Politics and Religion

A majestic exchange of power
tallslim26 26 Reviews 4582 reads

Did anyone catch the Russian ceromony a few weeks back wherein Vladimir Putin handed over the presidency? Probably not, after all it was on Cspan at like 2 in the morning...lol

Maybe its just the fact that the concept of having a leader who is actually patriotic and more or less serves the people instead of a parasitical minority group is really really cool to me but I thought the ceromony was truly moving.Held in a large cathedral-like building a large crown of, I suspect, government leaders and officals were seated.

You should check it out if you can find it. After his address, the new president took a walk down the center of the center of the crowd with the Russian national anthem playing. Something about his walking down the center without any bodyguards or security says much about his courage and bravery. It was very European, like the knights of old.

Not something to expect of one of the miserable traitors that fashion themselves as our leaders here in America thats for sure.

-- Modified on 5/27/2008 9:45:45 AM

Duty_Historian2123 reads

or is that not what you were looking for?

that within the past decade - the You're-a-peeings have started to act all growed up.  Examples are everywhere... but nowhere more noticed than in France and England.... where they have come to realize that they are indeed in danger of loosing their culture - and sadly their country.... to those who would drag them to anarchy...

And while Russia and most of europe are a far distance behind us in the US at least they are moving politically in some correct directions... while we?  sadly are retreating to their former way of doing things...  well, for the most part, life is good.... but unless we change directions we will have to bottom out - and then work to come back - if we are able....

and as to your comment about the miserable traitors....  well said.  they are no leaders that is for sure.... more like sellouts - each and everyone of them.

kerrakles2514 reads

Has moved from a economic basket case and gangster control to a thriving economy as result of oil exports to Europe. Russia has the second largest oil reserve to Saudi Arabia. While we are fed Kool-Aid they are steadily moving towards becoming an economic power.

US style democracy doesn't fit every nation. Some would argue that our democracy based on the two party system and electoral college is not real. Most  democracies in rest of the world don't understand the system.

Yes, indeed, we are going backwards in many cases and suffer from the myopic political leadership we elect.

Your observations are exceptional there superdude.

The insanity of European politics over the last few decades which has advocated the sacrifice of nationalism for the sake of buisness (just say those two letters EU) and the suicidal immigration policies that have threatened to transform parts of Europe into Muslim states (Its unbelieveable how people across the world have little clue how far along things are, especially in the countries you mentioned France and Britain) have hit home enough with the silent majority there enough to see the rise of several nationalist parties (the British National Party being the most established) in Europe and make the important issues something that candidates and office holders are forced to deal with and take action on.

Its interesting how,comparing events and trends in Europe with those in America, how they are about 15 years ahead in the cycle of decline that goes with the problem of uncontrolled immigration and loss of any national idenity, which of course are themselves are related. Political Correctness there in many ways is enforced by law and that has forced many to admit that they are not free and that change,real change is vital. Of course here in America you cant be put into jail or fined for saying things not considered nice (the truth is no matter of course) so many citizens believe we are as free as can be. The tyrants here may be a bit wiser (even though the Orwellian laws are creeping closer here too) because they sinply can smear a person with the media and keep many others from speaking there mind because of this threat.

Some real excellent observations.

-- Modified on 5/27/2008 9:31:24 PM

Not to nitpick, but secular, non religous, enlightened Europe is not marching toward anarchy, they are sliding down an icy demographic hill into Muslim totalitarianism thanks to the welfare state set up by the suicidal multi-culti stupidity of the left.

Let's say you wanted to destroy your country, how would you do it? If you're Sweden, France, Holland or Britain, you would provide cradle to grave gov't support, right down to mandated vacations, you would provide not opportunity but goodies to new arrivals, legal and illegal, thereby encouraging the slackers and layabouts from the 3rd world to arrive on your shores. The Arab Muslims, many of them predatory, see your "compassion" for what it is (idiocy) and move in.

Above all, be nice, don't insult your "guests"  while you wait for them to saw your head off.

Joe Goebbels2936 reads

you should never have shut down Auschwitz!

We could license the system anywhere you want.  Just line up those shiftless schwartzers, and save the watermelons!  It's all recycled, too!

Zisk, stop it, your duel idenity was outed a while back.

But that's not too surprising. No, what was proved  before is that I am not Joe no matter how much you desire it. As stated before, do a simple search and you will find the Joe alias has been used as far back as Feb 2006, and if you look at top posters, it will clearly state I have been a member only since May 2007. But if you can't figure out to do a search, go into the room next to yours and ask your mommy to do it for you.

I can't make this any simpler for you. I know you have an allergy to facts, but its time to face up you are wrong- as usual. No matter how many times you try to make that claim, it still won't make it true. At least you are consistent in denying facts that undermine your wild-ass assumptions and off-the-wall opinions.

In case you haven't figured it out, I don't make jokes about Auschwitz. I don't find Joe to be funny. None of his aliases are. Despite your heated denials, millions were killed at the various concentration camps; countless others tortured, beaten, and starved. There's nothing funny about that.

Joe Goebbels3052 reads

and you should see that right away.  

To Begin With:  This is very important stuff.  The NSA and CIA and DIA and DHS is (are?) watching every move you make, and recording every thought.  You 2 need to understand that they are watching you.

I suppose you're pretty safe, since you are obviously not having any thoughts.  But there is real danger for me, because my thoughts are not copyrighted, and they will rip off my patented "Gas-Em" systems and use them everywhere without paying me shit for royalties.

So, that's all for today!

your post title has a nice Dr. Seuss-y rhythm to it.

As for the rest....
did you forget about the ABC, IMF, BLT, and PDQ?


But maybe this is another of Mr. Obama’s bizarre uncles in the attic.

For he was either a member of the Red Army or a liar, since Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army.

From Wikipedia:

Auschwitz concentration camp
Evacuation and liberation

The gas chambers of Birkenau were blown up by the SS in January 1945 in an attempt to hide the German crimes from the advancing Soviet troops. On January 17, 1945 Nazi personnel started to evacuate the facility; most of the prisoners were forced on a death march to the camp toward Wodzisław Śląski (German: Loslau). Those too weak or sick to walk were left behind; about 7,500 prisoners were liberated by the 322nd Rifle Division of the Red Army on January 27 1945.

US troops never set foot in Poland, where Auschwitz was located

Sen_Craig2606 reads

Me & my one track mind.  What's an tired old Republicon to do?

Chuck Darwin1371 reads

so what's the difference between Obama and the Great Republican Hero George II?

Well, Obama hasn't fucked anything up yet.  Obama can speak English.  And, as far as we know, Obama doesn't have any criminal convictions.

Shit, those issues alone would disqualify him from being a Republican.

dude, the gap is closing fast...

pretty soon, this fucking wingnut is gonna say he came ashore with the 1st ID on Omaha

BTW, DOn't you find it pretty fuckin incredible that O'Fuckwad had a distant relative (talk about gettin high off someone else's smoke!!)) who liberated a Kraut deathcamp and up until last month was THE FIRST TIME.......In his spoiled bitch wifes stupid life, that she was Proud of her country?

What a fuckin ingrate...

-- Modified on 5/28/2008 12:04:26 PM

Chuck Darwin2310 reads

campaign manager, and TER will campaign and write me in for President.

What's not to like?

better they vet your past than mine..

gotta check some statutes of limitation...

Chuck Darwin1558 reads

you just forget.

I don't remember anything.

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