Politics and Religion

Oh fuck it, I guess I can fall off the wagon just this once. lol
GaGambler 1018 reads

Yes Willy, you have found someone that makes you look reasonable and rational in comparison. rofl

Like you, I find all religions to be equally laughable. They all claim to be the "Word of God", but they were all written by unknown human beings, not deities. There are the ocassional exceptions like L Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith, but by and large they all use the same mumbo jumbo.

The one thing that I am absolutely certain of is that billions of people are dead wrong on this issue. Rather than try to pick out which religion actually "got it right", I am going to stick with my agnostic beliefs and continue to laugh at the people who live out their entire lives in a misguied effort to please a non existent God.

Ok Marikod, where do I send my dollar for the "Willholics" fund?


I know it's all bull shit, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddah, God and all gods. But even though people people fight among each other, they would still agree that is wrong to believe in satan. My question is why? But it's ok to kill in the name of God!?

...is essentially nothing more than dressed up right wing libertarianism in a religious dress. Draw your own conclusions from that.

It is so close to Objectivism in mindset that there are articles in Satanist magazines comparing them.

Satanism isn't about Satan -- it is about the SELF.

LaVey's Satanism was nothing more than Objectivism, except with an anti-Christian bent.

I've always just found it a bit odd that people who praise things like greed would join a religious community based in part on Satan.

Unexpected honesty is always refreshing, lol.

Recommended reading: "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand.

I have a hard time reading Rand. I get the same reaction from watching 2 girls 1 cup I'm afraid. Sorry John. Care to summerize?

and i think Anton's dogma is fanatic BS. Anymore questions?

GaGambler1456 reads

but I don't see how it can be anymore ridiculous than "mainstream" religions. To someone that had never heard of either Christianity or Anton's Church of Satan, if they were to read either the Christian "Holy Bible" or Anton's "The Satanic Bible", I doubt that an objective reader would find one more credible than the other. I surely don't find the "Holy Bible" to be anything more that a third rate, totally unbelievable, and incredibly long novel. I can't see how anyone could take either book literally.

If one believes in heaven one believes in hell. Who is this 'people' you're talking about? To die for the LORD'S cause is said to be a 'great ticket'. Killing in GOD'S name is a direct given to the elevator to hell.

GodSpeaks!797 reads

The only one who does ask is Lucifer.

GaGambler1131 reads

The number of people killed in "God's name" whatever you want to call him, whether God, Christ, Allah, etc, the number runs in the countless millions. How many people have been killed in Lucifers name? Not many I would venture to guess.

Who knows, maybe Satanism is preferable to Christianity? It couldn't be much worse.

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