Politics and Religion

This is a perfect example of why even I, at times, questionsad_smile
OSP 26 Reviews 3064 reads

the existence of an Omnipotent being.

There are two forms of (in)justice in this world; mans(which is incredibly fallible)and Gods.
I get very frustrated at having to wait on Gods justice(being much more exact).


There are some horrible things in this world, sadly. It seems to me that a just god and a merciful god are mutually incompatible.

HalfHour1944 reads

because they did 'wrong' by being born imperfect and living a mere 75 year life of concerted effort to do good to all around them, but they just didn't do it in the name of of guy whose is not even known to half the fucking world?

Oh please. Spare me. As if billions of people suffering over thousands of years because one woman wanted something she was told she couldn't have and then one man thought with his penis instead of his brain is infallible justice.  Sweet screaming baby Jesus with shit in his shorts. There is no and will be true justice. Just because someone is far more powerful that you doesn't make them right.

If that is infallible justice then we need to follow that example and force that child killer to have children. Then force his children to have grandchildren, and on and on... Then once a generation of his spawn has reproduced, we take them and torture them. Slowly, with fire. But being careful to not kill them so they can suffer as much as possible for what their Dad (or granddad, or greatgrandad, or great-greatgrandad or etc) did.

All the while exalting the judge who sentenced him.

Now, if you'd all like to stand we will sing praises to our Lord with Hymn 143 "The fire shall not turn your flesh to ash, O you fornicators and harlots!" then we'll conclude with prayer.

It's just that they aren't "cute little white girls" that live in this country.

If you are outraged against "your God" for allowing this to happen to this one little girl, I can only imagine your outrage when you think of what happens on a daily basis in Rwanda, The Sudan, and other hell holes in this world. I guess God is taking a good long nap isn't he?

I don't mean to be an asshole, but your God seems to have other things on his mind than protecting little girls from horrible atrocities,maybe they were sinners in a past life? Sorry, but the train of logic where it comes it a "kind, just god" just seems to fall apart, just like every other fairy tales about omnipotent beings does when held up to the light of common sense.

St. Croix1785 reads

Do you know how much time it takes to teach a true believer to take a snap under center, drop back the standard 3 to 4 steps, go through your reads and progressions, and throw a perfect tight spiral for a TD? Stopping atrocities a piece of cake. Getting your favorite pupil to listen to the basic teachings of how to be an NFL QB, well that's a different story. And for some of us, well that's an atrocity (lol).

And this ongoing debate of the existent of God, religion, is just mind numbing. When it comes to this topic, I tend to invoke two 3-word comments, "I don't know", and my favorite, "I don't care".

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