Politics and Religion

Occupy Wall Street blocks all entrances to the NYSE.regular_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 4959 reads


First of all, you are simply passing along OWS's own blurb sheet, which is not likely to be the most accurate source.  Second, your headline overstates even what  OWS says.  They did not "block all entrances to the NYSE."  They tried to but failed.  Workers can get through police barricades by showing  work ID.
It would have been nice if you'd just reported the truth: that OWS protesters succeeded in making it difficult to enter the entire area, causing a 15-minute delay in opening the NYSE.
Brick, please!

...and man, it looked pretty intense. A lot of unconfirmed reports, because it's damn near impossible to confirm things on the ground there. A philly cop was arrested by the NYPD who was with the protesters. Of course, if Bloomberg is going to have his police beat the snot out of a city council member and arrest him and detain him for 17 hours, then you know he's not going to think much about arresting a cop from philly.

Watching CNBC this morning was hilarious. Watching Kramer sweat about the crowds outside was priceless.

The protesters should have done this 2 months ago. Instead of setting up shop in Liberty Plaza, they should have just kept at it in front of the NYSE. From what I'm hearing now, the NYPD is caging the protesters inside Zicotti Park. Guess they'd prefer for them to stay there after all. :)

How dare they!  Turn the hoses on them!  Release the hounds!  Grab your truncheons!  We have met the enemy, and he is us!

Really, they're just rich people who have a better sense of self-preservation than other millionaires.

those folks from paying more to Uncle Sam?

What's that you say? No one is stopping them? Why, I don't believe that, how could THAT be?

Oh, I get it. They WANT to pay more but NOT until they force EVERYONE ELSE to pay more too.

Wow, now THATS patriotic, isn't it?

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