Politics and Religion

Obama supporters refuse to admit they were conned
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1645 reads

From "Hope & Change" to "Fear & Loathing".  Obama's 2008 campaign was an attack on his 2012 campaign.  We were all sick of these blood-thirsty, partisan pols.  He was supposed to be the alternative. You projected all your hopes and ideals on a man with no experience, no record, and no resume and he betrayed you.  Besides being the exact opposite of who he claimed to be none of his campaig promises have come to pass. A complate and total con man.  But liberals are useful idiots.  The more wrong they are the more they dig in.  And he is counting on you remaining the same idiots you have always been.  Now go dig in and attack Romney some more.  :D

Priapus53176 reads

I think today was "nail in the coffin" for Romney, OC-----Hell, GaG is supporting him & he thinks he doesn't have a chance.

What say you ?

Love the pick.  I read your post about "The Center".  What in the world is "The Center" about Obama?  Is over $5 Trillion in debt a "centrist" thing"? Romney has always been very moderate but you're nodding your head and now consider him right of Goldwater because you were told to.  You have no reason to support Obama but you're digging in.

Priapus53168 reads

With the Ryan pick Mitt is "tacking right to shore up a base that dislikes & distrusts him. Romney won't get a majority vote of independents, women & Hispanics & he'll even lose some seniors because of Ryan's "mediscare" plan.

Mitt had a chance w/ Rubio or Portman, but not with this guy.

Wake up & smell the coffee.

I will hold you to this post and throw it back in your face very soon Pri. :)

GaGambler160 reads

Pri is absolutely correct. Truth be told I like Ryan a lot more than Mitt. Say what you want about his budget, but the guy has bigger stones than Obama and Romney put together. He at least brought SOMETHING to the table that addresses the problem of government spending run amok.

All that said, POLITICALLY, it was a huge blunder for exactly the reasons you state. Now i think I am going to go throw up again, not from all the booze I drank last night, but from uttering the words "Pri is absolutely correct", damn it, I said it again gag, gag.puke puke. lmao

I am more than confident with letting Ryan make his case on a national stage.  There is a 6 minute youtube clip of Ryan destroying Obama in an impromptu debate on Obamacare.  Just wait until he gets a hold of the invisible VP Joe Biden.

Which happens to be unbridled piece of shit and showed he knows nothing about Macro Economics and Public Finance. Neither do most Right Wingers, they don’t either. You cannot cut taxes, cut government, increase defense budget and balance the budget. Then again Republicans never have balanced the budget in modern times while preaching fiscal discipline. We saw that discipline at work from 2000 to 2008 resulting in a global economic collapse.

GaGambler210 reads

I will confess to almost certainly voting for him, or more accurately "against Obama", but that's a long way from supporting the guy.

and I won't go so far as to say "he doesn't have a chance", but I will concede that this looks like a major blunder, right up there with McCain picking Palin. Not that Ryan isn't a thousand times smarter that than Palin, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a major league blunder.

hey, let me go all willy here and explore a prospect. Let's suppose dems get there wish and Romney implodes and we get a brokered convention, this could give Ryan a leg up on getting to the top of the ticket instead.

Yeah, I know, dumb idea. I think I drank way too much last night. I think I ran up about a thousand dollar bar tab, in Costa Rica no less. No wonder even my hair hurts this morning. lol

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