Politics and Religion

Of course not. Plus, eventually we will learn that both sides interpret key provisions
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1524 reads
1 / 27
JackDunphy 209 reads
2 / 27

And who couldn't trust a totalitarian state that is the world leader in terrorism? Why would they lie? Lol

He bows down to another fanatic, no shock there as we have all seen this movie before.

Referend Wright, Bill Ayers, the Castros, and now the Iranians.

Just don't let Barry represent you at the closing table. You'll pay triple the asking price and the other side can reneg anytime it wants. LOL

thisbud4u 153 reads
3 / 27

With other world powers signing the deal, there is not much left for Israeli butt lickers in US Congress.     Hard to sell another Middle East invasion and war to war wary Americans.    On top of it, where is the money.     If no war and no sign off on deal, it is a free Iran to go ahead with its nuclear program.    The Israeli butt lickers are cornered whichever way you look at it.

RIP, Benjie.

thisbud4u 176 reads
5 / 27

Neo cons just cannot take anything other than an invasion and war.    World leader in "terrorism".    What do you call invasion and destruction of Iraq, torture at Abu Ghraib ?   Acts to compete with Mother Teresa ?

What is your definition of President Reagan selling military equipment to Iran ?   Diplomacy ?

Iran was a buddy when its dictator Emperor was selling the US oil at $35 a barrel, depositing oil money in to his and his family's Swiss bank accounts, ran a police state with his SAVAK and anyone who spoke against him was not seen again.    

You see this country's foreign policy in that region, and Iran has many holes than on a slice of Swiss Cheese

bigguy30 151 reads
6 / 27

When people only want war this is what happens they sounds foolish.
It's time to cut off the aid and money his country gets from taxpayers.
If you want a war so bad pay for it yourself

GaGambler 150 reads
7 / 27

Oil didn't reach $35 bbl until after the shah was overthrown, and the oil boom coincided with the Iranian revolution.

The shah might have been a corrupt despot, but he was "our" corrupt despot and oil prices were 90% lower than they are now during his rule.

For the record Iran sold almost no oil during the "oil boom" of the late 70's early 80's which was when oil was selling in the $35 bbl range.

Keep trying Hadji, I am sure you will get one right eventually

JackDunphy 224 reads
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GaGambler 158 reads
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Obama, Kerry et al were so desperate for a deal, they would have agreed to anything to get a deal signed. All we can hope for is for Congress to grow a pair and vote this deal down.

Anyone who expected a deal with teeth to it was/is an idiot.

HONDA 153 Reviews 213 reads
10 / 27

........ all the suspected Iranian Nuclear sites on his own and take all those scraggly pro Isreal Democrats/Republican politicians along with him. Israelis without U.S. help have had no problem in the past bombing suspected chemical/Nuclear sites in Iraq and Syria. The only difference this time is they will be doing it without American help.

Posted By: thisbud4u
With other world powers signing the deal, there is not much left for Israeli butt lickers in US Congress.     Hard to sell another Middle East invasion and war to war wary Americans.    On top of it, where is the money.     If no war and no sign off on deal, it is a free Iran to go ahead with its nuclear program.    The Israeli butt lickers are cornered whichever way you look at it.  
 RIP, Benjie.    [/quote

JackDunphy 218 reads
11 / 27
followme 144 reads
12 / 27

Sorry Jack you are not wrong.

As i hear it access for inspection or any reason is subject to several things which can take as long as 23 days to settle before access is gained.

Can't wait for all the details to get out.

What a Fucked up  deal, but look who's deal it is ....

Thank you

nuguy46 171 reads
13 / 27

word on the street Obama/Kerry agreed to ditch the "anywhere/anytime" inspection for:

US makes formal inquiry, sends to UN which sends to Iraq; they have 21 days to agree/disagree. if disagree,, UN reviews review the issue. After 7 days, joint commission established and makes decision within 3 days. This is part of the joke Obama calls a good deal for the world.

bigguy30 176 reads
15 / 27

They are just following the GOP machine with throwing out false information.
I wonder what will they say if this Iran deal really works. LO

nuguy46 145 reads
16 / 27

anyone can criticize......if below is wrong pls tell us what is correct?

word on the street Obama/Kerry agreed to ditch the "anywhere/anytime" inspection for:  
 US makes formal inquiry, sends to UN which sends to Iraq; they have 21 days to agree/disagree. if disagree,, UN reviews review the issue. After 7 days, joint commission established and makes decision within 3 days. This is part of the joke Obama calls a good deal for the world

HONDA 153 Reviews 184 reads
17 / 27

"..........to believe? Mossad of course! A few foreign policy aides in the WH have nicknamed Netanyahu a POS......lol

Binyamin Netanyahu’s dramatic declaration to world leaders in 2012 that Iran was about a year away from making a nuclear bomb was contradicted by his own secret service Mossad.

It is part of a cache of hundreds of dossiers, files and cables from the world’s major intelligence services – one of the biggest spy leaks in recent times.

JackDunphy 140 reads
18 / 27

It was a simple yes or no. Are you ok with Iran getting a bomb?

Not a trick question, I want to hear your opinion. Some lefties here are fine with it. I am vehemently opposed.

Where do you stand?

2236707 3 Reviews 191 reads
19 / 27

completely differently, which they knew when they intentionally drafted ambiguous terms so they could 'splain to the folk back home hows-come they signed the agreement. That will work great for Iran since we will never round up consensus to enforce "our" interpretation.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 165 reads
20 / 27

Israel has the bomb, haven’t signed NTP shy not Iran who has signed NPT.

Isreal needs lear how to live in peace with its neighbors instead ruthlessly killing them. One day, it is all going to end badly.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 150 reads
22 / 27

US is not going to inspect jack shit. It is the IAEA.

Get the basic fact correct before making fool of yourself. Then again, your a master at making a fool of yourself.

HONDA 153 Reviews 171 reads
23 / 27

.......I disagree, the nuclear agreement assures that the nuclear inspections will be as tough or even tougher than those associated with inspections in Iraq. The IAEA inspectors were able to insure that Saddam could not access the materials required to make a WMD.  I am 100% certain that should the U.S. or Israel bomb those Iranian nuclear sites, we are guaranteed an Iranian nuclear bomb in six months or less.

thisbud4u 150 reads
24 / 27

It does not matter what happens or not happen in US Congress.

UN is voting next week lifting all international sanctions on Iran.   US Ambassador to UN Ms. Samantha Power will vote "YES" with the rest of the countries.

-- Modified on 7/14/2015 10:17:52 PM

thisbud4u 128 reads
25 / 27

... show themselves as experts on Iran, its Emperor and its policies during the period 1966-1979.    As an employee of a major US MNC who worked in Tehran during that time, I challenge these trolls if they ever lived in Tehran during that time.

Remember $0.26 a gallon gas during 1972 in Florida, Louisiana?

YairMarx 210 reads
26 / 27

No one really knows what's in the details but what were our options? Deal, No Deal and bomb or?? China, Russia, France were ready to drop the sanction and leave as the only country with continued sanctions. Time will tell if it'll work. Iranians in general want it to work for their economy so I don't see them fucking this up....

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 183 reads
27 / 27

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