Politics and Religion

NRA and Pro Assault Weapons Congress Silent on Aurora Pandemicteeth_smile
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 4039 reads


Snowman39316 reads

if we actually had a death penalty in this country people would think twice before doing something like this.

Instead this guy will spend 25 years in the legal system, not doing any type of hard labor but just watching tv and playing basketball in the yard, before he ever faces the needle.

Your problem, no deterrent to doing this kind of thig.

BTW, New York City has a ban on handguns, that is why people there call it the city where only criminals have hand guns.

I've done simultaneous posts with Priap and they can be googled or searched here or if you can teach the nurse in your psyciatric facility to use a mouse, you can go back and see Priap's posts simultaneous with mine.

Like all of your quasi-political distortions that are echoed from Fox's website, and  Rush's site and radio clusterfuck that is losing sponsers as fast as the Titanic took on water you have decided that I'm priap.  There isn't enough medication currently sold in the US market that would stop your delusional thinking.  Neuroleptics, either gen I that started with  Thorazine in the 1950's or the current more expensive gen II with possible long term CV and renal side effects that cost an average of 20 grand per year would stop your delusions.

TER only gives one blue handle per user and I've had the same JeffEng16 since 2005. I pasted it directly from the TER web page that comes up for me.

Priap either has

elected not to post here and I wouldn't blame him or her
emailed TER support asking for a change of the TER handle which is what the nutso Snowman and nuguy have
assumed a TER black and white alias as TER defines it just like salonpas uses right now here

I'm not Priap; I've had this TER handle (diff from alias but you don't get that) since 2008 and
TER won't give you two handles at the same time. I posted on the same threads as Priapus. I don't know who he or she is. I'm not Priapus and if you go back and google my handle and Priapus with the term theeroticreview you'll see threads with both of us on them simultaneously.

I can't stop you from believing I'm Priapus but I can prove to anyone who isn't as psychotic as you are, that I'm not Priapus LOL.  I have posted in the past few weeks on the same thread as Priapus. And you are too dumb to understand that TER offers both a TER handle (which is hyperlinkable and has the number of reviews one has posted linked) and an alias like Salonpas uses.  The TER handle shows up as a hyperlinked refractile colored blue.  The alias shows up as a black and white non-hyperlinkable. People choose aliases because they want to hide more and not be associated with their reviews. Most of them flame and post superficial diatribes the way you often do and attack people personally the way you always do when you disagree with them politically.  Most of  them here but not salonpass make shit up and don't investigate their claims like you always do.  You parrot the Limbaugh Fox and Friends ethos and echo chamber.  Limbaugh is talking to Snowman and you worship at his fat drug addict criminal feet.

This is pasted five seconds ago from my Ter page that comes up:


Welcome, JeffEng16!
TER member since 2008

I can't stop you from doing the multi-tasking stupid things that are part of your everyday ritual.  

And apparently, no one can teach you even though it's been spelled out by TER admin that

an alias is a black and white--look at salonpass (whose posts are always intelligent and well thought out). He uses an alias. He also has a TER handle, at this present time but I don't know what it is and he isn't going to tell you.

You can have an alias and a TER handle at the same time. I don't have an alias but I could make one in a heart beat. I post with a TER handle JeffEng16. I've been a TER member since 2008 and never changed my TER HANDLE once.

I  don't have an alias but I could get one and so could anyone here.  You are wrong to say that the TER handle is an  alias. It isn't according to TER's definition.  According to your delusional thought architecture a TER  handle = an Alias but not according to TER.

How do you interpret salonpass in black and white in your  delusional system? It's an  alias on TER. salonpass has a TER handle and he or she is not going to reveal that to anyone here by choice.  Again most aliases in black and white are chosen because the poster wants to flame and insult people personally like you.  You chose to do it behind your TER handle.

salonpass is a rare exception who posts constructively with his or her alias, but most alias choosers don't. They post to personally attack, and politically to be a Limbaugh Coulter dick and pussy eater.

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Who are you responding to?  You just wrote several paragraphs responding to an accusation that doesn't exist.  Snowman made no such claim.  I'm assuming you live in a padded room.

and you're both full of shit there and in respect to everything else you jack  yourself off with on this board.

Snowman's claim that I'm Priapus is in a thread a few inches below this one:

 "All right Priap, quit hiding behind the B.S. alias and pay your damn debts you deadbeat. (eom)"

BTW are the networks covering who you think is Priapus in this election cycle?  Is it political in any respect?

TER says all messages outside forum topics will be removed but that doesn't happen on this board. How is who is Priapus a forum topic. I've never seen it as an OP.

And how do you explain my handle which has been the same since 2008 has been changedc to Priapus when I'm on several threads (just go back a few weeks) simultaneously with Priapus as is salonpass? And how dumbassky do you explain to your nurse and mom who keep changing your  Depends the top # of posters here and say salopass or I are Priapus?

That's about as fucking dumb as someone who said I faked a negative review when four other TER handles not mine agreed with my review verbatim under the thief EVA.

The one good constructive aspect of your mental illness and stupidity is that people like you insure that Obama will have 4 more years and the attempt by GOPutz to repeal the New Deal, (they don't stand a chance to repeal ACA) will die.  Also check out what the Dems are doing to the fuckass party on the budget. They have them by the nuts.

You are 1000 times worse than Pri on his worst day. And if Snowman claimed you were him in a previous thread why didn't you respond then?  Youn hijacked your own thread you wacko.

The guy that attacked everyone who used an alias is now hiding behind his in shame. Your massive douche baggery will shine through no matter how many times you change your handle.  Wanna bet?

In your mind this wouldn't have happened if automatic weapons were illegal?  In your mind the guy who murdered 13 people would be discouraged from acquiring an automatic weapon because it was "illegal"?  In your mind he wouldn't be able to acquire the weapon if it was illegal because it's really tough to acquire illegal things?  But good attempt at pushing your politics into this tragedy with a smiley emoticon.  Classy!

Every post you make is more sickening than the last.

Cartman's assertion that I take any pleasure in someone's violent death is not a surprising part of it's imbecilic delusional system.  One difference between Cartman and me is that I've saved a lot of people who have been violently attacked by guns, and  Cartman would be pissing in it's pansy pants if confronted with that type of emergency.

1) I'm realist enough to know that politically in the current dynamic where lobbyists like NRA's are clients and the  GOP Congress are providers (and so are the  Dems but not on the scale that the GOP is) that both legal and  illegal assault weapons are going to be available.
2) I don't want them legally available to civilians, and I've made that clear.

"Cartman" of Beltway fame, or infame is really naive and dumb enough to think I am on some planet where I haven't seen illegal gun sales. Are you that fucking delusional? And the answer is of course Cartman is that fucking delusional. There  isn't the neuroleptic in the world that could cause "Cartman" to think rationally.  And  Carman now has a new hobby. It can't post anything remotely intelligent politically, so it is jacking itself off targeting me for personal delusional attacks.

Go for it Cartman. I'm glad your nurse and mommie are helping you.

3) For years I used to go to sports memorobelia shows for fun and those meetings were on weekends.  A few times I went to computer hardware and software show. When I went, there were always gun shows  in the large venue/building next door. As I walked across the parking lot, guys yelled at me selling guns illegally out of the back of their pickups, vans, and cars.  They had a wide gamut of guns for sale. Long guns, other guns, semi-automatic, and automatic.  Among them were A-15's of all stripes.  They were less than average retail. They shouted "no data base checks" and had signs saying that.  Sometimes cops ran them off or arrested them; most times they didn't.

My point has been that the assault ban being reinstated that was lifted in 1994 would help to some extent.

My point has been that GOP clients like Cartman paid lobbyists to get GOP providers to take CDC's funds away to study gun violence.

My point has been that the media charade that got people like Ann Curry back on Today for a few days that is taking place in Aurora Colorado will do nothing to prevent future Auroras.  Aurora Massacres  will continue to proliferate and Cartman is a proud sponsor of them.

Dude, nobody believes you are a doctor.  I would bet you are currently living in some assisted living facility.

salonpas311 reads

....do a search of the Top 10 posters on this board!
You're probably too dumb to still figure this out.

Priapus is in the top 10 posting and he has scsarcely made an appearance since his public shaming.  And Gosh-Oh-Mighty you are as big of an unintelligent, unfunny, douche bag as Pri ever was.  If you aren't him then you two should get together and start a club.

This is an important issue, and it's worth more than throwing insults at each other, people. I'm just sayin'.

This didn't happen because the assault weapons ban ended. You could get assault weapons before, you just had to buy old stuff. Willy's favorite drug is very much illegal, it doesn't mean I can't get a hold of it.

Snow, you're wrong. This didn't happen because we aren't executing enough people. The USA leads the industrialized world in the number of executions, as well as the number of gun homicides.

Think about this rationally. If someone is going to be crazy enough to shoot up a theater with an AR-15, they're not the sort of person who is thinking about the long term consequences of their actions.

Psychopaths actually have little ability to understand the consequences of their actions. They have limited brain capacity to understand the cause and effect of their own actions. The death penalty simply won't work as a deterrent for the worst offenders.

We are living in a society that is slowly breaking down. We have more people in this country with mental illness than any other industrial nation.

Finding the root cause of mental illness is tricky. The science on this isn't in yet, and probably won't be for several decades. But we do know that a small percentage of mental illness is genetic. We're talking about 1-3% of the population. Mental illness can also be induced by environmental factors.

About 25% of Americans have some form of mental illness. This is way beyond anything you find in any other industrialized nation.

The way we live is making us crazy. And this has far-reaching consequences for all of us, the least of which is higher levels of insanity.

-- Modified on 7/21/2012 9:36:34 AM

Right Wingnut's will always insult because they're poorly read and bankrupt of ideas from those on TV to here.
Post anything civil and they'll hurl insults like kids.
We are 2nd in gun murders

Brazil 25000+
US close to 10,000 per year

Of couse guns and narcotics can be obtained easily illegally and of course the Aurora shooter bought his 3 legally and his other things on line and probably the components of his apt bommb setup as well.

We death penalty and imprison far more now approx 1/100

We do nothing to rehab; we warehouse.
Health care in US detention system, immigration and state prisons is egregiously poor.

If you trace the history of neuroleptic MEDS since 1950's since Solomon Schneider helped develop Thorazine it has been very  slow, because our imaging access to CNS is limited by anatomy like the sphenoid bone.

Good mental care is expensive and lacking in state systems for a panoply of reasons.

So nothing will ever positively impact or prevent the Auroras or Columbines ever.

Dynamics in the US and trend towards economic and social inequality will only increase exponentially.

NRA is dedicated to profit; safety and deaths aren't in their equation.

The gun owner basically thinks that if they are safe and sane in the use of guns the rest of the population will be.

Not close to the situation  on this planet.

nuguy46351 reads

Wrong about what?

Posted By: JeffEng16
Right Wingnut's will always insult because they're poorly read and bankrupt of ideas from those on TV to here.
Post anything civil and they'll hurl insults like kids.
We are 2nd in gun murders

Brazil 25000+
US close to 10,000 per year

Of couse guns and narcotics can be obtained easily illegally and of course the Aurora shooter bought his 3 legally and his other things on line and probably the components of his apt bommb setup as well.

We death penalty and imprison far more now approx 1/100

We do nothing to rehab; we warehouse.
Health care in US detention system, immigration and state prisons is egregiously poor.

If you trace the history of neuroleptic MEDS since 1950's since Solomon Schneider helped develop Thorazine it has been very  slow, because our imaging access to CNS is limited by anatomy like the sphenoid bone.

Good mental care is expensive and lacking in state systems for a panoply of reasons.

So nothing will ever positively impact or prevent the Auroras or Columbines ever.

Dynamics in the US and trend towards economic and social inequality will only increase exponentially.

NRA is dedicated to profit; safety and deaths aren't in their equation.

The gun owner basically thinks that if they are safe and sane in the use of guns the rest of the population will be.

Not close to the situation  on this planet.

You also haven't documented where in a later post you claim any item purchased over $200 is subject to a 2.3% sales tax in connection with ACA or the concept that Mitt-Bott pushed through in Massachusetts Romneycare.

Sales taxes are state enacted.  There is a vote in my state in 2 weeks on one.

followme289 reads

Based on your first two sentences you are the biggest right wingnut on this board.

You’re welcome
2012 = GOP

Despite what you said about putting me on ignore
I know you are reading my posts and also crying to mommy and using the  report this post button
C’omom be a man and admit you are a liar.

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