Politics and Religion

Nothing that you do makes any sense.
jazzman121847 105 Reviews 19 reads

And acting like a fool does help you any either.

Biden, in an act of cultural appropriation, turned WH Easter celebration into a non-religious holiday by banning any mention of its religious origins, and also proclaimed Easter day a trans appreciation day.  
Trump associated himself with Bibles.

Joe regularly attends church on Sundays and will do so on Easter.  
Trump regularly golfs on Sundays and I would not be surprised if he did so on Easter.
Joe reads the Bible.
Trump sells Bibles.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Biden bans religion from Easter, makes it trans appreciation day
Biden, in an act of cultural appropriation, turned WH Easter celebration into a non-religious holiday by banning any mention of its religious origins, and also proclaimed Easter day a trans appreciation day.    
 Trump associated himself with Bibles.

followme25 reads

biden goes to church doesn’t mean he is a good Catholic
I go to MLB games, doesn’t mean I’m a major league player

You know biden reads the bible how?

If he was a devout Catholic he would be 100% against abortion.

Besides, you lefties look down on mock and ridicule Christians especially church going Catholics. In fact your leftie pals use the term thumper and or bible thumper and sky daddy.
So why the sudden praise for a church going Catholic.  

2024 = 28


BTW have you learned how to tell time yet?

Now I know who decides if someone is "good" and "devout" enough to be a member of a particular religious cult. I guess being a MAGA cultist qualifies swallowme. Good to know.

followme35 reads

You also misinterpreted, misconstrued, misrepresented what I said by making false, misleading, untrue, wrong and incorrect statement. But that’s OK I understand that happens with elderly people. However in your brief moments of lucidity if you think to actually read what I post you may actually learn something.
Unfortunately those moments may be few and far between these days.  

2024 = 28

See that swallow me found his thesaurus. What you post is mindless drivel. Do any of your brain cells actually function?

followme36 reads

It is mindless only to elderly  
People who are in cognitive decline, such as you jizzlvr.

So if I push back against your bullshit that makes me elderly and in cognitive decline, huh? That's pretty dumb even for you.  Why do you hate senior citizens? Don't you realize that you are a senior citizen to everyone younger than you? I guess not because that would require cognition and mental acuity instead of the cerebral atrophy that exists in your brain.

I'm responding to you followme. I'm being attacked by two ageist bigots at the same time, so I need to distinguish between bigots.  

followme27 reads

I know who you are responding to.  

Your insecurity and persecution complex is evident.

it is sad that you have deteriorated to where you cannot just sit back and enjoy  your golden years.

followme35 reads

You pushing back does not make you elderly, what makes you elderly is the fact that you are old.  
You are clearly and irrefutably very sensitive about that fact, which is evidenced by your uncontrollable fits of rage about the topic and playing the victim yelling, screaming ageist.  

Little jizzlvr,  I do not hate senior citizens in fact I often assist them in many ways.  
Now I’m going to help you out. Since you, for no logical reason,  clearly get very upset here I have gone out of my way to look for a few discussion boards that are more your speed.


I know and accept that you will not appreciate my efforts and will not thank me for helping you out. That’s OK, because  I recognize the fact that a person of you age is like that. Besides I have no doubt that you are and have always have been an unappreciative taker and never a giver.  

You don't know my age. I'm probably younger than you. However, what you are doing is attacking based on age albeit an assumed age. It doesn't matter. That's ageism and it's wrong.  It's bigotry based on age and age alone. It's ignorant and it's abhorrent behavior.  Studies have shown that people who discriminate based on age usually possess other biases that are based on race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.  Call it intuition but I'm guessing that you are a multiple bigoted offender.

followme27 reads

Don’t be so sure of that.

If in your fantasy world you say   “I’m are probably younger than you” (laughable) why are you so sensitive and defensive about being referred to as old? Since you do not have the honor, courage or integrity to answer that, I’ll answer that for you. You are in your golden years.
Why are so ashamed of that?  
Why are you so afraid to admit it?
It eventually happens to everyone.  

I do not expect one bit of truth from you, and you will no doubt go on and on and on yelling and screeching your false claims of ageist and misrepresenting and distorting everything that is said.    

You are clearly very thin skinned and a beta. Now that has nothing to do with age, as you have clearly been that way your entire miserable life. Must really suck cowering in the corner curled up in the fetal position your entire life…..that has nothing to do with age either.  

Simply pointing out facts, but you being so thin skinned you always whine, cry and complain about anything and everything said.

What you are calling intuition on your part is in reality you making up shit.

How little you actually know. What I am is indignant and outraged by your bigotry, cruelty, and hate towards others. You inhabit a world that has been radicalized by lies, fear, hate, bullying, meaness, and bigotry and you love the cesspool that is your miserable existence. I find you disgusting, appalling, and a horrible excuse for a human being. Now go crawl back the rock you came from and leave good, decent people alone.

followme18 reads

That was some temper tantrum.
But I found a few things you can try that might help.

How do you deal with elderly anger?
7 Ways to Reduce Aggression in Elderly Patients with Dementia
1. Regular physical activities. Exercise is a great option for you and your loved one because it can help you both relieve stress, combat boredom, and encourage good health. ...
2. Social interaction. ...
3. Stay busy. ...
4. Music therapy. ...
5. Art therapy. ...
6. Pet therapy. ...
7. Doll therapy

Here are a few more thing I found that could help.  





You say
Leave good decent people alone, just more of your delusions ……I’m not bothering any good decent people.

Here I am doing the right thing and helping you with your very serious issues and you show no appreciation at all. I realize that some (not all) of your age get that way and it is sad to see. But I’ll continue to try to help you regardless.

Even though I’m going out of my way to help you out.
The more I think about it …you should have been swallowed.

Here's the ABCs of followme: Ageist. Bigot. Cultist. Now go crawl back under your rock.

followme19 reads

I see you still know you’re ABC’s and that’s good because it means your decline is not total….  Yet

Maybe you should get out and get some fresh air.  

I still think you should try out some of those knitting sites/forums I
So graciously went out of my way to find and provide links for you.

You’re Welcome

Ageist, Bigot, Cultist.

followme22 reads

You really are easily upset. Another indication of the elderly.

You need to try to better get ahold of your emotions. There is no need for you to be so sensitive about your age. Everyone gets old. It cannot be stopped, it is inevitable and you are at that stage. Instead of seething with anger and rage about growing old (it is not my or your fault). Your golden years have arrived embrace and enjoy it.  

Having trouble handling your emotions and is posting with anger and emotion. I'm just reiterating that you are an Ageist, Bigot, Cultist. Go find that rock.

followme21 reads

And I’ll explain in simple terms, just for you.

This time I say something about your emotions and you reply saying virtually the same thing about emotions.
Sounds like you are using the childish …. rubber glue routine
However it is not unusual for older folks to revert back to doing saying things little children say and do.  

Again accept it and enjoy your golden years ….take up knitting  

You’re Welcome  

Project much? It's who you are. You can't help yourself. Ageist. Bigot. Cultist.

followme15 reads

the esteemed philosopher G. Slick

“Doesn’t mean shit to a tree”  

NOT committing adultery by fucking a pornstar while his wife is at home with his newborn son does not make Biden a good Catholic.
NOT fucking prostitutes does not make Biden a good Catholic.  
  (http://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/politics/karen-mcdougal-donald-trump/index.html )
  (After Trump fucked Playboy Model Karen McDougal he tried to give her money.)
NOT running a fake charity does not make Biden a good Catholic.
NOT running a business convicted and fined for business fraud does not make Biden a good Catholic.  
NOT being charged with racial discrimination against blacks -- TWICE -- for not letting them lease apartments on his properties does not make Biden a good catholic.
(Do you really want me to keep going?)
Biden has regularly attended church services most of his life. ~50 Sundays per year x 50+ years = ~2500 sermons. If those were the ONLY occasions that Biden opened his bible to follow along with the pastor, that would more bible reading than Trump will ever do. ... probably more reading of ANYTHING than Trump will ever do.
As a Catholic, Biden is against abortion. As POTUS, Biden is President of ALL Americans, including Catholics who are pro-choice and non-Catholics who are pro-choice. Biden believes in the Constitution and the separation of church and state. The US is governed by the Constitution and NOT by the Jerry Falwell's interpretation of the Bible. The Bible does not mention abortion at all. Abortion was NOT a political issue for Catholics at all UNTIL bible-thumping Falwell made it an issue for personal reasons.  
Bible-thumpers, such as Falwell, are those with pretensions to superior sanctity that want to impose **their personal** Christian Values on EVERYONE.  
Bible-thumper: (1) an aggressively zealous advocate of Christian fundamentalism (2) a person who expounds or follows the teachings of the Bible in an aggressively evangelical way.
*****How Christians and Bible Thumpers Are Not the Same*****
"A Bible thumper is defined as being “an aggressively zealous advocate of Christian fundamentalism.” Bible thumpers are similar to the Pharisees ..."

Posted By: followme
Re: So what
biden goes to church doesn’t mean he is a good Catholic  
 I go to MLB games, doesn’t mean I’m a major league player  
 You know biden reads the bible how?  
 If he was a devout Catholic he would be 100% against abortion.  
 Besides, you lefties look down on mock and ridicule Christians especially church going Catholics. In fact your leftie pals use the term thumper and or bible thumper and sky daddy.  
 So why the sudden praise for a church going Catholic.
 BTW have you learned how to tell time yet?

followme30 reads

A long winded convoluted post dishonestly twisting and distort everything.
So many words to say nothing.  

In a Catholic mass during the sermon the congregation does not use the bible to  follow along with the priest. Therefore more stupid  bogus math.. Therefore you have no proof that biden ever opened a bible much less read it or any part of the bible.

Hmmm “As a Catholic, Biden is against abortion” really when did he say that ? got proof?
You really lost me where you said “Biden believes in the Constitution”  

BTW to answer your question (Do you really want me to keep going?)
My answer is  
Yes, do keep going  

Hey how about those Yankees  
2024 - 28

-- Modified on 3/31/2024 7:39:37 PM

On more than occasion, Biden has addressed the difference. The most recent one:
"I'm a practicing Catholic. I'm not big on abortion," Mr. Biden, who is only the second Catholic president in history, told supporters. "But guess what? Roe v. Wade got it right."  ...
""Roe v. Wade cut in a place where the vast majority of religions have reached agreement," he said, noting that during "the first three months or thereabouts, in all major religions" the decision to obtain an abortion is between a woman and her family. ..."
Biden's faith comes through in speech, quoting Catholic hymn and Bible verse
[One of many quotes. Religious commentators note Biden's frequent use of the Bible in his speeches.]
Biden Invokes Augustine in Call for American Unity.
Prayers, Bible verses, and reference to the ‘City of God’ set the stage for the inauguration of a Catholic president.
"In his inaugural address calling for national unity, President Joe Biden turned to Christian teachings, including the Psalms and Saint Augustine, to acknowledge the pain of the current political moment and his desire to bring Americans together around common values. ...
"In his address, President Biden went on to quote Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” ...
When Trump was asked to name his favorite Bible he couldn't quote one. After thinking a bit, he said, "Well, I guess there's an eye for an eye."  
Joe Biden's Easter message: "Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection. As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people. From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you."

Posted By: followme
Re: As usual  
A long winded convoluted post dishonestly twisting and distort everything.  
 So many words to say nothing.  
 In a Catholic mass during the sermon the congregation does not use the bible to  follow along with the priest. Therefore more stupid  bogus math.. Therefore you have no proof that biden ever opened a bible much less read it or any part of the bible.  
 Hmmm “As a Catholic, Biden is against abortion” really when did he say that ? got proof?  
 You really lost me where you said “Biden believes in the Constitution”  
 BTW to answer your question (Do you really want me to keep going?)  
 My answer is  
 Yes, do keep going

followme18 reads

When I said keep going I thought you would give us something substantial  

Keep going, keep going……. but I don’t think you have anything else because  
Biden is a cafeteria Catholic.

2024 = 28

followme32 reads

I should have mentioned my cafeteria Catholic comment was made by the
Catholic Archbishop of Washington DC.

Just wanted to give the proper credit to the Catholic Archbishop


Yeah I knew you had nothing

Come on Jazzy. The Catholic Church opposed abortion long before Falwell came along.  

Henry Hyde, author of the Hyde Amendment, was a devout Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus. I’m sure he opposed abortion long before Jerry Falwell began preaching at Crossroads Baptist.

followme18 reads

The Catholic church has been opposed to abortion way before jizzy’s time and that was a long, long, long time ago.

Many Catholics were anti-abortion for a long, long time but it became a MAJOR POLITICAL / ELECTION issue in the late 70s, e.g., with Jerry Falwell and the Reagan campaign. and the Moral Majority in 1979 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority . The Hyde Amendment was 1980. (Did Falwell's political advocacy help to push it through?) I am not going to go over it with a fine tooth comb to give credit to Falwell or Hyde or some other advocate, so I hope we can agree that abortion as a MAJOR political issue took off around that time: late 70s, early 80s.  
Prior to that time, it was NOT a political issue for the evangelical churches.  
"... In fact, the Southern Baptist Convention, they actually passed resolutions in 1971, 1974 and 1976 - after Roe v. Wade - affirming the idea that women should have access to abortion for a variety of reasons and that the government should play a limited role in that matter, which surprised us. The experts we talked to said white evangelicals at that time saw abortion as largely a Catholic issue. ..."
So what happened?
"... In short, desegregation. ... The second year of desegregation, the number of white students in the public schools in Holmes County decreased to zero. So where were these white students going? Well, they enrolled in private so-called segregation academies run by evangelical leaders as tax-exempt religious schools. ...
"... And the gist of the [anti-discrimination court] decision was that any organization that engages in racial discrimination or racial segregation is not, by definition, a charitable institution. Therefore it has no claims on tax-exempt status. Many white evangelical leaders relied on those tax exemptions to operate their private, segregated schools in places like Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Virginia. And they felt entitled to those tax exemptions on religious grounds. The alarm begins to grow among various evangelical leaders, including Jerry Falwell, who of course had his own segregation academy in Lynchburg, Va. ...
"... Weyrich understood that racism - and let's call it what it is - was unlikely to be a galvanizing issue among grassroots evangelicals. So he needed to find another issue. At the time, evangelicals were concerned about all sorts of things - government overreach for one, and also social changes around roles of women, gay rights and free speech. Then in 1976, something unexpected happened. [Jimmy Carter - human rights, enforcement of desegregation, ...] ...
"... Weyrich said, "I found it; this is the issue that's going to work for us in order to mobilize grassroots evangelical voters: Abortion." ...
ABORTION became a POLITICAL issue for the self-appointed Moral Majority in the late 70s in order to protect the taxpayer funding of segregated religious schools because "Vote for Segregation! Vote for White Power!" wasn't a good campaign slogan to recruit true Christians and evangelicals. It was "Vote Anti-abortion!!" and those candidates will just happen to also protect our tax exempt, tax funded segregated schools and other interests.

Posted By: cks175
Re: So what (Catholics Are Anti-Abortion Because Of Falwell?)
Come on Jazzy. The Catholic Church opposed abortion long before Falwell came along.  
 Henry Hyde, author of the Hyde Amendment, was a devout Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus. I’m sure he opposed abortion long before Jerry Falwell began preaching at Crossroads Baptist.

There should be a complete separation of church and state so this is appropriate. Egg hunts and easter bunnies, which are what will be celebrated at the white house, are of pagan derivative and have nothing to do with Christianity. March 31 was declared trans awareness day 15 years ago, it just happens to land on Easter this year, Biden had nothing to do with it.  
I support individual Liberty so I don't give two shits if Trump or Biden go to church on Sunday, just like I do not care if any other human goes to any other religious ceremonies.  
Do you guys spend any time actually verifying information before spouting this nonsensical mumbo jumbo? I have not spent much time on this board and was really hoping for some philosophical discussions, but I guess at this point just a pipe dream.  

Easter timing is based on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.  Therefore Easter can occur anywhere within a month period between late March and late April. This was done in order to associate it with the Jewish Passover, which Christians believe is when Jesus was crucified.  Unlike Passover, Easter is always on a Sunday.  Easter usually follows Passover, but due to Jewish calendar differences, sometimes Easter is about a month earlier than Passover.
There is no reason for pagans to follow either Christian or Jewish calendars.  If pagans celebrate spring it would be on or about the vernal equinox which would be March 20/21 time frame.

OK, I will go over this again, really slow, for those in the back. Paganism can be dated back to 10,000 years, much older than Christianity. There is no logical reason for pagans to follow the Christian or Jewish calendars, just like there is no logical reason for Christianity to also use pagan symbols of eggs and rabbits, but they do. I do not care if the majority of humans in the US worship Jesus or another entity, our constitution was clearly written that there is to be a compete separation of church and state, which is the way it should be. So yes, the celebration being done at the White House today  is constitutionally correct. If you consider yourself a Christian you have the ability to celebrate this day anyway you wish, just like anyone else, but no, political figures should NEVER be using tax payer dollars to fund a celebration that is focusing and highlighting one faith, which they are not doing today, which I support.

I can understand succumbing to confirmation bias in regards to the plethora of literature that suggests the basis of everything comes from the pagans of antiquity.  However one has to realize we all live in the same reality.  So Christians raise chickens and eat eggs too.  And they are happy at the coming of spring, or the end of winter.  They didn't really need pagans to notice this stuff.
Let start with Easter eggs.  Until the 17th century when the Church began to liberalize Lenten fasting, eggs were forbidden to be eaten during Lent (along with other animal meat and products.)  It is possible to keep farm fresh unwashed unrefrigerated eggs for "weeks" but not forever.  Therefore at the end of Lent there was always a surplus of eggs nearing the end of their edibility window.  Of course Easter Sunday is going to have a lot of eggs eaten in celebration.  Don't need pagans to point the way on that.
The Easter bunny first appears in German literature also in the 17th century -- not antiquity.  The 17th century Germany was not a pagan age.  Christianity took root in Germany around the 7th century, so the German Easter bunny appeared 1000 years after Christianity was common in Germany.  So we have an abundance of eggs for Easter due to the Lenten fasting restrictions and a story arises about bunnies and eggs -- a fun activity for kids, probably to keep them eating the surplus of eggs day after day so as to not let them spoil and be wasted.   Where are the pagans in this?
By the way, rabbits only became cultivated in European farming in the middle ages.  So it is likely that any association of spring with the Easter bunny rabbits was home grown Germany in the middle ages and not pagan antiquity.
The defense rests.

"It is true that overtly religious egg designs are not permitted.  But it has been that way under every president since 1976 — INCLUDING UNDER DONALD TRUMP.

The American Egg Board has been a supporter of the White House Easter Egg Roll for over 45 years and the guideline language referenced in recent news reports has consistently applied to the board since its founding, across administrations...The guidelines are federal ones the Egg Board has to adhere to because they are a commodity Checkoff Program and basically they have to stay neutral.  So any program or activity they are a part of cannot even be seen as lifting one religion or set of political beliefs over others."

Lesser is a lying POS.

71% of the population of the USA are Christians. (2014 survey)
6% are non-Christian (Jewish 2%, Muslim 1%,  other world religions 3%)
7% atheist/agnostic
0.5% new age
16% undecided
Paganism is a religion, the government should not celebrate paganism if being religious neutral.  And it looks like only one in two hundred people might be pagan (new age?)  

As of 2020 the percent that identify as Christians is currently 64%. It is in decline about 1% per year per the trending data.  

The question about paganism should not be celebrated because of it being a religion I think is valid. The problem though is that different sects of pagans worship just about everything including trees, flowers, animals, to the earth to even sex.

"I didn’t do that," Biden said when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday 'trans day of visibility."
We know, Joe.  You aren't in charge.  Someone else is running the White House. It ain't you.

"trans day of visibility."  

International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009.  

International Transgender Day of Visibility was celebrated during the first year of Trump's administration on March 31, 2017.
International Transgender Day of Visibility was celebrated during the second year of Trump's administration on March 31, 2018.
International Transgender Day of Visibility was celebrated during the third  year of Trump's administration on March 31, 2019.
International Transgender Day of Visibility was celebrated during the fourth year of Trump's administration on March 31, 2020.

Biden proclaimed March 31, 2021 as a Transgender Day of Visibility.  In 2021, Easter Sunday occurred on April 4.  Biden did NOT proclaim Easter Sunday, 2024 as a Transgender Day of Visibility.  Easter Sunday 2024 just happened to fall on March 31 this year.  


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