Politics and Religion

Now the same folks who brought us the VA and Walter Reed
Harry5390 89 Reviews 1918 reads

can be in charge of your health care. Sound good?

It started with good intentions, like most ideas from the Left. In execution it is badly flawed and does not get better but gets much worse as it goes along. Why are most of the doctors in the UK from the Third World?

What aside from waging war, collecting taxes and road building does the government do well?

Democrats can't even run a primary election without getting completely fucked up and you want to put them and their cronies in charge of your kids health care?

Who doesn't have health care in this country? Many choose to do without it because they don't want to pay for it. There is a BS number of 45 million thrown around by HRC, and even she admitted it was mostly made up of young people, 22-30, often recent college grads in new jobs who would rather hang on to the $250 bucks a month and take a chance they won't get sick or in an accident. (I know a few myself who have decided to risk it, and it pissed me off because if they got hurt, I'd end up paying their bills and they knew it.)

The other big component of the 45Mil was illegal aliens, which is another reason to send them the hell home. Why the fuck should I pay for their health care?  

Anyone who walks into an emergency room is treated, illegal aliens, included. I have an old school pal, has worked under the table for 30 yrs, hasn't paid an income tax in 30 yrs, no health care. Something happens, he goes to the ER. Treated every time. Never pays a dime. Makes plenty of dough. Keeps it all. Travels, lives well. If he's asked, he says he's severely depressed, can't hold a job and lives off his GF.

If there was one kid in this country who was not treated because of no insurance there would be hell to pay and probably a congressional investigation. The one kid the D's pulled in last Spring during some BS turned out to be covered and treated, but the Left and the media never let the facts get in the way of a sob story.  

Those who want socialized medicine are same old layabouts who want everything else for nothing, too: The Infantalized Left

harryj1715 reads

When was the last time you heard a politician mention the word "liberty". The legitimate purpose of government is the preservation of liberty and I don't mean liberty from work. Politicians whoo their votes by promising to take from your neighbor and give it to you. Theft by the government doesn't enhance thievery, it merely dimishes legitimate government. The socialist/communist democrats only remedy for their screw ups is more power to the party, less liberty and money for the people. SocialIzed medicine is a bullshit concept and democrats are pure bullshit. I want to hear a politician talk about what he/she will do to protect and enhance liberty.

harryj1491 reads

and quit sending me your bills. I frankly don't give a rat's ass if you if you shrivel away from being a parasite. Don't let Hussein Osama tell you that you will be in utopia if you vote for him. You lazy bastards can steal everything their is to steal and you still won't have much, killing the golden goose won't get you any eggs.

BuckFush!1521 reads

Before you spend all of your monthly Socialistic Insecurity checks on cheap booze. Besides, you are staritng to piss on yourself again.

Chuck Darwin2110 reads

are incompetent.  You sure can't accuse GW of waging war, building roads or collecting taxes in any kind of efficient fashion.

harryj1571 reads

fashion". Ah, yes, what an aspiration of government. Just send out the king's minions with thumb screws and the rack, you can get the taxes efficiently and top it off with everyone's admission that the king is great and that liberty is to be despised as an unnecessary burden. Hoorah for Insane, Hussein, Bareback Obama Osama !!!!!

Chuck Darwin1374 reads


They do it all the time.  Nobody can beat them.  No sense in even trying.

Best way to deal with them is use them for punching bags.

WillieTheBarTender1605 reads

afaik, the only thing they are talking about doing is guaranteeing payment on certain types of treatment.

One of the things you Republiscum don't understand is that you aren't likely to get something you aren't willing to pay for - and in the meanwhile, your kvetching just proves you're a obstructionist asshole, precisely the idiot who bitches that the cashier won't take your check when you're buying tickets to the ball game that starts in 10 minutes.

Yeah, okay Willie, I understand you now. I see how you can say that, about being precisely an idiot, you know,  about the ball game in 10 minutes,and the check and everything, yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the keen insight coupled with your fabulous wit.

Tusyan1519 reads

Maybe you can tell us which candidate is proposing this type of health care system. Senators McCain and Obama certainly aren't so why is this a concern?

Bushit-eater2416 reads

You should be grateful I'm protecting you through hyperventilation.

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