Politics and Religion

OK, Mr. Wonka wins....
pwilley 59 Reviews 2846 reads

Mr. Wonka and I seldom agree on much.  Until today, probably never agreed on anything.  But, now that it's being leaked that the so-called Super Committee in Congress has failed to reach their mandate and have diverted to attention to figuring out how to tell the public that they failed, I'm pissed.  Who in the hell do these people think they are anyway?  So, now they think they can come up with some "spin" to explain why they can't do their job and we are all going to swallow it.  

It pains me dearly to admit, but Mr. Wonka had it right.  There is no hope for our government.  There is no hope for a business environment that says to hell with their employees, we are going to open our greedy doors on Thanksgiving Holiday and if employees don't like it, there are plenty of unemployeed folks to take their place.  And, there is no real hope for the future of our government when our choices boil down to the repub choices we've all come to love and hate, or the present guy who has fucked things up probably worse than any POTUS before him.

So, yes Mr. Wonka, the solution you predicted would eventually come to be, is indeed the only recourse that seems to be left for reasonable people who have lost all capability to influence the country.  So, sergeant Pwilley reporting for duty, let's begin training.

I have long said the so-called Super Committee was a joke and a fraud and would never agree to anything.  I'm sorry to have been proven right and believe it just shows our political system is dysfunctional.  Now we all will suffer because the markets will give a no-confidence vote to our government, the stock market will tank and we'll all lose a bunch of money tomorrow.
My guess is this game will not end until a year from now when the Bush tax cuts sunset.  At that point the Dems will have the upper hand because they can then block the Reps from trying to extend them again.  If Obama wins re-election they can then renew the tax cuts for everyone but millionaires.  If the Reps block that, they'll be voting to raise taxes for the middle class in order to protect the rich.  I'm not sure if they have the stomach for that
The fact remains, both parties are bankrupt, unable to meaningfully compromise and unable to govern.  It's a shame.  I have never before voted for a third-party candidate but may do so next year, simply as a protest.

St. Croix1425 reads

I'm to the point of finding this whole Super Committee process funny. Think about it for a second. They are commissioned to find $1.2T in a combination of cuts and taxes. This is over 10 years. $120B a year!!!!! That's it, just $120B a year. That's chump change. This is where it's funny. The Federal budget went from $2.8T to $3.8T in 3 years, and we're trying to find $120B. Welfare spending alone went up over $200B per year in 3 years, things like unemployment insurance, food stamps, housing assistance, etc. If they focused on jobs, then logic says that welfare spending will decrease back to a normal inflation adjusted rate, hence you really don't need a Super Committee.

Regarding the market tanking tomorrow. I hope it does big time. Maybe it will send a message, and maybe when they see the market tank 500 or 1000 points on the DOW, the Super Committee will do something out of shear fear. Just be ready to buy. We're still going to have a Santa Claus rally.

it is amazing to me that people cant seem to get their brains around how fucked we are in terms of overspending.

sure, sooner or later we'll get the QE to end all QE's cuz that's what we do but its going to have to be fucking ginormous.

the euro is deadman walking

pissed i closed out my QID on friday!

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 11:00:30 AM

Of course, I had it right. :)

What's interesting to me, is the degree at which our government is so dysfunctional.

And to define my terms, dysfunctional to me, means not doing what the voters want them to do.

When the Dems came into office their priority was to focus on fixing the economy. Rather, they spent the majority of their time focusing on a health care law that would create more bureaucracy and regulation, would still force business to deal with the health care of their employees when they shouldn't have to worry about it at all, and produced a bill that was a giant giveaway to health care lobby.

When the GOP took back the House, their focus has been on austerity measures, making it harder for people to vote, busting unions, and creating more regulations on abortions.

Regardless of how you may feel about any of these particular issues, shouldn't someone ask if that's what people want?

I know Pria happily posts polls here, but take a moment to look through this link, and see what the top priorities are for the majority of Americans.


You will find, time after time, that Americans want their government to be focused on creating jobs and strengthening the economy. Even after the 2010 elections, that was the first priority for Americans. This may explain why Congress now has a 9% approval rating, and Obama has a 44% approval rating. For the record, there is a greater approval for BP at the height of the oil spill and for the US going communist than there is for Congres.

And yet, neither the Dems nor the GOP has produced a single jobs bill. Rather we live in a country where the President proclaimed in the last election that he didn't take any special interest money while being bankrolled by Goldman Sachs, and you have a governor in Arizona who illegally fired the head of a non-partisan redistricting commission in order to turn it into a partisan circus.

Our government is unreformable. It can not be changed for the better. It can't cut spending, and it can't raise taxes. It is wholly owned and controlled by people placing bribes, and has no ability to address a single grievance from a single constituent, regardless of their viewpoint.

We need a new government. And unfortunately, we ain't gonna get one by asking politely.

we are going to have to fight our government.  more will awaken that it is unreformable, and corrupt with bribery's.  they are slowly showing Americans with a special last week on 60 minutes blows the Lid off Congressional insider trading.  It seems Pelosi is 20 million dollars richer.  Newt has been exposed for his corruption.  All those Washington insiders will have to go and they won't give up their money that easy.  OWS is just the beginning.  By design, they have class warfare and separated us into parties.  Snowman will get his martial law he hopes for, but watch this video what our soldiers are saying when coming home from war.  God bless our Oath-Keepers.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Of course, I had it right. :)

What's interesting to me, is the degree at which our government is so dysfunctional.

And to define my terms, dysfunctional to me, means not doing what the voters want them to do.

When the Dems came into office their priority was to focus on fixing the economy. Rather, they spent the majority of their time focusing on a health care law that would create more bureaucracy and regulation, would still force business to deal with the health care of their employees when they shouldn't have to worry about it at all, and produced a bill that was a giant giveaway to health care lobby.

When the GOP took back the House, their focus has been on austerity measures, making it harder for people to vote, busting unions, and creating more regulations on abortions.

Regardless of how you may feel about any of these particular issues, shouldn't someone ask if that's what people want?

I know Pria happily posts polls here, but take a moment to look through this link, and see what the top priorities are for the majority of Americans.


You will find, time after time, that Americans want their government to be focused on creating jobs and strengthening the economy. Even after the 2010 elections, that was the first priority for Americans. This may explain why Congress now has a 9% approval rating, and Obama has a 44% approval rating. For the record, there is a greater approval for BP at the height of the oil spill and for the US going communist than there is for Congres.

And yet, neither the Dems nor the GOP has produced a single jobs bill. Rather we live in a country where the President proclaimed in the last election that he didn't take any special interest money while being bankrolled by Goldman Sachs, and you have a governor in Arizona who illegally fired the head of a non-partisan redistricting commission in order to turn it into a partisan circus.

Our government is unreformable. It can not be changed for the better. It can't cut spending, and it can't raise taxes. It is wholly owned and controlled by people placing bribes, and has no ability to address a single grievance from a single constituent, regardless of their viewpoint.

We need a new government. And unfortunately, we ain't gonna get one by asking politely.

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