Politics and Religion

Obama has strong connections with Comcast and other
BreakerMorant 1587 reads

telecommunication interests and internet providers. If Obama wins (I'm working for McCain)invest in Comcast. You think customer service is bad now wait until he wins. Obama is bad news.

So now Arlen Specter is unconvinced that Belichick didn't tape more teams than claimed, and wants a full Mitchell-style investigation a la baseball.

What an idiot. As ridiculous and wasteful as the Congressional investigation into steroids was, at least there one could sort of make an argument that the use of steroids is illegal, there was transporting across state lines, MLB is beholden to Congress due to its anti-trust exemption, etc etc. All weak, but its something.

As for 'spygate', none of that applies. Belichick broke NFL rules, but nothing illegal. As a fan, I'd want Belichick suspended if not banned from the league. As a taxpayer, I want Specter to STFU.

I want to be the one who points out that he is a worthless FRICKIN FREAKSHOW.... the sooner he quits the better off the whole country will be.  

He just does not get the issues that confront most people in the country today... and quite frankly, I don't really care if sports players are totally drugged, for the other lunacy that spector is up to, while ignoring HUGE issues - like illegal immigration, doing something to promote the pursuit of Bin laden... and keeping us out of future Iraqs....   but this senile luny... will just keep on doing damage until they wheel him into the home.

Gotta do a better job of getting good people to represent us.

In a previous life, wasn't he one of Ira Einhorn's defense lawyers? Remember, the guy that killed his girlfriend, Holly Maddox, cut up her body, stuffed the parts in a trunk, and kept it in his apartment until the neighbors could no longer tolerate the stench, and called the police? I believe Spector defended him, without success I might add.

Sen Arlen Spector has close ties with Comcast which is a big contributor from his State of Pennsylvania. Comcast has had a big feud with the NFL Network over the broadcasting of their channel as a premium cable channel. Comcast wants to charge the NFL Network as a premium channel in their cable marketing package. The NFL disagrees.

In addition Sen. Spector wants to file an antitrust suit against the NFL. He wants the NFL to negotiate television broadcasting rights per franchise. Currently, The NFL sells broadcasting rights as a package with all franchises sharing the revenues.

Sen. Spector wants to cause the NFL needless wasteful time and money over a bunch of nothing because of his interests with Comcast. The Belichick "spygate" episode is over. The prolonging of this chapter is a sad commentary on Sen. Spector's shameful practice of self-interest. Shameful.

I tell you it's tough to be a Republican somedays.

-- Modified on 5/15/2008 7:25:48 PM

kerrakles2592 reads

are at fault for electing morons over and over and over. We are at fault for allowing politicians to sell us crap to get our votes. We are at fault for not throwing them out. We are at fault for not holding them accountable.

Until there is viable 3rd party there will not be any relief from the two establishment.

Look at this election, we are getting ready to elect the most inexperienced candidate in history based simply on_________(fill in)

You want to talk important issues?

due to the media (right and left) controlling what they dribble out to the vast uneducated masses...  

Who in their right minds would actually choose any of these three clowns to lead our nation?  I am so disgusted... I can hardly stand it... Which is why when the lunatic fringe on this board call me a this or a that... it just goes to show how polarized we have been taught by the medial in total to react.... Instead of saying - we've problems... and presenting them as real problems... not conservative or liberal - but real every day problems....  and then asking our politicians... HOW DO YOU RECOMMEND WE GO ABOUT SOLVING THESE PROBLEMS....

Instead, the media - makes it a big deal about whether or not one candidate wears a stupid pin- or another candidate is married to a well known "womanizer" or the third candidate is too old.....   sheese.... do any of these candidates have plans to solve the problems facing us in...

Health care
National definition and security

until the MEDIA focuses on what these problems really are.... and then asks the serious questions about what to do to solve them... well - we will keep getting the same lunatic fringe we get - running for office...

And DECENT folk - who are capable - honest and hard working will continue to shy away from the job.

Sorry, I am really on a rant today---- I listened to W. Shatner on the Beck show.... and when Shatner makes more sense than any of the politicians... it scares me....

kerrakles1897 reads

Look at the amount of money that is being spent in the primaries. You add GE and the dollar spent getting one of them elected could solve our education problem. It goes up every time.

Besides, why would anyone with intelligence and self respect get in this cesspool, we call politics.

Media is a pawn in the game, no one knows who and which special interest group is paying the so called experts and analysts in the media.

If media brain washing is not enough, the candidates spent enormous amount of money on advertising. What does it mean? We have become a society that elects people on the basis who has the cooler advertisement.

Ordinary citizens can't even get in and ask real questions. Everything is choreographed to look and feel good.

telecommunication interests and internet providers. If Obama wins (I'm working for McCain)invest in Comcast. You think customer service is bad now wait until he wins. Obama is bad news.

I think he has an excuse. Doesn't he have a brain tumor? Or is it just Comcast and the sour grapes of a disgruntled, Super-Bowl-losing-to-the-Patriots Iggles fan?

Ann_Fugly_Coultner1480 reads

I like the way you republicons put up my pooper, too!

so expensive that it is ludicrous...  Who (with an income (for a family of 4) of ~$100K a year afford to go to a stupid football game....

baseball is not so bad, but is getting there.... and BBall is in between.  So what are the masses left with?  Watching on TV.... premium... yea, like they don't make enough on the Superbowl alone.... gimme a break.

Spector is a horses behind... is so riddled with cancer that he is not gonna be around much longer and I - for one - will be happy when his sorry blundering obstructionist ass is outta DC.... HE IS EXACTLY WHAT IS MEANT BY THE WASHINGTON MENTALITY - THERE IS NONE!

I suspect that he is desparate to "do somethin" to leave a legacy - and anything "Really important" like getting us outta Iraq with some degree of grace would actually require him to get off his sorry ass and work... which he can't seem to do because his mental capacity is focused elsewhere OR he doesn't have the mental capacity to see real problems... that if they are not solved, it won't matter which frickin channel or game or sport is premium... cause they will all be broadcasting Islamic prayers...

Goddam politicians... Wright had the correct verbs... he just had the wrong target.

-- Modified on 5/15/2008 7:30:26 AM

-- Modified on 5/15/2008 7:30:46 AM

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