Politics and Religion

Obama is averaging $4.1 Billion in new debt every day
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1619 reads

Please oh please give him 4 more years.  I always wanted to vist Greece but Obama is bringing it to us.

followme211 reads

Giving the country Greek.
And the lefties are loving it , thay are yelling ...DEEPER....DEEPER

2012 = GOP

-- Modified on 7/24/2012 8:36:14 PM

According to Forbes and Market Watch, it is Barack Obama. I think Mr.NoTrouble was napping when this piece came out in late May.

St. Croix237 reads

I don't care if you want to blame Obama, Bush, Lebron James, or Kate Upton. All I know is the federal budget went from $2.8T in 08 to $3.8T in 09, and somehow $3.8T is the NEW BASELINE. The $3.8T included the $800B Stimulus plan. Why didn't Obama propose a $2.8T budget in 2010, and increase it by CPI? Hence, we've gone from a 20% federal share of GDP to 24%, and the argument is Obama doesn't increase spending.

P.S. Oh yes, I did see your thread where you bought DryShips. Does your family know some of the stupid shit you do?

five years later but your crystal ball somehow is inadequate to predict how UCLA will finish the season in 2014.

St. Croix210 reads

When did you buy and sell DRYS? Isn't bulk shipping kinda a key economic indicator? What were you doing in 2007/08?

Today Apple reported less than stellar results? Most companies are reporting in-line profits, but lower revenues. What does that tell you? Mix in some European crap, throw in a fiscal cliff, bad job reports, and you might think about putting stops on your positions. If enough key people say bad shit is going to happen, you might want to listen, like in 2007/08. Of course, now that I say that, if Bernanke comes out with QE3, China and the Eurozone do some massive monetary easing, then all bets are off.

You really are stretching it with UCLA. I've said UCLA will be in the Final Four in March 2013. You tell me what UCLA's roster will look like for the 2013/14 season, and I just make another prediction.

Now, let's get back to the OP. Would you like to respond to what I said about the budget, or should I assume your terse one-liner means you agree.

P.S. You're not angry with me are you? (lol)?

-- Modified on 7/24/2012 8:34:49 PM

I've already put that piece into its proper perspective

And thankfully obama weighed on the subject as well.

Like the slicker than snot slug that he is He wants to take credit for saving the world economy with his stimulus measures

But allows the author to absolve him of the spending

In other words what's that phrase he's trying to have it both ways

Y tu?

the subject is so complex and so subject to caveats that it takes an undue amount of study to really
assess whether one president is truly worse than another. The budget deficit and the national debt are both terms of art that take several hours of study just to understand what they encompass.

     Many staggering federal expenses are "off budget" and are not included in the budget deficit calculation. For example, the last I heard, the two Social Security Trust Funds, and the Post Office are considered to be 'off-budget' and are excluded from the unified budget. Are they also excluded from the national debt? I don't know.

     But depending how you define these terms, you can reach diametricly different conclusions.

But you are right about one thing Mr. NoTrouble - I do try to nap whenever these topics are raised.

-- Modified on 7/24/2012 12:34:03 PM

Rutabaga_Baggins216 reads

In spite of the crappy handling and terrible ride, I just couldn't ignore the great gas mileage, so I continued to drive it until the tread went bald. Then all of a sudden one blew out doing 95 on the tollway. This is all on you, not me buddy.

BTW, it was a political blog on Forbes, not Forbes.

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