Politics and Religion

Question for the unbelievers and atheists.
Prophet_of_God 4029 reads

If you caught HIV would you believe in God ?

That is really the question you are asking, and the answer is no.

The world does not revolve around me, or any one individual. There are questions to which we don't yet have the answers, but attributing everything we don't know to an invisible man in the sky is just downright silly.

Priapus531469 reads

Is a non believer more likely to catch AIDS than a religious person ? Religious people don't catch AIDS in greater numbers than atheists/agnostics ? And What does their "faith" ensure them ?  Longer life & they won't burn in hell for their "sins" ?!

In my nearly 2 years here ,this is the stupidest OP ever. No wonder it was posted under a chickenshit alias.

Why do you think those Catholic priests rape the altar boys? They know their faith protects them from the clap!

Prophet_of_God2220 reads

You can pick up some stds from ladies who regular attend a church than you can from providers. I know some who have hiv who attend church on a regular basis.

I_am_god1429 reads

I just gave you HIV.  Do you still believe in me?  I do sick crap like this all the time because I really hate it that I created stupid shitbirds like you.  Enjoy your last few years.

We all know the OP is a stupid fuck, but who's fault it that? You created him, instead of killing him and starting all over again, why don't you just fix the stupid shitbird?

Damn, God is dumb. or at least this one is. I liked some of the other Gods, like the Greeks and the Egyptians, some of their Gods were kind of cool. This one is just kind of dumb. lol

I_am_god1505 reads

I don't seem to be the smartest god in the pantheon. And, I am not infallible, hence my creation of the OP.  But, as you can see, I am smart enough to rectifiy my errors, in this case by giving the OP the disease of his choice.  Think Job (not Jobs).  In other words,  I've got lots more shit I can  give him, if he doesn't  STFU.

God does not have fucking thing to do with your stupidity. It is like going out shooting someone and praying to God for not getting prosecuted.

What the fuck youn think God is? You errand boy that pulls you out of your own stupidity? God gave you brain, your part is to use it wisely or not and it is upto you.

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