Politics and Religion

One more thing 2000..
hound88 49 Reviews 629 reads

Look in this thread where the idiot in questions says this, "where do you see quotations marks? Didn't you learn what these are for". Then he goes into racial stereotyping in which he is an expert at.  

This idiot seems to think, as long as things are not in quotations, it's not plagiarism. In essence, he did not know what in the hell he was doing. It is also crystal clear concerning his original intent, he did not know better. If he was not a devote racist, I would not have said a word since this is a fuck board. But, that not being the case, he was exposed for being the bigot  he really is.  As I stated,  he was messing with the wrong one!

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:40:25 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:47:26 AM


 on Breitbart TV 21 Jul 2014, 12:36 PM PDT 3874 post a comment
Monday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) announced he is deploying 1,000 Texas National Guard to the U.S. border with Mexico, saying he can not idly sit by while "our citizens are under siege."  

Pointing out the tens of thousands pf unaccompanied minors only make up roughly 20 percent of those being apprehended illegally crossing the border, Perry said he can no longer wait for the president to act as gang members and drug cartels flood into Texas, causing crime to skyrocket. Perry pointed out Texas tax payers can not bear the expense of processing and housing the surge of illegal immigration caused by President Obama's 2012 executive action "Dream Act" which has given people in Central America the idea children will be allowed to stay once in the U.S.  

Perry has repeatedly called on President Obama to visit the border, calling his refusal Obama’s “Katrina,” moment.

salonpas953 reads

What a prick! If this was such a "great idea" why did he wait until now? It's going to cost Texas $12 million/month to keep National Guard troops at the border, it would probably be cheaper to put the Tea Party Hillbilly's at the border - who can patrol on their hoverounds.

Footnote: Obama asked Governor Perry last week to urge House Republicans to support $3.7 billion dollars in emergency funds for border security. House Republicans complained that there would have to be budget cuts in other programs to "balance the budget". They then turned around and gave corporations a tax break adding $287 billion dollars to the deficit.

86H13LTP648 reads

Now the muzzie POTUS has to federalize them like U of Alabama with George Wallace or he needs to get the fuck out of the way.  

Rick Perry put that SOC in a slinger where he must finally make a decision . Either way lefty loses. !

What does he expect the Texas national guard to do? Shoot at children? This has nothing to do with solving a problem, but rather has to do with Perry trying to win bonus points when he attempts to get the Republican nomination in 2016.  

But that's not Perry's biggest problem. His problem is that compared to him, Dubya doesn't look all that dumb.

He failed at being nitwit.

He wants be POTUS.  

All we need is a Texas size Village Idiot, again

Calling us stupid. Not every 10 year old can do that!

Cause bug to have a melt down and get the thread pulled since he is being exposed for the fraud he is! He is an expert at bs and getting threads pulled once called out! Or, he will not defend his own ignorant ass post because he can't! By the way, please do not mention legal issue to bug, he does not understand federal v state power.

First, you start a thread with a statement perry never made, do not explain your dumb ass statement, then  cut and paste the entire article, how freaking shallow!  However, in the world you live in, this type of bs is fine right? You are slow as hell! Remember idiot, words have meaning. I know you subscribe to  Atwater's  ideology, that's why your the dumbest person in this forum. Now google that since you do not have a freakin clue concerning what I just said.

-- Modified on 7/22/2014 2:06:17 AM

GaGambler1084 reads

The message the Federal Government, ie Obama, Nancy Pelosi, et al, is sending to poor people with kids all over Pan America, is that if you are willing to risk your child's life, we will take said child into our country and give them all the benefits of citizenship.

Is this really the message we want to be sending to every poor family within 6,000 miles of the US? Just how many children can we absorb, and wouldn't those resources be better spent on our own "poor" children?

That said, I can't stand Perry, and I would actually vote for the Hildabeast over him. and yes BigNarc, I know full well I said I would NEVER vote for her, no matter how bad her opponent, but you can just see the slime oozing from Rick Perry's skin. He is like a preacher, a used car salesman, and the slimiest of politicians all rolled up into one. I think he would fit in just fine in Chicago, and I would be more than happy to send him to you.

Thinking about it, Rick Perry reminds me a lot of your very own Rod Blagojevich, I wonder if he could use a cell mate? Two former governors, one a thieving Democrat, and the other a thieving Republican, sharing the same jail cell, Can't you just taste the irony? lol

GaGambler845 reads

Not to mention the fact that I won a bet with Priapussy on the recall election, where he was POSITIVE that Walker would be kicked out on his ass.

Who uses fracking and other methods. Do you think fracking is safe? The historahphy is all over the place concern it.

GaGambler674 reads

There are exceptions which I don't mind going into at some later time, but I have to run tonight. Pussy calls.

If you'd really like to discuss fracking with someone who has fracked hundreds of wells over several decades without issue, remind me tomorrow and we can talk. and yes I will tell you the kinds of fracking that I do believe is unsafe.

Why are many states, like my home state NC, Making it illegal and criminal to make it public the chemicals and other material used in the process? Also, look at what's occurring in places like WV, ND where the ground water, some rivers and creeks, have been polluted with the by products of fracking.  

ND has a major problem with companies drilling in the state dumping hazard material from the drilling process on Native American,public lands, and even in abandon buildings in rural areas. I know I'm addressing two issues. But I'm interested in hearing what an experienced oil man thinks. How does your company deal with these issues?

Posted By: GaGambler
The message the Federal Government, ie Obama, Nancy Pelosi, et al, is sending to poor people with kids all over Pan America, is that if you are willing to risk your child's life, we will take said child into our country and give them all the benefits of citizenship.  

Is this really the message we want to be sending to every poor family within 6,000 miles of the US? Just how many children can we absorb, and wouldn't those resources be better spent on our own "poor" children?

That said, I can't stand Perry, and I would actually vote for the Hildabeast over him. and yes BigNarc, I know full well I said I would NEVER vote for her, no matter how bad her opponent, but you can just see the slime oozing from Rick Perry's skin. He is like a preacher, a used car salesman, and the slimiest of politicians all rolled up into one. I think he would fit in just fine in Chicago, and I would be more than happy to send him to you.

Thinking about it, Rick Perry reminds me a lot of your very own Rod Blagojevich, I wonder if he could use a cell mate? Two former governors, one a thieving Democrat, and the other a thieving Republican, sharing the same jail cell, Can't you just taste the irony? lol

all they care about is political power and if a kid drwons in the rio grande is just one more vote they have to make up for.  

Say what you will about rick perry, but at least he's doing SOMETHING to stem the flow of disease and crime flooding across our border. california is giving them driver licenses.

In your affirmative action education? I know our education system has really dumbed down so low IQ minorities like you can get the same grade as their white counterparts but you are a perfect example of that approaches failings.  
You get out into the real world and your stupidity is impossible to hide.


-- Modified on 7/22/2014 8:58:21 AM

I realize these days with affirmative action dumbing down the education system you don't get around to punctuation till grad school.

Thanks for making my point.

You still have'nt answered my question or explained your accusations about Tidwell, coward.


So your dumb ass was not taught properly in the back woods. If so, your dumb ass would not use plagiarism to try and look smart by cutting and pasting others work!  

when are you going to defend your own damn dumb ass post that always get picked apart?  Also, I do not take directions from racist.  I hire them, then fire the fuck out of them when I find out they have problems taking directions from people of color. Need a job since you need a tax refund to buy some ass? Now stfu idiot!  

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
I realize these days with affirmative action dumbing down the education system you don't get around to punctuation till grad school.  
 Thanks for making my point.  
 You still have'nt answered my question or explained your accusations about Tidwell, coward.  
-- Modified on 7/23/2014 9:55:01 AM

Lemme clue you in, people don't have trouble taking directions from "people of color", they have trouble taking directions from assholes with chips on their shoulders. You seem like a guy who wears his victim hood on his sleeve. Grow up little boy before someone sues your black ass off!! Just a suggestion,,,

On, please. You are an idiot  and have no knowledge concerning legal issues. However, that's not surprising coming from trash that openly stated congress can not enforce laws. Also, my comments were not about all people, just racist like you. However, if I am ever sued, it has not happened in almost 30 years of success, at least I will not have to wait on my tax refund to pay the bill. Hard work really pays off. You should try it instead of blaming your failure on people of color. Have you ever considered you do not have what it takes in life to succeed?

Here is some advice for you, go back to school, get your GED, make sure to take an English class or two. While you are at it, take some history and a class on the constitution. Then, maybe you can stay focused and learn how to debate.  

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 2:42:02 AM

Go ahead dildo, make your case:

While you're doing that I'll be laughing my old white ass off at your young black ass making fun of me for dropping a couple of grand spending the night with a couple of 10's while you, the urban ghetto dweller hangs with his $100 ATFs!

Let's see, I'm living in a resort town hanging with 10's and your living in a rattrap dating strawberries.

I'll take my life any day over yours!!

Sure, i doubt you live in a resort town and can drop a few grand on a few hookers but only when you get your tax refund. By the way, what happened to your reviews once big p exposed you? Lmao!  Now come on back with more of your racist stereotypes.  

Who I see is my business and I am not ashamed of the variety of women I see or the price range.   Its there for all to see. You on the other hand,  talk smack about how this administration has destroyed the country,  but you had some extra cash from your tax refund and brought a little ass. Once exposed,  your reviews could not be read.  

Back to the plagiarism.  You are correct when you state you learned about what goes in quotes in elementary school.  Here is what you did not learn. Any time you paraphrase someone else's words or work and do not give credit,  it's plagiarism. Sorry,  your guilty dummy!  

Still need a job? I offer a great salary, full cover insurance, profit sharing, then if hired, I'd fire your racist ass on day one since I know you would not follow my Black  vice president of Operations instructions.  Then my white VP of hr would follow my directions and show your racist ass the door. Now, that's urban, correct?  Lmao!

Let's see where you move the goal post next since you suffer from ADD! Please Google to find out what that is! Peace, from an urban Black man!

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 11:02:23 AM

See Little Dick, you are messing with the wrong one. In addition to being a very successful businessman, I still find time to serve as an adjunct college professor. Now let me take you to school! LMAO! Here is a perfect example of what we call academic dishonesty. By the way, it calls for expulsion!
This is your response to willy concerning the Obama's buying a new home posted 7-22-2014!! You know, the one about the "Dead Kids in the desert..."  

are collateral damage of Dummycrapper using these people as pawns in their fever to maintain political power.  
BTW, it's not a just a "house."  
Specifically, it is:  
 a $4.2 million house in Rancho Mirage.  
The 8,200-square-foot former home of novelist Joseph Wambaugh is the source of a bevy of rumors reported by media outlets ranging from the Los Angeles Times to Variety.  
The home, a hilltop estate in Thunderbird Heights, has been on the market for about a year. Several real estate agents, speaking anonymously, said they heard secondhand that the president was looking to buy the 1993 remodeled home with seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms.  
The contemporary house sits down the slope from the highest property on Thunderbird Mesa Drive, the home of Michael Smith, a personal friend of first lady Michelle Obama and the interior designer of the Sunnylands Center and Oval Office of the White House.  
Not bad for a couple of downtrodden minority victims of the Whitey Power Cabal! Poor whiny babies affirmative actioned their way into a "hilltop estate" in Thunderbird Heights DESPITE the Whitey Power Cabal's best efforts to keep da black man down.  

Now Little Dick, here is what they did not teach you in elementary school. You should have listed your source under the portion you cut and pasted from the article, you know, someone else work! Now, move the goal post, and deny you committed plagiarism dummy! LMBAO!  


Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Go ahead dildo, make your case:  
 While you're doing that I'll be laughing my old white ass off at your young black ass making fun of me for dropping a couple of grand spending the night with a couple of 10's while you, the urban ghetto dweller hangs with his $100 ATFs!  
 Let's see, I'm living in a resort town hanging with 10's and your living in a rattrap dating strawberries.  
 I'll take my life any day over yours!!

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 11:58:29 AM

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 12:02:30 PM

I had no trouble reading it the first time since ND posted the exact same link in his own OP. It was the very first line of the OP in the thread that offended you. You must have missed it.


Was exposed for plagiarism.  I did not miss a damn thing. Since my post was in a new thread and many would not go back to the original thread, that's why.  Also, didn't you read the powers that be would not allow my edit with the link? That's why I reposted it also. You must have missed that. It was the first line.  Anything else 2000?

Posted By: ed2000
I had no trouble reading it the first time since ND posted the exact same link in his own OP. It was the very first line of the OP in the thread that offended you. You must have missed it.  
-- Modified on 7/25/2014 3:47:51 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 3:54:41 AM

Offended? I was trying to be nice. How about "took exception to"? You are clearly pissed off about it.  

I wasn't pointing out how or when or where you posted the link. I was asking WHY you posted the link. ND posted the the exact same link in his opening original post. Then one post down (the one you "took exception to"), after the first response from ww, he paraphrased details from the link. That's not plagiarism in anyone's book except I guess yours, but I suspected that maybe you didn't read his OP and nor saw the link

As clearly stated, his link did not even support the thread, then once called out, he started to paraphrase from the link as if they were his own words. If anyone reads his comments in question, except you, and did not know better, it clearly reads as if those were his words.  

This has nothing to do with my publications, they stand on their own. The proper way to do such thing is to say according to the article presented then paraphrase,  or use quotations,  he did none of that. You have even changed your  comments. First, you said I missed the link. Now you are saying you suspected I did not read the op nor saw the link.Hell, I was part of the thread and picked up on what he was doing right away. I read all post and sources presented before I comment. It's obvious you do not based on your most recent comments.

You may say that I am being technical and that is fine. However,  this type of thing is not allowed, especially when you are a devote racist trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the thread. Take R. Paul and others for example, they were exposed for something similar. Now I now the dummy in question is no  R. Paul, but it is clear what his intent was. Also, for an idiot who claims to be so smart and openly stated he learn to use quotations in elementary school, what he did was just that, elementary and he got busted.  

Tell you what 2000, you seem to be a smart man, try something like that in the real world and you will be exposed too. However, I do not think you are that dumb and stupid! This is taught in English 100 or a methods  class.  I teach the later to future historians. It's obvious the dummy in question is no historian, just a devote racist.End of story.

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 9:19:13 AM

You posted the following link to supposedly prove the plagiarism:


I merely pointed out, that is the exact same link ND posted in his OP, just one post above the post you "objected" to.

He can't be stealing from the source you quoted if he posted a link to it right up front in his own OP. There was no editing of his OP. It was there from the beginning.

I could finish with an "End of Story", but I'm sure it isn't. Not since it involves you and ND

It is the end since you can not debate a racist idiot who suffers from ADD and is also all over the place. Also, I proved my point based on my expertise.  I am not making this to complicated, I'm sharing with you how this should have been done. However, I do respect your opinion. Also, based on what was done and how it was done,  in the real world, the bigot would not stand a chance. I cited an example of people caught up by the same thing.

I have debated you before. One thing I will say, you know how to frame an argument and debate. I respect you for that. The idiot racist in question does not know better. Just take a look at my "one more thing" post in this thread, it makes thing crystal clear in his own words.  I also stated this,  if he was not such a devote racist, I would not have said a word since this is a fuck board.  Peace!  

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:27:04 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:33:33 AM

You respect me for being able to communicate cogently but it seems like you still think I was wrong in my assessment that you used the same citation that ND provided in order to prove he made no citation.

Yet, it also seems you are implying none of the former is important because you believe ND to be a racist with disabilities. I think I got it

Posted By: ed2000
You respect me for being able to communicate cogently but it seems like you still think I was wrong in my assessment that you used the same citation that ND provided in order to prove he made no citation.  
 Yet, it also seems you are implying none of the former is important because you believe ND to be a racist with disabilities. I think I got it.  

Will never admit it and face reality. I think you know a great deal about that. End of story.

Posted By: ed2000

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 9:22:08 PM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:05:34 PM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:09:05 PM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:14:01 PM

Your batting average is not doing so well.

-- Modified on 7/26/2014 1:17:28 AM

Look in this thread where the idiot in questions says this, "where do you see quotations marks? Didn't you learn what these are for". Then he goes into racial stereotyping in which he is an expert at.  

This idiot seems to think, as long as things are not in quotations, it's not plagiarism. In essence, he did not know what in the hell he was doing. It is also crystal clear concerning his original intent, he did not know better. If he was not a devote racist, I would not have said a word since this is a fuck board. But, that not being the case, he was exposed for being the bigot  he really is.  As I stated,  he was messing with the wrong one!

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:40:25 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:47:26 AM

This a fuck board, not a class room or a court room!!  

But so that your can feel better about yourself and have a scalp to wear around your neck, if you REAALLLYYY wanna make the claim I tried to claim the contents of the article as original and thereby committed plagairism for not giving attribution.  

If that is TRULY the flimsy assed, nitpicky, stupidfuck arguement you're trying to make, well then,

you truly are more pathetic than I first thought!!!!  

Seriously dude, you exemplify WTF is wrong with college and why it's seen increasingly like such a ripoff!! Dumb motherfuckers like you teaching kids who pay out the ass.  

Thanks for making my point!!! I'm LOL'ing all the way to the beach to check out the babes, You can go fuck yourself, or hire a $100 SW to do it!!


You did not committed plagiarism!  Nice try but got you!  You forgot to mention,  i banged a variety of hookers including porn stars like Bethany Benz, Becca BLossom,  Morning Starr/Ariel, Jasmine Cashmere, just to name a few and many more before I started writing reviews!   I do not discrimanate like you. Most important, I did not have to wait on a tax refund to do it. Now that's funny as hell. Here is your problem.  you hate people of color, especially those smarter than you!.  Now crawl back in your racist hole old man. You're not on no damn beach! You're in the old folks home pissing on yourself!  Now that's funny as hell too!  Now wipe your damn bloody nose! Peace!

now you've switched to plagiarism?

But E2K shot the fuck outta that one too.

Pitiful dumbfuck overpaid, under qualified, affirmative action Nutty Professor. Ripping off kids of their tuition.

It's not often that an opponent kicks their own ass but you've managed to do that here! LMAO.

But hey, ya ALWAYS have whitey to blame, so flame away Don Quixote!

BTW, when you only spend $100 on your hookers, of course you don't have to wait for a tax return!!!

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
now you've switched to plagiarism?  
 But E2K shot the fuck outta that one too.  
 Pitiful dumbfuck overpaid, under qualified, affirmative action Nutty Professor. Ripping off kids of their tuition.  
 It's not often that an opponent kicks their own ass but you've managed to do that here! LMAO.  
 But hey, ya ALWAYS have whitey to blame, so flame away Don Quixote!  
 BTW, when you only spend $100 on your hookers, of course you don't have to wait for a tax return!!!
-- Modified on 7/27/2014 4:31:24 PM

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