Politics and Religion

GOP screamed that Sec. of State Clinton's long time aide...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1648 reads

...Huma Abedin had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and that Ay-rabs were infiltrating the U.S. govt.

But what do they have to say about Darrell Issa (Lebanese)?  Maybe he's conducting all these witch hunts, er, hearings in order to weaken our country so that the Ay-rabs can take over.  And why does he have a spokesman named "Ali Ahmad?"  The GOP response:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8p-Vk_i8xI

-- Modified on 5/25/2013 12:47:06 AM

...maybe that's why he really wants to drown our gov't in a bathtub. He's really a covert terrorist. Hey, that's just as plausible as Obama being born in Kenya.


      That accusation was made only by Republican psychos Bachman and Louie Gomert - the guy who said Al queda was impregnating American woman to plant terrorist babies - and three obscure congress persons. Leading GOP figures including Speaker John Boehner, John McCain, and Lindsay Graham all defended Huma and derided Bachman. Scott Brown and even Ed Rollins also took Bachman to task for her McCarthy-like accusations.

        No one considers Bachman and Gomert as speaking for the GOP. Let's not confuse these fringe psychos with the mainstream of conservative thought.

    As to the IRS scandal, Bachman says it is "worse than Watergate," which is no surprise since she gets most of her funding from Tea Party and similar groups.

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