Politics and Religion

Not that it matters because the fear factor has already set in with you..
YairMarx 332 reads

But familiarize yourself with the vetting process and all the agencies involved to clear someone. If any terrorist do enter, it'll be through our Visa process, where anyone can come in. All it takes is a couple of days. That's where the problems lies....But you're scared shitless anyways so ....

I don't mean for this post to sound inflammatory, I'm genuinely just trying to understand.

The population of the US is some 322 million.
There is concern (or your adjective of choice) over Obama's stated intent to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the US.

The population density of Montana is less than 7 people per square mile (6.86). Sure there are other states I could have picked here, but for the sake of debate, let's stick with Montana. If you were to put ALL PROPOSED TEN THOUSAND refugees into Montana, that population density increases to a staggering 7.03 people per square mile.  

To put it in different terms, every 6th square mile of Montana or so would have one extra person in it. That's ONLY if you put every one of these ten thousand into Montana, which quite obviously isn't going to happen, because let's face it, even those escaping Syria don't want to move to Montana.

Are 10,000 extra people, spread across the vast entirety of the US, going to make even the slightest dent, economically speaking, positive or negative? I would strongly suggest that they wouldn't.  

The question I'm getting at is why is there such a negative response to this idea? I literally do not understand, and honestly, I am not trying to forward any agenda here, I am trying to learn a perspective that is very different to mine. Please explain. Maybe there is something quite obvious I'm missing.

The terrorist that embedded himself and made his way to your neighborhood. He will care.

YairMarx333 reads

But familiarize yourself with the vetting process and all the agencies involved to clear someone. If any terrorist do enter, it'll be through our Visa process, where anyone can come in. All it takes is a couple of days. That's where the problems lies....But you're scared shitless anyways so ....






In reality the biggest unlocked door is available to those with the correct passport entering from any one of about 3 dozen countries where the visa process is waived, but then what do I know since I'm curled up in a ball, laying in the corner.

Good to know you completely trust people saying the process will take 2 years when they're the same ones incorrectly telling you they have reliable methods to vet them. One would hope that those that can't be reliably vetted don't make refugee admission but then again a lot that will enter probably don't even legally qualify as refugees. Fear has its place but not in rational discussion. BTW, I'll take fear over the naivete you demonstrate that the problem goes away in 2 years, or maybe you think that's plenty of time to win over their hearts and minds.

FatVern351 reads

... has been  global warming, less resources to go around, a taxed infrastructure water-electricity-transportation. Do liberals listen to themselves?  

I don't see how adding more people, regardless of where they come from will alleviate the issues liberals support.

Economics is not my concern nor that of anyone I’ve read, listened to or talked to. If it's on somebody's list, it would not be at the top. The concern is the potential for terrorist attacks

which is the lifetime cost to taxpayers of resettling the 85,000 refugees proposed by Mr. Obama, if we believe Senator Sessions’ calculations.  

       The cost of resettling the 10,000 Syrian refugees alone would be 6.5 billion over the lifetime of the refugees. And this on top of the cost for the 1200 already admitted.

        But we don’t actually have 55 billion allocated for refugee admissions. So we would have to borrow this money. If you add the interest we would have to pay, the cost goes way over 55 billion.

          And you may have heard that the United States has a national debt in the trillions. So we are just adding to this deficit.  Meanwhile, our infrastructure is crumbling, Social Security is on life support, we will soon have millions of undocs added to the payroll, the Republicans say we need to spend more on defense, and even Obamacare may need a bailout to help those poor health insurers. But you want to spend 55 billion on guys a small fraction of whom may want to kill us?

       Aside from sleeping through the Paris attacks, which is the real source of opposition to the resettlement, maybe you should rethink this one

St. Croix359 reads

Maybe we should opt for quality and not quantity.

I couldn't for the life of me find a simple spreadsheet with the cost elements and timeframe. You have to sift through either government for university shit. Nevertheless, here is the some of the crap we spend money for resettlement, which is a combination of federal, state and local expenses.

Reception (no cocktails they're Muslims) and placement
Unaccompanied minor support
Target Assistance Grants
Social Services
Cash Assistance
Medical Assistance
Administrative Costs
Food Stamps

And to think I've got to fight for specialized resources, which could easily be accomplished by increasing the H1-B visa allotment, but no, Dems think we are taking jobs away from qualified citizens.  

How about we just give each Syrian refugee a one-time payment. I'm sure within 6 months, we'll have more hookah lounges, and rug stores than you can count. OK, that was a tad insensitive. I don't think Syrians make or sell rugs.  

Posted By: marikod
which is the lifetime cost to taxpayers of resettling the 85,000 refugees proposed by Mr. Obama, if we believe Senator Sessions’ calculations.  
        The cost of resettling the 10,000 Syrian refugees alone would be 6.5 billion over the lifetime of the refugees. And this on top of the cost for the 1200 already admitted.  
         But we don’t actually have 55 billion allocated for refugee admissions. So we would have to borrow this money. If you add the interest we would have to pay, the cost goes way over 55 billion.  
           And you may have heard that the United States has a national debt in the trillions. So we are just adding to this deficit.  Meanwhile, our infrastructure is crumbling, Social Security is on life support, we will soon have millions of undocs added to the payroll, the Republicans say we need to spend more on defense, and even Obamacare may need a bailout to help those poor health insurers. But you want to spend 55 billion on guys a small fraction of whom may want to kill us?  
        Aside from sleeping through the Paris attacks, which is the real source of opposition to the resettlement, maybe you should rethink this one.  

It's difficult to argue with your points so you will be accused of hating orphan babies and since you disagree with Obama you're a racist too.  Thanks for playing.

Posted By: marikod
which is the lifetime cost to taxpayers of resettling the 85,000 refugees proposed by Mr. Obama, if we believe Senator Sessions’ calculations.  
        The cost of resettling the 10,000 Syrian refugees alone would be 6.5 billion over the lifetime of the refugees. And this on top of the cost for the 1200 already admitted.  
         But we don’t actually have 55 billion allocated for refugee admissions. So we would have to borrow this money. If you add the interest we would have to pay, the cost goes way over 55 billion.  
           And you may have heard that the United States has a national debt in the trillions. So we are just adding to this deficit.  Meanwhile, our infrastructure is crumbling, Social Security is on life support, we will soon have millions of undocs added to the payroll, the Republicans say we need to spend more on defense, and even Obamacare may need a bailout to help those poor health insurers. But you want to spend 55 billion on guys a small fraction of whom may want to kill us?  
        Aside from sleeping through the Paris attacks, which is the real source of opposition to the resettlement, maybe you should rethink this one.  

Good to know. We can use as much help as possible to stop this madness. Same goes for all the potential terrorists here now and in the future on visas and those coming illegally. There should be a pause on all of it that has any nature that can't be properly vetted or weren't properly vetted earlier. Not all immigration needs to be paused but there certainly is some that needs to be stopped and others that need to be slowed down

This is why a Muslim could never pledge allegiance to the Constitution, not in America and not in any other secular European country. Muslims refuse to assimilate, so why admit large numbers of these muslim refugees into the West, when you know it's only a matter of time before some of them become radicalized jihadists. German's will rue the day, that they decided to take in so many of these refugee's

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