Politics and Religion

Oh yeh, evangelicals and Islam, just the same
digdirkler 85 Reviews 638 reads
1 / 19

OK,  I was curious how the Florida massacre by a registered Democrat and Hillary supporter Muslim was the fault of the GOP and the NRA as Libs have vigorously claimed.

I also wondered why the Gays for Gun Control group that marched with their hateful banner didn't have a Pressure Cooker Control group after the Boston Marathon, or Box Cutter Control after 9-11, or a No Guns in the Military stance after the Fort Hood shooting.   Maybe the common element behind all those massacres was not the means of slaughter, but the motive?  The type of killer, not his tools?

But no, noticing that those were all Muslims, killing as Muslims, explicitly in the name of Islam would be bad, some type of phobia or ism.  No, it MUST be the dreaded YT Republican.

I am curious though, after the slaughter in Turkey.... does Turkey have a branch of the National Rifle Association?  Did South Carolina's law allowing women to keep their own bathrooms create the climate of hate in Turkey the NY Time's gave culpability to?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 88 reads
2 / 19

It most certainly had NOTHING, NOTHING I TELL YOU to do with Islam. Not at all!

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 87 reads
3 / 19

Who's dealing in sophistry about the NRA, GOP & Guns, which has NOTHING to do with the attack in Turkey. Way to go, Willy.

Posted By: willywonka4u
It most certainly had NOTHING, NOTHING I TELL YOU to do with Islam. Not at all!
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 4:24:41 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 83 reads
4 / 19

Religious extremists commit crimes agains humanity. That somehow almost stands to reason. What I wonder is why the NRA and gun manufacturers are not marketing to nightclub owners. Seems like to me that if the notion of a good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns is ever going to really catch on, that proprietors of taverns, restaurants, saloons, and really anyplace that allows unsecured access to random crowds of people have to get into the game.

If club owners were to purchase a bulk of semiautomatic handguns, two or three palettes, and lease them out on a daily or nightly basis to their incoming customers, then there most of the customers would indeed be armed. Stands to reason that in any randomly selected crowd there are probably more good guys than bad guys, so the NRA could make a very good sales argument that usually the good guys would win.

So you walk up to the maitre'd and as he/she checks on your table, you are shown the two or three types of firearms you are allowed to lease to keep with you while you enjoy your lapin and couscous. Then everyone would be prepared, gun sales would skyrocket, we'd all be as safe as we could possibly ever be in Repupliscum world, and the NRA could take responsibility for firearm damage or injury because one dollar of each leade could go to an insurance fund to payoff all the victims of shootings. Everyone everywhere would be happy as pigs in shit for the final few decades before homo stultus becomes extinct.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 82 reads
5 / 19

Down at the Santa Monica Pier there used to a "Gypsy" Fortune Teller had a tiny storefront (Not sure but I don't think she was actually Rom). The sign at her door advertised, "Learn What Fate Has in Store for You!" in bright, colorful letters. On a slightly smaller plain white sign, bold black letters spelled out, "For Entertsinment Purposes Only."

See, that second sign was mandated by City Ordinance. It was important that gullible passerbys didn't get drawn in and think there was really anything to all this hocuspocus psychic stuff, because that could end up costing them a lot of money and persuade them to do some very extreme things.

Now, since all this terrorism stuff, whether from Islamic extremists, Evengelical Right-wing extremists, Zionist extremists, or whatever, it seems mostly to be practiced by religious extremists who actually took some hocuspocus a little to seriously.

So if we could post "For Entertsinment Purposes Only" signs in front of every church, cathedral, mosque, synagogue, temple and prayer tent, maybe that would cut down on the pool of unwitting passerbys who get drawn into a life of of crime and terror from which they cannot escape.

That's one idea to save the world for a little while longer,

bigguy30 83 reads
6 / 19

The last few comments on here, makes me wonder about you now.
It must be you hanging out, with GaG and Doc. Lol

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Who's dealing in sophistry about the NRA, GOP & Guns, which has NOTHING to do with the attack in Turkey. Way to go, Willy.  
Posted By: willywonka4u
It most certainly had NOTHING, NOTHING I TELL YOU to do with Islam. Not at all!
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 4:24:41 AM

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 83 reads
7 / 19
bigguy30 80 reads
8 / 19

I would take a break, from sounding stupid for a couple of hours.  
Trump has really taught you well. Lol

Posted By: ROMMEL
Did you miss the Mensa meeting about the use of commas?

digdirkler 85 Reviews 70 reads
9 / 19

Ted Kazinski, Evangelical.  Tim McVeigh, lapsed Catholic agnostic, an Evangelical, Bill Ayers (Obama's terrorist pal) and the Weather Underground, all  Evangelicals

Yup, Evangelicals killing explicitly in the name of Christianity is totally just as common as Muslims explicitly killing in the name of Islam.  Its all the same, nothing to see here, move along folks.

digdirkler 85 Reviews 66 reads
10 / 19

"...the NRA, GOP & Guns, which has NOTHING to do with the attack in Turkey"

which would be my WHOLE POINT.  Its called sarcasm, look it up.

Stated directly without sarcasm so you can follow: Liberals assert the Florida Islamic attack was due to uniquely American issues having largely to do with their domestic political foes, yet a similar attack by similar persons elsewhere, like say London and Paris and Mumbai and Turkey and Indonesia etc etc etc is even less plausible to blame on American conservatives.  Therefore Libs are obviously grotesque cynical opportunists involved in blatant blame shifting for political advantage and to protect themselves and a leg of their coalition of the oppressed from blame.

mattradd 40 Reviews 63 reads
12 / 19

How long are you going to carry on this screed?

I don't know about the NRA or GOP in Turkey, but it's seems, if Trump is correct, they they didn't torture people enough, or else the whole thing wouldn't have happened. Of course, he's too dumb, or he thinks his followers are too dumb to know that Turkey already tortures people. I guess they didn't do a good enough job, eh?  ;)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 86 reads
13 / 19

Take your pick.  

Posted By: digdirkler
"...the NRA, GOP & Guns, which has NOTHING to do with the attack in Turkey"  
 which would be my WHOLE POINT.  Its called sarcasm, look it up.  
 Stated directly without sarcasm so you can follow: Liberals assert the Florida Islamic attack was due to uniquely American issues having largely to do with their domestic political foes, yet a similar attack by similar persons elsewhere, like say London and Paris and Mumbai and Turkey and Indonesia etc etc etc is even less plausible to blame on American conservatives.  Therefore Libs are obviously grotesque cynical opportunists involved in blatant blame shifting for political advantage and to protect themselves and a leg of their coalition of the oppressed from blame.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 67 reads
14 / 19

What bothers me most about Trump's stand on torture, and his new punk buddy Cruz's stand on the subject, is summed up in the phrase, "Because they deserve it." That kind of madness actually sends shivers through me.

JackDunphy 86 reads
15 / 19

This really is nothing new in leftist circles.

Maher really makes them look like fools as liberalism use to mean pro-women and pro-gay rights. Not with regards to Islamists though!  

They, much like the hip hop community, get a pass from libs on misogyny and homophobia.

Gotta love some liberals man. They really stick to their core values. Sadly its only to make hypocritically poisoned political comments like WB's

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 82 reads
16 / 19

This is what's so frustrating with the left these days. They're too busy being "tolerant" to see what's right in front of their own eyes.

mattradd 40 Reviews 63 reads
17 / 19

But, it's typical talk from Chicken Hawks!  ;)

JakeFromStateFarm 80 reads
18 / 19

I was out observing you and the family out for a stroll

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 66 reads
19 / 19

Delivered without any form of humor & insight; there is no NRA or GOP in Turkey because even an autocratic Muslim government wouldn't contend with such crazed & totalitarian forces.

As to "enablers", the terrorist GOP & NRA forces pulled the trigger at the Orlando club surely as the crazed Mateen did.

Now THERE's Irony instead of your moronic "sarcasm"---------  :)
Posted By: digdirkler
"...the NRA, GOP & Guns, which has NOTHING to do with the attack in Turkey"  
 which would be my WHOLE POINT.  Its called sarcasm, look it up.  
 Stated directly without sarcasm so you can follow: Liberals assert the Florida Islamic attack was due to uniquely American issues having largely to do with their domestic political foes, yet a similar attack by similar persons elsewhere, like say London and Paris and Mumbai and Turkey and Indonesia etc etc etc is even less plausible to blame on American conservatives.  Therefore Libs are obviously grotesque cynical opportunists involved in blatant blame shifting for political advantage and to protect themselves and a leg of their coalition of the oppressed from blame.

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