Politics and Religion

Only one thing I like more than a Republicon's certainty
Chuck Darwin 1963 reads

and that's their hysteria.   Like a bunch of little girls discovering a dog turd.

Lucky for them that they don't need any evidence to believe in a reality.   That would REALLY fuck their minds.

Seems to me that a smart fellow would keep his mouth shut until he had some idea of what he was talking about.   But Republicons know that if you cry & wail enough, reality will adapt.   Well, at least your brain blows out so you don't have to deal with it.  

BHO has a snowballs chance in hell of being elected....

but you can "hope"


-- Modified on 5/20/2008 8:08:41 AM

She has made herself a legitimate campaign issue, because she's making so many, too many political speeches, but that's a shitty ad. Whoever made it should be fired.

Meanwhile the transcripts of her speeches are enough to give you the willies, and when you hear her deliver them in that scratchy, whiny voice, squawking about everything, well, I can't wait for John and Jane Q Public to get a load of her.

My favorite is when she bitches about coming out of college deeply in debt. What she doesn't say is how B.O. means to fix it. As a former law professor my guess is he won't be asking the "non-profit" colleges to cut the six figure salaries and single digit working hours of the professors. My guess is he'll want gov't to pay for college rather than reform. Then our colleges will be as bad as our public schools (thanks Dems!) and the complaints about HS grads who can't read will be way down because it won't matter.

So much lefty bullshit, so little time.

about 60% of their operating costs come from federal and state grants and contracts.  Another 20-30% comes from charitable donations, contracts with industry and endowments.  Finally we come to the 10-20% that comes from tuition.  College tuitions have risen about 6-9% per annum for a number of years.  but it is driven by what?

Oh, as for contracts with industry?  Consider, most (if not practically speaking) all of the clinical research necessary for a new drug to be approved is conducted at a university run hospital... and guess what - it ain't cheap.  Lots of funds coming from INDUSTRY to ACADEMIA....

wanna grip?  talk to the congressman.... cause guess what, most colleges and universities are considered non-profit... and as such are tax exempt.

Yea, Deeply in debt... ok, so who forced her to go into debt?  who forced her to go to Harvard law after obtaining a Princeton undergrad degree...???  Who?  not me!  by the way, I too incurred debt in going to school, I paid it off - and never looked back.  what is her beef!?

As I have said earlier, if Universities - such as Harvard wished to, they could grant every qualified and enrolled student free tuition... and STILL MAKE A FRICKIN PROFIT!  gimme a break.

When are libs (especially poor libs) gonna realize, there are whole institutions and "ways of doing things" that are in large part DESIGNED to keep the poor - poor and more sadly - uneducated.

kerrakles2334 reads

I don't know what bullshit she is talking about coming out of Harvard. Harvard has a very unique system for student loans. They use their on money for loans and the students pays it back few years after graduating.

Harvard has the largest self funded (from trusts, etc.) in the country. Tuition at Harvard can be never funded with government student loans because, all government loans have a max and it doesn't change based which school you go to. Because of this reason, Harvard set up fund eons ago.

Must be another one of Michelle's dissatisfaction with the mean country of America. Yes, she actually said "America is a down right mean country".

AVoiceofReason1722 reads

Bigoted a-holes like Babs - and you.

It's gonna happen Billy - your worst nightmare, a Black man as President.


harryj1616 reads

Those rednecks are indeed something. Don't screw with them. They don't give up by folding their tent every time there is a challenge.
Osama Hussein Obama can be president of the ten states only he knows about, but he is not going to be President of the United States. No amount of political correctness and race baiting will get him elected to that office.
Whiney, overpaid Michelle is a disgrace to America and an insult to all the peasants she and her husband are trying to screw.

kerrakles2115 reads

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

We are the hope we have been hoping for.

We are the inspiration we have been inspiring for.

We are the change we have been changing for.

How dare you question me or Michelle, we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Remember, the press went after the Bush kids... but they were not campaigning... on the other hand, they also went after every first lady since Elanor R.  

My fave?  Chelsea Clinton.  Handled with kid gloves... until she was campaigning... and they made the mistake of letting folks who had not submitted their questions previously ask questions.... and a supporter of Hillary asked Chelsea what she thought of her mother's handling of the Lewinsky affair.... she blew up...  Since... well Chelsea keeps a lower profile.... in short, she got outta the kitchen...   perhaps a lesson for Barry's wife "chelle"!

Timbow3165 reads

How about Ferrarro she ain't too weak .I love this quote.
A guy in the crowd at NH said iron my shirts to Hillary on a sign ,
Ferrarro fired back what if the sign said Obama will you shine my shoes :)

and fairydust nimrods like you, his appeal really wanes...

when Main Street gets a load of what an ungrateful, hateful bitch his wife is, it'll be a landslide...

Besides, he's hardly "black"....

Chuck Darwin1692 reads

unless maybe she was fucking half the voters.  Lincoln was elected with a fucking CRAZY wife, and FDR was elected FOUR (4) times with a horse's ass wife.   Nobody gives a shit about the wife, and you fellows ranting about wives and lapel pins just sound deranged.

It's economics, and other fright games, and whatever residual prejudices they may have for or agin a fellow.  Spouses just don't rank.

The fact that Obama drew 75k in Portland the other day, and that he's getting $50 contributions from everywhere, should scare the shit right outta you.  You'll need every man woman, child, dog & muskrat the KKK can muster.

Lincoln and FDR are wormfood. this is now and i'm telling you flimflam and TOL are not smart enough to have kept theior big yammers shut when the should have. of course, they needeed  the spew to get the monolith leaning ther way but guess waht? caught on tape.

Utube don't m,atter? tell it to george allen...

"You are the nitwits I've been waiting for!"

Chuck Darwin2183 reads

surprised right out of them.   This is really a 'who-the-fuck-knows' race, and I doubt that anybody's rant changes the odds.

Yes, I'd bet on the outcome either way.  But I don't believe in fair fights or even bets, because they're just not worthwhile.   So while I actually believe it could go either way, I'd limit the bet to maybe $1K at 20-1 or something around there.

i don't fuckin know dude. at this point i'm not seriously investred either way...

i just DID NOT want the Cunt and Hillary back in the WH....

now i caN JUSt relax and piss off thin skinned dummyrats

Chuck Darwin1964 reads

and that's their hysteria.   Like a bunch of little girls discovering a dog turd.

Lucky for them that they don't need any evidence to believe in a reality.   That would REALLY fuck their minds.

Seems to me that a smart fellow would keep his mouth shut until he had some idea of what he was talking about.   But Republicons know that if you cry & wail enough, reality will adapt.   Well, at least your brain blows out so you don't have to deal with it.  

Reality?  gotta get you back in the box with Schrodinger's cat.  First off, Barry and Chelle don't quite get it - and "it" is something that has been clear since Nixon and Rosemary Woods did that thing with the tape recorder... you are going to be held responsible for what you say.... and it WILL BE TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT - by the right AND THE FRICKING LEFT - mr upchuck.

IF she did not wish to have it played over and over and over and over.... she should not have uttered such a dribble of trite.

She is a frickin HARVARD LAW GRAD - for gods sake.... is she stuoooopid?  

Clearly this is a case of lots and lots of book learnin.... but no (read zero 0000000000.0000) common sense.

But hey - the wailing and crying... yea, that is only what the Reps do... we've never, ever seen the Dems do that...  (Hillary really was not crying she only got something caught in her eye...  yea, that's what it was...)

As for reality... well, let me see....

Chuck Darwin1862 reads

Most of what you say is not only unfalsifiable, not only irrelevant, but also wonderfully wacked out!  You sound like a psychic at an accountants' convention.

the obamas seem not to like to be quoted... if Michelle does not wish to have her own words used against her - she should either be more careful - or shut up.  

As for your statement "Lucky for them that they don't need any evidence to believe in a reality."  You seem to think that you can be sure that you've all the evidence... How do you know?  Me?  even though I understand the "Scientific method" and have practiced it, I also know that rarely do we actually control all of the variables... cause guess what, seldom do we know "all the variables"  but I guess you do.

"a smart fellow would keep his mouth shut until he had some idea of what he was talking about" - Seems to me, that Michelle Obama should heed this advice - or at least until her hubby is elected.... or for that matter - even nominated.

"Republicans know... cry & wail enough, reality will adapt"  'scuse me?  who cried in this campaign?  who?  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/01/07/hillary-tears-up-on-the-c_n_80254.html

Phuleeese.... the only person who cried - was a dem... and she had good reason - she was getting her clock cleaned!

So help me!  false.... according to published accounts... yup... you have stated, at best, incomplete truths, but actually closer to flasehoods...

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