Politics and Religion

nowhere did you limit what I quoted to Iraq
thisbud4u 972 reads
1 / 9

Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld sowed the seeds for the creation of ISIS.   There was no ISIS or Al Qaeda before they lied to everyone, (Congress, people, UN, the world.) and invaded to occupy the oil fields and control Iraq's oil wealth.   Sadam was in their way.    $$billions for airbases to control Iraq with air power, $780 million embassy to rule Iraq with hand picked Iraqi puppets.    Little did they realize that they would be unleashing the century old blood rivalry between Shiite and Sunni Iraqis.    Sadam had kept all of that under check.     Yes he killed people but look at how many were killed and being killed on a daily basis after he was gone.

By 2007 it was clear to everyone in the country that it was the worst foreign policy disasters since Vietnam.   $3 trillion down the drain and in to national debt.   People died.

Yet the likes of Election thief Jeb Bush has the nerve to say President Obama should have left troops in Iraq.   Yeah right, it was not their family members who got killed in the invasion and occupation.     He did not say where he would have found the money to pay for it.

Senator Rand Paul's bid is over with this statement.    He debunked the GOP philosophy of war at the drop of a hat and they love Middle East.   The Defense contractors and lobbyists will spend $millions to ease him out of their way.

I hope Senator Berne Sanders fights for his plan for future wars;

1. Raise taxes to pay for war
2. Bring back the draft with no exceptions  
3. Congressmen who vote for the war should resign their seat and lead the war front.

DUANE 33 Reviews 161 reads
2 / 9

"There was no ISIS or Al Qaeda before they lied to everyone".  Um who was behind the 9/11 attacks?????

thisbud4u 171 reads
3 / 9

So what planet have you been living ?     When did you know there was Al Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq when Sadam was in charge of the country?     FYI:  The guys who did 9/11 were Saudis tied to Al Qaeda and not Iraqis.    

I recommend you get a brain scan.

DUANE 33 Reviews 156 reads
4 / 9

"There was no ISIS or Al Qaeda before they lied to everyone,"

thisbud4u 162 reads
5 / 9

WTF!   The subject was Iraq.    Know the subject before you bark, sparky!

thisbud4u 147 reads
7 / 9

If you don't understand what we write why do you post replies?    Stay away and save your time.

DUANE 33 Reviews 157 reads
8 / 9

Noone can be 100% sure of what someone else meant by a post.....I read the words and take them for what they say.  In this case I did not see "Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld sowed the seeds for the creation of ISIS.   There was no ISIS or Al Qaeda IN IRAQ [my insertion] before they lied to everyone, (Congress, people, UN, the world.) and invaded to occupy the oil fields and control Iraq's oil wealth."  So your post read as rather stupid.  Including those two words provides the meaning you apparently really meant.

but, just like with Matt, I guess I have to read, pause, think what the hell he must really mean, and then weigh that.

followme 164 reads
9 / 9

t yes this could be it …so far

Thank yo

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