Politics and Religion

Of course they don't like each other
GaGambler 412 reads

Hillary had to endure being the "woman scorned" and still had to put on her "brave face" in public, there is no way in hell she is going to let that happen when it's HER name on the door.

As far as Bill being pissed when Hillary lost, you said it yourself "he really came across as wanting Hillary to win" Bill is one of the all time best liars in all history, and I say this as a compliment. Of course he came across that way, and he will come across that way when fate intervenes on her path to the White House this time too.

I doubt Hillary gave a fuck about being cheated on, what she gave a fuck about was having to be "that woman" the woman who was cheated on, the embarrassment was what she hated, not Bill boinking an intern, hell it wouldn't surprise me if Hillary wasn't doing a couple of interns herself, but if she has, she was smart enough not to get caught.

Also keep in mind that I am not talking about publicly sabotaging her with anything that could ever lead back to him. Keep in mind all those hundreds of millions of dollars raised by the Clintons he is responsible for as well. If Bill overtly sunk Hillary's chances to be POTUS there would be hell to pay and Bill knows that, but I would bet my last dollar that Bill knows where all the "bodies are buried" and he will be just as shocked as the rest of us when some "ugly truth" about her comes to light, but I bet you something along those lines is going to happen. I further suspect that he is hoping it happens without him having to cause it, but if it doesn't happen on it's own, I think he will give the truth a "nudge" lol

followme1593 reads

The feds get the server, and it seems that hilwhorie may have had TOP SECRET information
on her private server.

Also the "It was not marked classified/top secret at the time" argument does not fly.

A slightly different style of pant suit, but it fits her real good.

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

-- Modified on 8/12/2015 11:54:39 AM

She portrays herself as a friend of the common person but treated Secret Service and military members on her staff with contempt and disdain. She rails against money in politics but the Clinton Foundation rakes in millions from other countries while she is Sec of State.She talks about the GOP war on women while she orchestrated the slander of women who were accosted by her rapist husband.
This is the best the Democrats have?
Oh yeah I forgot Bernie Sanders. LOL
By the way I was watching CNN this morning and they chose to use air time on Trump,a pregnant panda,Tom Brady,kids getting too much homework. It took over an hour for them to get to Clinton. Thank the lord for Roger Ailes.

With a prosecutor and Hills attorney Lanny Davis. It didn't go well for Hills/Davis. LOL

Davis tried to make the point that the goverment server is less secure than her personally one! how the fk would he know? Then he tried the absurd argument that there were secret service GUARDING the server! Honestly, how much of a dumbass is this guy?  

The real threat to that server isn't that someone comes in and physically takes it, it's the fact of it getting hacked from anywhere on earth! And she did this after sending a memo out to her staff to make sure they only use the government server. This really is a three ring circus called the Clinton Campaign.

And if they wasn't enough, she is apparently trailing the Bern in NH by 7 points!

In this day and age of gender equality, is it possible her and Rick Perry may share a cell together? LOL.  

Roger Ailes is already looking into a reality show possibilities. Trump and slick Willy could have visitation rights. LOL

Come on, you know you'd watch! LOL

The truth is it did not get hacked.  

DoS gets attacked second to the Pentagon.

I get a kick out people who are clueless about information security discussing the subject. It is like, the so called security experts we are able to attack an iPhone, it was jail broke.

Gen. Colin Powell, also used a private email.

if they something on those servers that is incriminating how will the Obama led DOJ handle it? And what if Biden jumps in the race before it gets to that point? Is Obama going to help out Joe to pay him back for being a loyal sidekick and throw Hillary to the dump?

Posted By: JackDunphy
With a prosecutor and Hills attorney Lanny Davis. It didn't go well for Hills/Davis. LOL  
 Davis tried to make the point that the goverment server is less secure than her personally one! how the fk would he know? Then he tried the absurd argument that there were secret service GUARDING the server! Honestly, how much of a dumbass is this guy?  
 The real threat to that server isn't that someone comes in and physically takes it, it's the fact of it getting hacked from anywhere on earth! And she did this after sending a memo out to her staff to make sure they only use the government server. This really is a three ring circus called the Clinton Campaign.  
 And if they wasn't enough, she is apparently trailing the Bern in NH by 7 points!  
 In this day and age of gender equality, is it possible her and Rick Perry may share a cell together? LOL.  
 Roger Ailes is already looking into a reality show possibilities. Trump and slick Willy could have visitation rights. LOL  
 Come on, you know you'd watch! LOL

GaGambler506 reads

I doubt there is any love lost between Obama and Hillary. I have always maintained that IF Hillary makes it all the way to election day in November 2016 that she is the odds on favorite to win against whoever the GOP puts up against her. HOWEVER, my money is on her imploding well before next November, either over the emails, Benghazi, something in her distant past, or by some dirty trick pulled by her hubby, who I can't imagine wanting to go back to living in the White House as the "First Man"  

 I think Bill Clinton is living the life of a rock star and that would come to an immediate halt if Hillary were to be elected, There is NO FUCKING WAY she would let him embarrass her again by getting caught with some strange pussy and he damn well knows it. Somehow, someway, Hillary is going down. and no Mari, I am not predicting that she is going to jail. Unlike you I will be clear on that from the beginning instead of trying to weasel out of my words later.

Just a media hoopla about nothing.

Most of you are grasping for straws and hoping. Indeed, FBI got the servers and the reason they got it because the Government concerned about sensitive information in non-government server. FBI clearly states, there is no investigation.

CNN is confused news network which is competing with Faux News to become more Faux. Those so called expert idiots on CNN is worthless crap.

Hillary is also testifying before the congress in October.

It is too early for Obama to support anyone and I guarantee you, he is going to support Hillary when it is time, probably close to the convention as is customary for sitting Presidents to do.

Everything else is jus pure BS created by media to get stupid people tuned in.

If it is illegal, look for lot more implosions for using non-government servers as was done by every before Hillary and by Bush Cheney administration

Get used to Madamme President.

Every one is free to their own hallucinations

followme497 reads

Satan just put a sweater on.

As for Madame President, You are still predicting Carly Fiorina will win it all ! !

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

nuguy46421 reads

as Sec of State she either sent/received classified emails related to her job, on a private server, in violation of the law...... or she never handled classified information and didn't do her job.  

which is it ?!?!?!

was too stupid to know the information in some of the emails should have been classified

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