Politics and Religion

Only if it goes poorly and she can blame it on someone else. (eom)
Powr 2 da people no delay 844 reads


fasteddie512756 reads

Recently I said that I was actually beginning to fear that Palin might be able to achieve high office on her celebrity factor alone, and some, GaGambler in particular, told me I had nothing to worry about, so I'm curious what people think.  It's a two part poll.

One, do you think that Sara Palin will run for political office between now and 2012.  Not necessarily the presidency, but maybe the senate.

Two, if she does run, does she actually have a chance of winning?  No chance? little chance? A legimate chance? or Hell, yeah!

My opnion is that she will seek some office in the three years, and yes, she has a legitimate chance of winning (shudder!)

I would vote TWICE for her if given the opportunity. Does she have a chance? Not really. We are not an america of self-responsibility. We are an america of 'seeking validation'for our wrong doings.

This is fuzzy i know. I'll see if i can explain it better later after i wake up.

I just gotta ask: WHY would you vote for her? I'm genuinely interested in hearing valid reasons to support her. I'm a conservative, and I'll be darned if I can think of any.

I live, sadly, in Northern Va, and see daily how corrupt our elected officals truly are. They may come to Washington from their hometown with all the best intentions but this town changes them.

Usually this is a 4-6 year process. After the indoctrination, they are fighting for their careers and their homes in McLean or Bethesda, not our country and most definintely not you or me.

Most of them tow the party line for fear of being cut out in the game of campaign fund contributions by the party. These people truly work for "the party" not you or me. That term "the party" might be vaguely familiar to you from the 80s. The goals and process is not dissimiliar to that of "the party" running the old USSR.

Sarah Pallin is sometimes a loose cannon but in fact made her bones ripping into the corrupt Republican Party in Alaska. Since she is and was a Republican that is saying something. She was probably naive thinking national politics was similiar to Alaska's but people like her because they think she is saying what she truly believes. This is very rare among national politicans, almost unknown and people sense this.

Sarah Pallin has her faults but believes in the principles of our founding fathers. The current group running our once great country, now in seroius decline, believes in winning and maintaining control over our lives at all costs.
I think people see her as the only current alternative to the current grim situation.

she would --except in the case of astounding circumstances-- never win National office.  I don't know Alaska politics enough to have any idea if she could get elected to the Senate

St. Croix1427 reads

Maybe if she ran for Congress she could possibly win, but considering some of the morons in Congress today, it might actually be an improvement. I'm talking about the House not the Senate. I just wish Palin would do something stupid just to get Tiger Woods off the front page.

I'm even thinking of moving to SFO just to vote Pelosi out of office. I know I know, my other choice would be Cindy Sheehan. That should tell you how much I despise Pelosi.

GaGambler983 reads

How do you possibly choose between Pelosi and Sheehan. I guess it comes down to who can do the least damage, a freshman Congresswoman or reelecting the Speaker of the House?

Put in this context, I guess I would have to vote for Sheehan as well.

so I don't have the time or energy to waste on following Pallin's activities, or speculate on her career.

that is just inarticulate enough to appeal to those who like her, and scare those opposed to her point of view.

having said that, she is a bit spooky... but the house or senate may be a safe place to put her, certainly NOT the whitehouse... EVER!

Snowman391064 reads

sonsidering the fact that there are people a hell of a lot dumber already in office....

Barney Frank
Sheila Jackson Lee
Nancy Pelosi

and others.

To answer, I believe she will shoot for the 2012 nomination. She will be a contender but she will not get it.

IF she were smart, she would try top be the next Senator from Alaska. She would have a really good shot at that.

You dont go thru all the BS that she is doing without a plan to run again. Once you get the taste of the national scene it is in your blood. There is a theory in politics that goes like this:Billy Bob runs for local dog catcher in hillbilly heaven and wins. He wakes up the next morning to shave, looks in the mirror and hears HAIL TO THE CHIEF in his head. Ms. Palin is all prepared to run for the White House in 2012. Her only problem is that her base of conservatives is thinning and she does NOT appeal to the middle ground.

Tusayan931 reads

If she does run for office and win will she quit before her term is over?

The only reason she would even CONSIDER something less than the White House is if it becomes clear VERY early on that she won't win.  Otherwise, if she even has a chance of being remotely competitive, she will get enough money from other people who view her the same way Dubya was viewed (perfect figurehead for certain values) to make a go of it and promote herself as much as possible so that when the run is over, she can take advantage of it, either for more time or for another position.

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