Politics and Religion

The Border Bill and Repubs showing their true colors.
bond007 31 Reviews 206 reads
RespectfulRobert17 reads

Video of Rs saying "the border is a crisis!" And "it needs action NOW!" Then Trump comes in and says it's a bad bill BEFORE he ever read it and the spineless jelly fish sycophantic Rs in the house go running to bend the knee to Lord Trump.  
This issue was a major advantage for Rs just a few days ago but now they have been exposed as frauds bc suddenly, the "crisis" and "now" mean it all can wait until February or March of NEXT year when they believe their king will ascend back to his throne. lol. The silly Rs chose Trump over Haley and Trump over fixing the border now, See a pattern? lol.

I’m not making any pronouncements. The big question is who’s holding who hostage?  

Hummmmmm 🤔

Now the Dems can say, "We gave them everything they said the wanted and the rejected it."
Even worse, a Federal Appeals Court voted 3-0 to deny Trump's claim of absolute immunity from prosecution:
“For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant,” the panel wrote. “But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as president no longer protects him against this prosecution.”
The three judges cast Mr. Trump’s immunity claims as a danger to the nation’s constitutional system.
“At bottom, former President Trump’s stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the president beyond the reach of all three branches,” they wrote. “Presidential immunity against federal indictment would mean that, as to the president, the Congress could not legislate, the executive could not prosecute and the judiciary could not review. We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter.”
Now it will go to SCOTUS.

Why are you dropping an immunity comment into an immigration thread?

Posted By: cks175
Re: The Republicans set a trap (Context?)
Why are you dropping an immunity comment into an immigration thread?
Cause his TDS just CONSUMES him. That or his nurse did not  get there in time to change the channel… god love her,  she’s a braver man than I Gunga Din!  

Seriously Can you imagine being the nurse that has to look after ICKY? 🤢🤮

I'd have thought it would be obvious that the Appeals Court decision meant a doubly bad day for your boy. Two shoes dropping on the same day. I'm sorry if that upset you, but I suppose a partisan hack is easily disturbed. Especially funny is when your pal Loooooser gets so bent out of shape about it he needs to accuse me of "TDS." Hilarious and a classic case of Pot=Kettle=Black cuz you guys are the ones who've been deranged by Donnie.
But if my "dropping an immunity comment" into this thread is so upsetting to you, why don't you start a new thread about it?  
Dare ya! LMAO!

The border crisis is fully 100% manufactured by the Dems and Biden has implemented it.  

So lefties why won’t you condemn Joe and your side for not enforcing federal law and allowing MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS to game the system with the asylum claim, (that is 5000% bullshit!) well?

Please explain exactly (using the bill language) how it would reduce the flow of illegals.  I know you are all experienced at arm waving and grand statements.  But I'm only interested in the wonky technical details that accomplish said goal. TIA

i don't wave my arms and give grand statements.  I provide written and verbal facts of issues I have written about (there isn't many).   Anyway, below is the gist of the bill that I can find.  I know you want a perfect bill.  That doesn't happen in Govt any more.  Somebody is always going to disagree or be pissed off.   But for crying out loud, even the border security union wants the bill.  Many, Many conservatives want the bill.  Most Republicans want it privately, but they are scared of Trump.  Heck, if Langford is backing away from it. 

Once illegal border crossings reach a certain threshold, the Department of Homeland Security would be required to exercise a new emergency authority that bars migrants, except unaccompanied minors, from crossing the border between ports of entry. The authority would automatically kick in if crossings rise above 5,000 on average per day on a given week, or 8,500 in a single day.

The authority sunsets after three years and there are time limits on how many days it can be used.

Asylum officers from US Citizenship and Immigration Services will decide on the asylum cases of migrants at the border. The legal standard of proof for passing an initial screening will be higher. And those applying will also have to prove they could not have moved to another part of their country to avoid persecution. Those who pass initial asylum screenings will immediately be eligible for work permits. Those who don’t pass the screenings can appeal to an asylum review board. If they lose their administrative appeal, which must occur within 72 hours, they will be ordered removed from the US without additional review. The process does not apply to unaccompanied minors.

He says there is no crisis at the border right after he defines a pathological liar.  Any libs HERE think there is no crisis at the border?  

Dems really think they can gaslight the public this way. Biden even said it. “The border is Trump’s fault because the GOP didn’t pass my border bill”

Biden does need a border bill. He fucked things up himself, he made 64 different executive actions to male the border worse starting with his first day in office.  

But what does this 370 page monstrosity of a bill do? Mostly it gives money to Ukraine. 60 billion in Ukraine aid. It’s the single biggest expenditure in the bill. The bill sends 16 billion to Israel. The bill then spends about 20% of it on the border, and the money spent makes things worse. It includes more funding for NGOs who are facilitating the human trafficking to the USA. It includes allowing 2 million illegals into the country a year. It includes giving illegals money for free immigration lawyers. It gives border patrol more money to process more illegals into the country. It gives the head of homeland security more power and leeway to just ignore the 2 million threshold and let in more than 2 million illegals a year. And it gives President Biden 60 million dollars just because.  

So basically the opposite of a border bill. More of a “I’ll beat you with a claw hammer while pissing on you and tell you it’s raining” bill. A “we’ll bend you over and violate you while calling it making you safe from sexual assault” bill. A “we’ll shoot you in the head and call it safety” bill.  

You knew it was going to be bad when they kept the details of the bill secret while trying to get everyone on board with voting for it. And when everyone said that bullshit you had Schumer pissing and moaning about letting people read the bill so they should just pass it anyway. Speaker Johnson put the circus to rest by saying the bill wouldn’t get a House vote. And BTW, here’s a real border bill the House passed months ago that the Senate never took up.  

And like clockwork every single shitlib in the world came out saying their typical shitlib things like the border bill was the greatest thing that’s ever happened. When you know damn well if the bill did a damn thing to secure the border they would be opposed to it.  

This bill would have passed easily prior to Elon buying Twitter. But now the bill is dead because you have the American public who can now freely speak to each other and notice what a shit show the establishment really is. Biden and the Dems OWN the border crisis. And come election day it will own them.

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