Politics and Religion

Oh, it's the pussy asshole reactionary - OH HIYA GAG-MAN!!
Brother_Al_Sharpton 3975 reads

we were just talking about ya didn't have a real answer AGAIN, and went picking fights so you could accuse everybody else of what you're doing!   A real clever Republiscum trick that nobody could see thru, ya helpless victim!!

Dickless_Cheney3311 reads

I say nuke 'em all so that only Halliburton is left standing!! I'd even nuke that moron Puppet President too, but I promised his Dad that I would watch out for his stupid son's ass!

GaGambler2773 reads

Another Democrat who is completely unqualified for the job is nominated for this nation's highest office. The only difference is that he is black. Whoop de fucking do, he is still is completely clueless and with any luck he won't actually ever become POTUS.

The only thing amazing about it is the fact that Hillary hasn't assassinated him yet for trying to steal HER job. Give her time, it's a long ways till November.

Bushit-eater2713 reads

terrorists will attack New York, we'll be in endless wars, gas will be over $4/gallon, and homeowners will be decimeted by foreclosures.

Oops.  Too late!

Well lets see here.....

The attack on the WTC was several years in planning. All on Clinton's watch. Clinton by the way, in the 45,000 page document on terrorism prepared and passed onto Bush at the time of his inauguration, never even mentioned Al Qaeda. In 45,000 pages Al Qaeda never even got an honorable mention.

Endless wars? You mean like Korea, Germany, and Japan where we still have troops stationed to this day? Yes, we are going to be in the Middle East for a long time. Get over it. Have we been attacked on our home turf since 9/11? No. Excellent job Mr. President.

Gas over $4/gallon? The price of gas has increased by nearly 70% since Pelosi took the helm and assured America that she had a plan to lower gas prices. It must be a secret plan I guess.

Homeowners decimeted (sic) by foreclosures? Where? 97% of home mortgages are NOT in foreclosure and are NOT in danger of foreclosure. Ninety-seven out of every one hundred homeowners out there are making their house payments on time as scheduled. Why on earth should I feel bad for the three (probably Democrat) idiots who bought 10 times more home than they could afford, didn't read the fine print about ARM's, and are now about to lose their ass because they were too stupid to keep it?

In the time that President Bush has been in office, we have been challenged by several severe blows to our economy. The dot.com bubble burst, 9/11, Enron, the sub prime bottom out, Katrina, and paying for 2 wars. Despite these factors, we have enjoyed 6.5 years of economic growth as defined by positive growth in the GDP every single quarter. That is a pretty damned good job Mr. President.

But you are mostly right. If we elect a Democrat, Obama in particular, Hamas will rejoice, and Israel will run for the hills, Iran will realize their goal to develop a nuclear program, and you can bet your bottom dollar, we WILL be attacked again. And when we are attacked, at best it will be treated as a criminal act to be handled by our courts rather than our F-18's while our fearless leader kowtows to the so-called moderate muslims of the world and asks them to please be nice to us.

Bushit-eater2650 reads

I thought it was the liberal media.

-- Modified on 6/4/2008 11:26:38 AM

WillieTheBarTender2619 reads

(1) Have you read the 9/11 commission's comments?  You could start by addressing those.

(2) Don't you see any disingenuousness in (a) calling troops stationed in Korea, Germany, Japan "endless war"?  or (b) citing the absence of terrorist attacks, an assertion that can't be falsified, as evidence of a "good job"?  See (1) above.

Are you aware of any defined military objective in Iraq?  What exactly do you think we are accomplishing there?

(3) Yeah, it's all Pelosi's fault.  I'm sure.

(4) Don't you wonder why all these bad things happen to such a great guy as George Bush?  Maybe he's drinking on the job again - or what?  Do you really think that the Army COE budget had nothing to do with Katrina damage, that the Republican attitude toward markets had nothing to do with Enron, the subprime bust - and of course the way that we fall into and manage wars are just acts of god that the executive branch has nothing to do with.

Sorry.  I grew up in Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, and if you're the CO, you are responsible.  

I have to say I can't remember or imagine such an inept executive, eg as to fail to define an objective.  Carter was a paragon of competence next to this guy.  McCain has blown any credibility he had by his massive, ass-sucking flip-flops, and his deranged announcement that Baghdad was back to normal, because he only needed body armor, a platoon of Marines, snipers and helicopters to walk down the street.  If that's what it takes to continue Bush's policies, some people are pretty high.

Chuck Darwin4026 reads

his aides told him of the WTC attack in that classroom?

Now you may think that's his natural expression.  But stop and think, the 9/11 commission report said that "the (terrorist warning) system had been flashing yellow all during August" and Bush had told the CIA briefer to never mind, he'd "covered his ass".

I would not at all be surprised that there was a damn good reason for that expression that morning, and that was specific consciousness of personal fuck-ups.

Chuck Manson2934 reads

Hundred Years' War!  Let's go for the record while we're at it!

GaGambler2674 reads

but I like my life and I don't really want your people to fuck it up.

We've been in Germany and Japan for sixty some years and Korea for over fifty not to mention the Phillipines, Italy, Panama and several dozen other places. I don't see you getting all bent out of shape about our presence in these places.

You want $10 gas, just wait and see what happens if Hussein Obama pulls us out of Iraq.

Chuck Manson3368 reads


The war's over.  It ended a couple weeks ago.  We know because the RepubliCon PAC told us so.

WillieTheBarTender4564 reads

that's the way you roll, lying whenever you can.

Presence isn't war, asshole.  What I'd like to see is a president who has a fucking clue, and it's clear you wouldn't recognize one if he bit your ass.  

So the way I figure, given your past choices, if you think Obama is unqualified, that's about the best testimonial he could get.

HostileWitness2792 reads

All the Wall Street real estate speculators put out of commission by recent tightening of regulations are now making their money speculating on oil and artificially running its price into the stratosphere the way they did home prices.

 If I ever meet one of these stock market oil commodity speculating cocksuckers I got several full clips of 10mm Auto I’m gonna empty into their avaricious ass.  

GaGambler2619 reads

You'd probably just shoot yourself in the foot. Just like your party of choice, the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

Fucking dumb ass

BTW posting as three different dumb mother fuckers doesn't make it look like there are three separate dumb asses with the same opinion. Everybody here knows it's just dumb ass JackO still suffering from MPD,  You pathetic loser.

HostileWitness2592 reads

Acquisitive, self centered investors who could care less about the overall effect on both the populace and the economy as long as THEY reap their shitloads of Oh-Mighty-Dollar rewards.

Just FUCK the truckers, FUCK the already struggling families, FUCK the small businesses; FUCK EVERYONE!! As long as the venal, mercenary, investment market myrmidons can show a profit for their speculative investment, it's all good; right?

GaGambler2249 reads

Like I said before. I don't really care that your life sucks. I just don't want you and yours to fuck up MY life.

Contrary to pinko commie liberal's beliefs, the traders on the MERC don't control the price of world commodities such as oil. I would think that someone who had actually passed the bar exam would realize that, but I guess decades of listening to the likes of Michael Moore and Al Gore have fried what few brain cells you had left after your last lobotomy.My mistake, I won't make the mistake of speaking to you as an adult again. The persona of yours that makes the most sense is "Tonto" and only because you limit that persona to one or two word responses.

UGH, JackO, you one stupid white man.

BuckFush!2902 reads

Other than to say, "Bush is a fucking idiot."

GaGambler3029 reads

With a vocabulary as limited as yours, I'm surprised that you can say anything.

Get some new material, If you haven't noticed Bush isn't running.

WillieTheBarTender3361 reads

us that he's Bush Redux.

So which is it?  Senility?  Late onset bi-polar?  Adrenalin rush?  Opportunism?

Whatever it is, it ain't impressive.

Clinical studies prove that 85.3% of all DC residents and employees are certifiably insane; and that Obama will fire 28.3% more loons than he will hire.

It's Win-Win!!

BuckFush!3328 reads

He is running this country into the ground because peckerheads like you elected him.

An don't worry your sweet ass, if Prez Obama fucks up just like Bush-league boy did & still does, then I'll be hounding him too!

Please tell us where you got hold of "10mm" ammo, and what type of weapon uses it. we're waiting......

HostileWitness3627 reads

I'll have put 2 in your chest and one between your eyes before you could utter "hedge fund".

GaGambler2528 reads

It's easy to be tough on an anomymous internet board.

WillieTheBarTender2492 reads

But you're a Right Wingie, you don't need no stinkin' facts!!

GaGambler2797 reads

which means you're more likely to shoot your own foot off.

Don't you have some kind of anti gun legislation that you should  be out campaigning for?

Cpl_Punishment2442 reads

we like to keep our groups within 50m up to charge 6.  But when it comes to stuff that doesn't explode, we prefer to wait until they're in the wire, then stick them.  Then you don't have to walk so far to liberate their goods.

so you just keep running your mouth, tough guy.   Like the man said, it's easy to be a tough guy on the internet.  Of course you'd never start an internet fight, ya fuckin asshole republiscum!

GaGambler2925 reads

What's this "we" shit. You're the same fucking person, or have you been pretending to have MPD for so long that you actually believe you are fifteen different people.

JackO, please get back on your meds, before you mouth off to someone in the real world who has no idea that you are really just some undermedicated, demented fool who can't differentiate between the real world and your own private fantasy world.

GaGambler3244 reads

or might I say who is those assholes? plural since there is one asshole who can't figure out who he wants to be, so he pretends to be multiple assholes who keep trying to act like a tuogh guy instead of the little lib wuss he really is.

Cpl_Punishment2979 reads

Double-Standard-Double-Talk-Hypocrisy (TM)!!

But that's how you tell Republiscum!  They're the only ones who have that copyright license!  

Well, you can also tell them by their hyperventilation when anybody else horns in on their license.  But shit, they hyperventilate about everything anyway.

Brother_Al_Sharpton3976 reads

we were just talking about ya didn't have a real answer AGAIN, and went picking fights so you could accuse everybody else of what you're doing!   A real clever Republiscum trick that nobody could see thru, ya helpless victim!!

If he isn't forced to quit before the election, Obama will take a beating that will make people forget the shellacking that McGovern and Mondale took.

If the Baby Boomer demographic bulge couldn't save McGovern, then the much smaller collection of young people won't do a damn thing for Obama.

As Paul Begala said, eggheads and African Americans won't help him, even if you add the college kids and he's still wwaaayyyy out of the money.

RightwingUnderground2567 reads

HRC pundits are tonight claiming that her supporters are now going to force BHO accept her as VP candidate. They claim she has enough pledged delegates to pull it off. If true, then it's hers if she chooses. I personally don't think she'll go for it.

It'll be hard for her to give BHO the ol'Fort Marcy Dirt Nap treatment though.

-- Modified on 6/3/2008 10:01:21 PM

Did anybody see McCain's speech tonight? Did anybody see Obama's? What a stark difference. McCain is a terrible candidate. Obama's gonna win! He is such a better candidate! Change is coming like a freight train...

St. Croix3854 reads

if Obama is elected and the Dems control Washington. I will sell my oil and oil related stocks considering they have recently been threatened with increased taxes and nationalization. I will sell my pharma stocks considering Hillary and Obama have publicly stated so. I will sell my health care insurance stocks, considering we will have a single payer (govt) run system. Probably best to do so this year as it will be the last year of long-term capital gains @ 15%. I will do all possible to shelter my assets as to minimize my tax liability.

Considering most decisions are based on money, I will do my best not to contribute to the planned growth of the Federal Govt. Why would I or anyone want to work for 40 cents on the dollar based on repeal of the Bush tax cuts, and the fact that I live in a state that has a marginal tax rate of 11%? Maybe the top 10% of the income earners will just go on strike. Of course, I could short the oil, pharma and insurance sectors and make money, because greed is good, but not at .40 cents on the dollar.

tax liabilities, if Sen. Obama is elected President. However, I may jump back into the commodities market, because I can easily see oil jump to over $200.00 a barrel and more. Sen. Obama will create such political instability pulling out of IRAQ etc., the competition for resources may even lead us into war.

Since I do not know who the next President will be, I have my financial portfolio parked in boring government bonds. I am though looking at some foreclosure bargain sales of homes, that is if the Democratic Congress doesn't bale out these homeowners.

We are my friend in a period of wealth destruction, protect your assets. I like your stratagem.

Does this mean we can FINALLY stop hearing drivel about how the white man is keeping the black man down??

Somehow I doubt it, but oh if wishing made it so.

Actually, now that I think about it, I have one other question. Which part of the country is going to be hardest hit by race riots when Obama only wins 2 states?

Sorry, I am having a very politically incorrect moment :)

Why you might ask.  Cause she's gonna have him bumped off so she can be president!!!!

Watch your back, Barry.  Lock Mrs. Clinton out of the VP spot.  The VP spot is only a heart-beat away from the presidency and the Clinton crime family knows it.

When it comes to voting you just need to choose the lesser evil.  It is better than sitting at home, being angry and not voting.

I think Obama will do his best to clean up the mess that the Bush administration will leave behind.

Everytime, I look at Bush I think of a man who has spent millions just to play an expensive game of cowboys and indians.

By the way, I did vote for Bill Clinton and the economy was in much better shape than now.

GaGambler2527 reads

but the economy did well in spite of him, not because of him. Bill did one thing exceptionally well, he stayed the fuck out of the way. That quality alone should merit his consideration as one of the best presidents in recent history. Not for actually doing anything, but for not fucking anything up, or at least not fucking too many things up.

WillieTheBarTender3159 reads

and a wing full of dancers is cheap at twice the price!

Willie Clinton2690 reads

I'd love to get back into the White House and feast upon those interns again!!

harryj2801 reads

He is an arrogant, ungrateful piece of shit just like his wife. The only reason he has gotten to the present point is because he has convinced the pinko-elitist that they can only prove they are not racist if they support him. The libbie-pinks have not supported a more unqualified candidtae in recent times and they surely have supported some other pieces of shit.

BuckFush!2536 reads

Willie needs to cut you off!!  You have been drunk for far too long that you can't even see things straight. Mark my word, Obama & his Mama are going to take your monthly Socialistic Insecurity checks away from you if you keep drinking them up like you have.

Chuck Darwin2547 reads

if he can make more dough selling booze to a drunk, that's what he's going to do.

I will eat out all the black pussy on this board.  That's my promise to you, P&R discussioneers.

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