Politics and Religion

Not even close...
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 3011 reads
1 / 12

One of our favorite contributions has asserted that AH was a man of the political left.

I think he's taken the 'National Socialist' part too literally.

It's not clear if he means left in terms of ideology or something else.

What do you think?

-- Modified on 6/6/2010 3:11:12 PM

-- Modified on 6/6/2010 3:17:17 PM

Makwa 18 Reviews 478 reads
2 / 12

The Nazi Party was a party that advocated "fascism".
Fascist are by definition are far right wing ideology.

The far left is Communism.

Priapus53 803 reads
3 / 12

it seems that the far right "echo chamber" ( talk radio, Fox News ) in the vile comparison they make comparing BHO to Hitler, have jumped to the incorrect syllogism that the Nazis practiced a far left ideology. Absurd. Perhaps some of the RWM's "fellow travellers" on this board feel the sme way----funny how they mercilessly slam BHO, but cry big crocodile tears when their hero RR is chided------LMAO !

AlanSmythee 710 reads
4 / 12

Altho when the far right and the far left gets too far out its hard to tell one totalitiran regime from the next. To paraphrase an old joke, What's the difference between Communism and Facsism? In one system man is exploited by his fellow man and in the other system it's the other way around.

charlie445 3 Reviews 658 reads
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XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 712 reads
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that's one of the points, along with the purge of the left wing elements from the Nazi party early into their consolidation of power, that i tried to make several months ago when the topic was first hit u pon.

In fairness to the guy holding that position, that AH was a leftist, it's not clear whether he was referring to ideology, structures and institutions, or some other dimension[s].

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 531 reads
7 / 12

Isn't it funny how no one ever says that Stalin was really a man of the political right?

Laurence Britt's 14 characteristics of fascism is worth taking note of:

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
5. Rampant sexism.
6. A controlled mass media.
7. Obsession with national security.
8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
9. Power of corporations protected.
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
14. Fraudulent elections.

It's also worth reading Mussolini's definition of Fascism from the 1932 Italian Encyclopedia.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1562 reads
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Totalitarism= right
Democracy  = left

Communism = left
Capitalism    = right

Planed economy = left (socialism)
Market economy = right (capitalism)

China = left
USA  = right

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1155 reads
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It's a real victory for American propagandists to have convinced people that polar political opposites are more or less the same.

If the reich wing can convince the dumbed-down populace that these milque-toast Democrats are both communists and fascists at the same time, then the reich wingers are free to become as reactionary and extreme in their positions without fear of being labeled what they really are.

Makwa 18 Reviews 1407 reads
10 / 12

The entire plan with Communism is everything is held in trust by the state for the betterment of all.  No private ownership of land or businesses.  
In it's purist form it is more of an economic system than a political system.  

The Fascist are Nationalist that embraced the industrialist and clamped down on the unions and other groups that threatened to undermine their power.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 972 reads
11 / 12

Mein, I've heard that nonsensical argument before. It's just more talking points that you parrot from Alex Jones or some other nutbag.

Mein, the difference between you and me is that I've actually read Das Kapital. It's been some years now, but I don't remember any such planks. Feel free to actually back up your claim.

Personally, I think Marx was an asshole of a human being, especially since he tried to get his political opposition thrown in jail by publishing fiction about them. But what's worse, is that Marx was an absolutist. He was as stubborn in his beliefs, wrong as many of them were, as George W. Bush is stubborn in his.

But, that doesn't mean that Marx didn't make some very good points. Hell, his explanation of the Labor Theory of Value is worth more to the field of economics than every delusional conspiracy theory rant that you spew on a daily basis. It's an economic theory that other economists contributed to as well, including Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and hell even Abe Lincoln expressed words to it's importance.

Marx also made important contributions to the reality that markets are naturally dehumanizing to labor. That the economic incentive in a factory is to work employees to the breaking point. Marx explained that since monthly rents were at a fixed price, it made little economic sense to have a factory closed at night. Instead it made more sense to work people 14-16 hours a day, which is precisely what was happening when Marx penned Das Kapital.

Furthermore, these planks, were heavily expressed by many of the Founding Fathers. Jefferson spoke about the need to have an progressive tax. Hell, you can even find that idea expressed in the Gospel, do a Google search of "the poor widow's offering".

Lastly, there is nothing libertarian about the views expressed by the so-called Libertarian Party. Anarcho-capitalists call them sell outs, and libertarian socialists like myself call them loons or worse.

nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 1048 reads
12 / 12

Mein, you are correct. There is no left/right side... democratic/republican side.... their one in the same, their all just "puppets" being used by the higher-ups who really run this country. I know most have heard of the "One World Order' conspiracy... all you have to do is open your eyes and pay attention, it's everywhere.Google "twenty dollar bill and the twin towers"... I've never believed in conspiracies until recently, and it's getting too apparent to keep saying that all these other people are just crazy when the proof is right in front of our eyes.

P.S. I'm not one of those crazy conspiracy people that spews this to everyone I meet, it's just nice to have your eyes wide open to every possibility:)

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