Politics and Religion

i voted for Bush over Kerry in 2004
anthony6 41 Reviews 4826 reads

and you want to know why?

i thought kerry was an idiot.

its easier to vote for the idiot you already know then another idiot.

i think thats whats this will come down to in 2012.  i'd rather have this lame weak ass potus in office again then any one of the current republicans, who are off the charts crazy.

ps: also voted for Schwarzenegger and Whitman. i  liked there ideas. obviously one was a lame weak gov, and dont know how the other would have been.

Kerry wasn't an idiot.  He was and is a lazy, entitled, out of touch senator with no principles.  What makes Romney and Perry idiots?  They are both successful governors from highly populated states.  Cain is an extremely successful, self-made businessman. You may disagree with these guys but they aren't idiots.

Obama had zero record of accomplishment.  He leap-fogged and took a fast path of upward mobility all the way to very top, but there is no record of actual leadership or accomplishment on any of his stops.  He was always an empty suit. What makes you feel more secure with four more years of him over these other choices?

Posted By: anthony6
andou want to know why?

i thought kerry was an idiot.

its easier to vote for the idiot you already know then another idiot.

i think thats whats this will come down to in 2012.  i'd rather have this lame weak ass potus in office again then any one of the current republicans, who are off the charts crazy.

ps: also voted for Schwarzenegger and Whitman. i  liked there ideas. obviously one was a lame weak gov, and dont know how the other would have been.

Priapus532834 reads

Or maybe you haven't seen him bomb out on the debates.

Because he does so well with debates.  Please disregard the last 1000 days.

You need a new measuring stick Pri.

He may be a horseshit debater, but that doesn't classify him as an idiot.

Of course, anyone you disagree with is automatically coined an idiot, right?

Priapus531820 reads

Pw, are you gonna disagree with me on that ?

You seem to latch onto whatever or whoever is popular for the moment.  That's why you are so poll driven.  Let me guess- The Greenbay Packers are your favorite team and Avatar is your favorite movie.

I would pick "Team America" over the South Park movie.

BTW, Pri's favorite movie is a movie that is polled as the greatest movie of all time by the critics, AFI, etc. He's a frontrunner.

Although I have to admit, he's made it pretty easy. lmao

Priapus531109 reads

Jesus-------you all sound like Liorr------LMAO !

My 10 favorite movies :

The Wild Bunch
The Lost Weekend
Bride of Frankenstein
Treasure of Sierra Madre
Lost Weekend
Grapes of Wrath
Citizen Kane

"Team America" was VERY funny------FUCK Yah !!

Has no life. Trust,me,if I,lived,in vegas,i would be,at tao every night, oh yeah priapus,isnt normal.

Priapus531460 reads

Since you lied about the bet, you also lied about the " 3 Texas Cowgirls". Proabably jerked off all last night------LOL !

Jesus, what a moron !

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 5:09:24 PM

In tao in vegas, I am VIP, I HAVE a special room there.

Posted By: Priapus53
Since you lied about the bet, you also lied about the " 3 Texas Cowgirls". Proabably jerked off all last night------LOL !

Jesus, what a moron !

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 5:09:24 PM

It's called a padded cell. lmao

and you're still a fucking coward, not to mention a liar.

Did you think anyone would forget what a lying little pussy coward you are?

Crawl back under your rock. no one believes a thing you have to say.

simply go to the Hotel Del Rey, and ask any bartender if they know me. I've been there three times in the last six weeks. I'd ask you if you'd like to bet on it, but I know what a little pussy you are.

Come on you little coward, want to put some money on it?

You called bullshit on me, I say back it up.

Or are you still a chickenshit?

He is the incumbant Village Idiot from Texas!

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