public speaker.

Which leaves Clinton, the most likely candidate. Sanders is a delight, and has tossed a real firecracker into the mix, but he will never gain the support of mainstream DNC. O'Malley has no chance in hell, but could be looked at as a potential VPOTUS candidate come convention time.

Once upon a time, I posted in this very forum how much I liked Joe Biden as a potential candidate for POTUS. He might have been a good choice in 2004 or 2008, but he is not a good choice in 2016. If there is a younger more vital and robust candidate for the Democrats in 2016, he or she has not yet manifested. Theres still plenty of time for Stephen Colbert to make another run. (Seriously, I hope they do find someone as a credible and viable alternative to Hillary)


but seriously folks... Rubio Kasich Fiorina Jeb Walker - theres your Fatal Five once the low hanging fruit and the good Doctor Carson have dropped out. I wish Carson had more dynamism as a speaker, he is certainly a most intelligent man, just not cut from a politicians cloth.  

Last comment... Trump is a self promoting entertainer currently shooting his next Reality TV show. It's gonna be great. There is nobody better at manipulating the media to gain free exposure. He's ratings gold.  
Posted By: willywonka4u
When there's this many candidates I often try to picture any of them in the White House. Do any of them seem Presidential?  
 Scott Walker? Trump? Santorum? Rubio? Rick Perry? Bobby Jindal? Huckabee? Lindsey Graham? Ted Cruz? Chris Christie? Ben Carson?  
 On the Dem side I can at least picture Kerry, Gore or Clinton as President. Not saying I'd vote for any of these people. But it seems to me that the Democratic side of the race is pretty boring, unless you count Bernie Sanders. Which I plan to vote for, but I admit I can't picture him as President. But on the Republican side? That's the biggest fucking clown car that's ever graced the circus.  
 And Trump is like a little gift of comedy gold. Here you have a freaking troll competing to be President of the United States, and he has a double digit lead in the polls over every other Republican because the Republican party has become a party of trolls. Trump is either a complete idiot or a fucking genius. I don't know which.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 297 reads
5 / 18

to confuse their mindless Repugnant followers.

2016 = GOP all the way to hell

GaGambler 322 reads
6 / 18

but I still disagree that he wants Hillary in the White House.

I also think that the Dems are starting to fill up their own clown car, with the exception of Webb, none of the rest of the Democratic field look the least bit "presidential" to me.

-- Modified on 8/15/2015 3:10:17 AM

GaGambler 403 reads
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but sneaking women in and out of the White House with his reputation just aint gonna happen,  

I don't think it's going to matter anyhow, the more I see and hear Hillary campaign, the more I understand why Obama was able to beat her. I am going to go on record right here and right now. Hillary is NOT going to be POTUS in 2016. I am not claiming to know who is, or even what party the next POTUS will come from, but I am willing to put money on it if any one cares to make a "friendly wager" Hillary is NOT going to be the next POTUS, I sort of doubt she will even win the nomination. You don't think our favorite crazy uncle BSC Joe is thinking about running for nothing, do you?

HONDA 153 Reviews 274 reads
8 / 18

.........but at the very end it will be Clinton vs Bush, unfortunately. I really wish we could have Webb vs Kasich during the generals which would be a win, win for the country.

Posted By: GaGambler
but I still disagree that he wants Hillary in the White House.  
 I also think that the Dems are starting to fill up their own clown car, with the exception of Webb, none of the rest of the Democratic field look the least bit "presidential" to me.

-- Modified on 8/15/2015 3:10:17 AM

GaGambler 478 reads
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I NEVER said he'd be doing it in the White House, I said the exact OPPOSITE, that she would NEVER allow that to happen. and you are the one who is naïve if you think Bill isn't out there banging other women right now. My point is that would come to a SCREECHING halt if they were to move back into the White House and he knows it. Do you really think that Bill is going to go without pussy for YEARS just to see his wife get elected POTUS? Not to mention the fact that he would have to play second fiddle to the THAT woman for the entire time she was POTUS.

A sex scandal would have done nothing to Hillary as either a Senator or as Sec of State, quite the contrary it would have made her even more sympathetic a figure and might have even helped her chances of being such a strong woman.  A sex scandal right now won't hurt her much either. As usual you seem to have missed my entire point. My point is that Bill knows where "all the bodies are buried" no one gets to where the Clintons are today without at least some dirty dealings.  Bill would never be obvious about sabotaging Hillary's run at the White House, but if it took leaking something sensitive and damaging at the last hour to keep from having to live under her thumb for a minimum of four years, I guarantee you he'd find a way, and I further guarantee you he'd do it without ever leaving a trace that he was behind it. As you said "Bubba's a genius" and I doubt seriously he'd ever get caught.

GaGambler 397 reads
10 / 18

No one gives a fuck who the spouse of the Sec of State is, and that spouse is almost never in the news. The first lady however, (or first man in Bill' case) is constantly in the spot light and attracts more paparazzi than the Oscars.

Are you seriously claiming that Bill has been "faithful" since his wife became Senator Clinton? If so, you aren't naïve, you're fucking deluded.

HONDA 153 Reviews 475 reads
11 / 18

Posted By: Laffy
borders on psychotic.  
 When Bubba was Prez, they investigated he and Hillary for a million different things.  If he farted wrong, they launched an investigation.  
 And it's even worse with Obama.  When he didn't wear a flag pin, they acted, for an entire week, like he murdered 1,000 puppies on live TV.  
 When he gave his wife a fist bump, they called it a TERRORIST fist bump and treated it like he had nuked Jerusalem.  
 Yet you're telling us Bill was banging chicks left and right while she was Sec of State and the Righties stayed silent on it?  
 Faux, which cares more about ratings than anything, which they proved by bare-backing Trump after trying to destroy him, stayed silent on the issue when their ratings would have gone thru the roof with, "Obama's Secretary of State, the HATED Hillary, got cheated on repeatedly by her "serial rapist" husband Bill....again!!!"  
 Mitt Romney didn't use it to humiliate Obama to help him into the White House?  
 Righties and Faux thought that story would be "no big deal" and gave the two people they hate more than Lucifer himself a free pass.  
 TMZ and the National Enquirer passed on it too when it would have been a GOLD MINE for them?  
 Heck, they've reported stories with FAR less "national interest" and would have been on Bubba cheating like Christie on a dozen donuts.  

GaGambler 369 reads
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is the same man who believes that Bill Clinton hasn't fucked anyone but his wife in the last decade.

Is anyone else laughing their fucking ass off at the likelihood that Bill Fucking Clinton hasn't had any strange in the last 10+ years? Talk about dumb, naïve and just plain fucking stupid. We don't have a new entry for SPOTY, we have the clear cut winner.

GaGambler 236 reads
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Or just how long any of the people you mention got away with it without being caught.

I stand behind my words, If you think that Bill Clinton hasn't had any "strange" in the last decade, you are as dumb as Hadji or fatgirl, maybe even dumber if that's possible.

GaGambler 326 reads
14 / 18

You have a better chance of convincing me that Jesus loves me that trying to talk me into thinking that after a lifetime of whoring around, Bill Clinton is on the straight and narrow because of "social media

GaGambler 309 reads
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Bill Clinton has been whoring around his entire life, and still you believe that he has stopped just because he wife was elected to the Senate. I had no idea you were so gullible.

and just how would Bill's cheating possibly have brought down Obama?

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 2:43:59 AM

GaGambler 293 reads
16 / 18

and after reading my link (you did read it, right?) you still believe that Bill has been keeping it in his pants? if so, you have to be the most naïve person ever to have graced these boards.  

The fact is, Bubba being Bubba is simply not newsworthy anymore, and it won't be again unless and until he tries doing it as "first man"

followme 310 reads
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There is no doubt that daffy is a clinton lackey boy.

He will toss bubba's salad every chance he gets.

Of course slick willie is fucking any skank he can get his hands on.  

Also daffy denies it but he is clearly not only a hillwhorie fan he is the president of her fan club.

Thank you
2015 = 28

YairMarx 298 reads
18 / 18
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