Politics and Religion

one last question
dncphil 16 Reviews 452 reads

if they ever succeed, will it be a mastrabatory fantasy or will it be a sign of persistence.

...It really must be a terrible law, right?  Why else would Republicans want to repeal it so badly?  They only have the best interests of Americans at heart, don't they?

So what that over nine million formerly uninsured Americans now have insurance thanks to Obamacare!  Obamacare is really hurting insurance companies...or is it?  Here is a list of the five largest health insurance companies stock prices six months ago and today:

                   8/1/14    Today   %Increase

United Health Grp   $81.49   $107.81   +32%

Humana              118.20    148.51   +25%

Anthem Blue Cross   111.00    136.96   +23%

Aetna                78.73     94.18   +19%

Cigna                90.76    108.70   +19%

HCA, the largest for-profit hospital operator is also doing better than it was doing six months ago as is Big Pharma.

Although all these companies were against Obamacare originally, they don't want to see it repealed now.  So why are Republicans trying to repeal it?  Because many freshman Republicans campaigned to repeal Obamacare so they have to carry out the charade even though it will hurt the country.

And if Obamacare does get repealed, what is the Republicans' plan to replace it?  NOTHING!!!!

From the conservative Washington Examiner:

“If we don’t like Obamacare, what do we like?” Sen. Lindsey Graham said in an interview. “I think the party needs to challenge itself to produce alternatives on multiple fronts.”

The GOP has struggled for years to come up with a comprehensive substitute for Obamacare, although Republicans have proposed bite-sized solutions, such as allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines and limiting medical malpractice awards.

This week’s bill to repeal the law in the House takes a step toward finding an alternative, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote to GOP members, by including “instructions to the relevant committees to develop our patient-centered health care reforms.”

So why do Republicans really want to repeal Obamacare?  Because it has the word "Obama" in it.

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 8:18:41 PM

Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different outcome!   ;)

Paradoxically, many bits of folk wisdom conflict and are equally true.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is as true as "out of sight, out of mind," even though they mean the opposite thing.

Your definition of insanity is as true as "if at first you don't succeed....."  or "Quitters never win, winners never quit."

Ask Frank Sinatra about rubber tree plants. Ooops.  There  goes another one

Finally, can you really say Dems quit when their policies lose the first time?.  Capital punishment in CA has been on the ballot more times than I can count.  Gay rights didn't win the first ten times.  Hillary Care lost big and that didn't defer Obama.  "Medical marijuana."

You may like these, but were the Dems insane for pushing for them again and again?

Instead of addressing the merits of the proposal, it is easy to quote a cliche that calls people crazy..


Posted By: mattradd
Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different outcome!   ;)

You're taking this way too seriously. And, I'm certain you can count up to, at least, 56. It's just, perhaps, you can't recall how many times Capital punishment has been on the ballot in California, and regarding gay rights, 10 is a lot less than 56!   ;)

The question is when you lose, sometimes by huge majorites, as did death penalty and gay rights, do you pack up your bags and leave.

56 times. So what.  The exact number doesn't change the principle.

They have been debating death penalty in CA for as long as I can remember.  Loser, Loser, Loser.  

And I don't begrudge them coming back.  

Things change. Try again.  

That is all I am saying

...And why should we ask Sinatra?  We should ask Jimmy Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn who WROTE the song.

And how is a song lyric "folk wisdom"?  It's not even a cliché.  Next you'll be telling us that a silly old ram can punch a hole in a dam.  BWAHAHAHAHA!

The folk wisdom was "if at first,"  

The point of conflicting cliches was that a lot of little sayings are nice little pithy comments, but  they aren't the serious aspect of discussion.

The Rubber Tree was just a humorous refernce to keep trying in a different context.  

And no, I am only 65.

which was given the fact that the ACA has never had favorable ratings, why not try to dump it.

And again, since it has never been popular, what is wrong with trying to repeal it?

If you go to real clear politics you can see a chart of the popularity of the ACA for the last 4 years.  

It has never been popular and for most ot the time it has been under water b;y at least 10%.  Why not repeal an unpopular law?

BOTTOM LINE is most people never liked it.  What is wrong with trying to change it.

THat said, prior votes failed because of the Senate refusing to bring it to a vote.  Using procedural moves not based on the merits, the result was never voted on in the senate.

That fake barrier is no longer there.  Why not try now?

Finally, the fact that it may be vetoed is not a reason not to vote against it.  Let everyone take there stand.  Most people don't want it.  If Obama vetos, good. Then the lines are clear.

bigguy30329 reads

So despite the cries of the Obamacare bashers that insurance companies would leave the exchanges in droves once they discovered how much money they are losing , it turns out that competition and choice are increasing as we head into 2015!

Posted By: dncphil
If you go to real clear politics you can see a chart of the popularity of the ACA for the last 4 years.  
 It has never been popular and for most ot the time it has been under water b;y at least 10%.  Why not repeal an unpopular law?  
 BOTTOM LINE is most people never liked it.  What is wrong with trying to change it.  
 THat said, prior votes failed because of the Senate refusing to bring it to a vote.  Using procedural moves not based on the merits, the result was never voted on in the senate.  
 That fake barrier is no longer there.  Why not try now?  
 Finally, the fact that it may be vetoed is not a reason not to vote against it.  Let everyone take there stand.  Most people don't want it.  If Obama vetos, good. Then the lines are clear.

Of course, a National Geographic Poll found that 80 million Americans also believe in UFOS,
 and 77% believe that aliens have visited our planet.

A Gallup poll found that 20% of all Americans believe in witches.

A Pew Research Poll found that 30% of Americans have had contact with the dead.

Just curious as to the overlap with the 46% who don’t like Obamacare.

Um-maybe these telephone polls and resulting extrapolations are not the best way to determine policy?

         On the other hand, Hey Jack does your beloved "Republican Health Care plan" cover aliens and witches? Maybe it’s better than we thought….LO

It's an average poll of 51% don't like it.

Now you can be snide with the numbers that believe in USOs and contact with the dead, but I could be just as snide and use that when you say Obama won.  Well X% believe in USOs so why should we care about if the voted for Obama.

Yes, lots of people believe in stupid things, like Elvis and JFK being alive.  

But the bottom line remains if most people don't like a law because Elvis told them it is bad, they don't like it and there is nothing wrong with repealing it

it is “unpopular.” By your reasoning, we should repeal the tax code. I’d guess 90% of the population hates it. Do you think the draft was popular?  When the law mandated driving with seatbelts, people hated that.

         So the question is not whether the law is popular but whether it is good policy.  

       And, of course, you don’t know whether the ACA is “unpopular” or not. It all depends on how you ask the survey question as we have discussed before.

      I f you ask do approve of Obamacare, you get the 51% disapproval.
       If you ask, do you prefer  Obamacare  or health insurance system that existed before Obamacare, you would get a better anser but I have not seen anyone ask it that way.  

       If you ask , do you want to repeal Obamacare, the majority say no. So to repeal because 51% don’t like it is too ignore that the majority do not want to repeal.

        Come on Phil your position is not reasonable here. At least with respect to the Perry indictment, you took a reasonable position, albeit that you were dead wrong as the judge’s order denying the motion to dismiss last week on constitutional grounds was denied at this time – the veto power is not “absolute” as you believe.

But on this one, your position is utterly flawed

If the majority of people wanted to repeal the tax code, that would be fine.

The reality is that everyone knows the government has to get money some way, so to say "repeal the tax code" with no alternitve is like saying, "Let's vote to fly without airplanes."  

The reality is anything to repeal the tax code would necessarily involve something like flat tax, which would replace it.

Also, it is a real, literal, absolute necessity for the govt to get money.  

It is not a necessity for it to have the ACA.  We functioned for 25 plus years without it, and prior to the passage MOST people were happy.  (which was why he promised, "if you like...."

I still don't see why people have to submit to a law that most people hate, just because it has been in effect for two years.

Posted By: marikod
it is “unpopular.” By your reasoning, we should repeal the tax code. I’d guess 90% of the population hates it. Do you think the draft was popular?  When the law mandated driving with seatbelts, people hated that.  
          So the question is not whether the law is popular but whether it is good policy.  
        And, of course, you don’t know whether the ACA is “unpopular” or not. It all depends on how you ask the survey question as we have discussed before.  
       I f you ask do approve of Obamacare, you get the 51% disapproval.  
        If you ask, do you prefer  Obamacare  or health insurance system that existed before Obamacare, you would get a better anser but I have not seen anyone ask it that way.  
        If you ask , do you want to repeal Obamacare, the majority say no. So to repeal because 51% don’t like it is too ignore that the majority do not want to repeal.  
         Come on Phil your position is not reasonable here. At least with respect to the Perry indictment, you took a reasonable position, albeit that you were dead wrong as the judge’s order denying the motion to dismiss last week on constitutional grounds was denied at this time – the veto power is not “absolute” as you believe.  
 But on this one, your position is utterly flawed.  

With all the side talk of rubber trees, and insults etc, no one has answered my question, so I will ask it again with one other  

If a law is largely unpopular and most people do not like it, what  is wrong with trying to repeal it, even after prior attempts fail?

Follow up.  If a law is passed that most people don't like, and it survives several attempts to repeal it, does this mean it can never be repealed and all future attempts are acts of insanity, making the unpopular law a permanent part  of our life?

And, why desperation? Because the more people sign up, the more popular it will become, and the Republicans know it!   ;)

Yes, you said 56 times.  I will concede 56 times oor 84 or 92.  Yes it may smack of desperation.

But again, my question is if a law has been unpopular of 3 years and if for all that time it has been unfavorable by at least ten points, what is wrong with trying to repeal an unpopular law?

(I hate to give you a way to avoid the question, but  I can't resist. You say that as people sign up, it will become more popular.  THAT HASN'T HAPPENED.  The first post here had lists of millions who signed up, and it still is under water.)

Of course, if you can't answer a question, then change the subject

Posted By: mattradd
And, why desperation? Because the more people sign up, the more popular it will become, and the Republicans know it!   ;)

It's just the frequency of their masturbatory fantasy that they indulge in, somehow hoping for some degree of satisfaction. There's no problem in shaving ice or jerk the chicken every so often, but there's a line where, if it becomes know to others, how often you're partaking, they ask 'are you getting much satisfaction from it?' Like with any addiction, the person partakes more and more frequently, and gets diminishing relief or satisfaction.  ;)

if they ever succeed, will it be a mastrabatory fantasy or will it be a sign of persistence.

bigguy30507 reads

Also looking for ways to fool the American public does not make it right either.

I wonder how many in the GOP congress would give up their government health care or pensions etc?

Just a side point most members of congress are millionaires.

The real question should be why do they need us to pay for their salaries, pensions or health care?  

If it's not good for the American public.

Why is it right for us the taxpayer to pay it for congress?

This is why complaining about something, they are using themselves makes them frauds!  


Posted By: dncphil
With all the side talk of rubber trees, and insults etc, no one has answered my question, so I will ask it again with one other  
 If a law is largely unpopular and most people do not like it, what  is wrong with trying to repeal it, even after prior attempts fail?  
 Follow up.  If a law is passed that most people don't like, and it survives several attempts to repeal it, does this mean it can never be repealed and all future attempts are acts of insanity, making the unpopular law a permanent part  of our life?

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