Politics and Religion

nothing free about "free range bison" and "free range chicken". Tastes better, better for you but..
randomvr301 2197 reads
1 / 16

It is greed for money in a capitalist country.    I am safe as I don't eat dead animal body parts NOR I believe in some living creature has to be slaughtered to feed me.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 401 reads
2 / 16

and was a vegetarian most my life.  I have to eat red meat now to get the iron I need, or get a blood tranfusion.  Still can't bring myself to eat liver and organs though.  yuck!

JohnyComeAlready 344 reads
3 / 16

You know plants have to be killed in order for you to sustain life.


JackDunphy 401 reads
4 / 16

You wouldn't be saying that if you did. I recommend their homemade steak sauce. Mmmmmmm....

GaGambler 432 reads
5 / 16

We wouldn't have canine or incisor teeth in our mouth's.

And to say "only in this country" means the OP doesn't get out too much. If he wants to see low standards, maybe he should check out that workers' paradise called the PRC.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 404 reads
6 / 16
JohnyComeAlready 364 reads
7 / 16

teeth we have in our mouths. I think that's more inline with the process of evolution.

Americans could always consume free range bison, one bison will provide more meat than one cow will provide.  
Posted By: GaGambler
We wouldn't have canine or incisor teeth in our mouth's.

And to say "only in this country" means the OP doesn't get out too much. If he wants to see low standards, maybe he should check out that workers' paradise called the PRC.

GaGambler 360 reads
8 / 16

What if some biker bitch runs you over with her Harley while chowing down on a Big Mac? I doubt that you would "die content" in that event lmao.

but going vegan is hardly in my future. I grew up eating the flesh of dead animals, and I don't see that changing as long as I have teeth to chew them with. The OP is just one more example of how this country is turning into a bunch of pussies.

GaGambler 437 reads
9 / 16

and I am all for "free range bison" but just because one bison provides more meat than one cow doesn't mean that bison is more cost efficient to raise. It takes a lot of chickens to produce the same amount of meat as one cow, but chicken is still cheaper than beef.

JohnyComeAlready 365 reads
10 / 16

Some beef is internationally imported from overseas. That will raise the price of beef quite a bit.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 482 reads
11 / 16

The Corporatization of Cattle & Cluck
has only one goal, to make a fast buck.
About your health, they don't give a fuck.
and nobody said it better, than Daffy Duck

GaGambler 378 reads
12 / 16

The price is what the market will bear. imports have the effect of increasing supply therefore putting downward pressure on prices, not upward.

Now stop posting nonsense, you are starting to sound even dumber that Fungus, and I can't abide that. I have money on him to "outstupid" you.

JohnyComeAlready 307 reads
13 / 16
JohnyComeAlready 360 reads
14 / 16

However I disagree as imports cost more money to obtain. The farther you walk the more energy you use doing so. Now if you add in the fact that you can make enough profit from the cost of the energy needed to make the importation of said products a reality. You can also control the price of the end product, thus regulating the market price of both(or all) commodities involved.

GaGambler 345 reads
15 / 16

You are as clueless about business in general and commodities in specific as your chief competitor for SPOTY

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 908 reads
16 / 16

Thanks dude, every once in awhile, people need a reminder that the Doc does have a sense of humor.
Plus I'd just had a really good nut (review just published).

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