Politics and Religion

Numbers are meaningless when they have no context.
GiantBombing 180 reads

If you were to also include:

-How many crimes were committed in Texas between 2008 and 2014 regardless of perpetrator,
-How many of those were homicides,
-And how many of those were sexual assaults,

There might actually be a discussion to be had. As it stands though, you've only spouted some numbers.

nuguy461031 reads

His open borders initiative stats will seemingly ignore the truth.
In Texas from 2008 to 2014 illegal immigrants are responsible for:
611,234 crimes including:
-- 2,993 homicides.
-- 7,695 sexual assaults.
as the proponents of increasing Dem voters, Sen Durbin and Cong Gutierrez, both Illinois, point to their support of not breaking up families of illegals as being humane....but apparently do not care about breaking up families of US citizens, which happens when illegals murder US citizens. Both do not support Kate's law. Both want to increase financial aid given to illegals which increases taxes paid by legal US citizens.

If you were to also include:

-How many crimes were committed in Texas between 2008 and 2014 regardless of perpetrator,
-How many of those were homicides,
-And how many of those were sexual assaults,

There might actually be a discussion to be had. As it stands though, you've only spouted some numbers.

nuguy46207 reads

If these illegals were either in jail or deported, thousands of families would not be enduring the pain of losing loved ones.  
You can make it as convoluted as you want, close the border or keep seeing these stats. Hopefully, you won't be involved in one of those families experiencing the results of an open border and lax law and order justice. Your empathy is telling.

If you can't see the need for context here then what is the point? 611k crimes in 6 years could be less than 1% of all crimes for all I know.

Secondly, as I've said here way too many times, I am neither American nor living in the US, so I'm not going to be affected by this shit.

Thirdly, the fact that they are illegal immigrants changes nothing - are you telling me that a US citizen can't pull a gun on someone? Come back to me with numbers or don't come back to me at all.

Obama has deported more criminal/non-criminal illegal immigrants than Bush II.

The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show.

 Some immigrant advocates have dubbed Obama the “deporter in chief”over the fact that his administration has deported about as many immigrants in five years as the George W. Bush administration deported in eight years.


The db that killed Kathryn Steinle was deported 5 times and is a 7 time convicted felon.

Deporting them is only 50% of the issue. Keeping them out of the country is the other 50%.

nuguy46255 reads

Obama folks changed the definition of deportation and voila...he deports more than anyone in history..except use his definition and go back in history and you find he isn't the deportation leader...sad he can lie, lie and lie...and people still believe him....even Carter couldn't identify a country that likes us more now that Obama has been Prez.......

thisbud4u131 reads

For every person killed by an illegal, there are 100 more killed by citizens including their wives and children.   What is the point.

Obama's admin may be playing with funny numbers. Read both sides, decide for yourself.

thisbud4u197 reads

President Obama has no control over what happens in Texas.  It is a open carry state.

thisbud4u154 reads

Working for dirt wages with no benefits!     If you can find rednecks building houses, putting roofs and doing landscaping, post some pictures here.     Same thing goes for wives of rednecks, find them cleaning bathrooms, floors and kitchens.   That bunch would rather sit on their asses at home, get welfare checks, go and buy guns for 'protection' against illegals.

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