Politics and Religion

No, I'm not defending her!
mattradd 40 Reviews 58 reads

I just don't believe one is going the get the true scope of people exercising greed and entitlement, from Judge Judy's courtroom.  And, I was pointing out what the Republican establishment has been pulling over on their base, for years, and now the Trump supporters are no longer falling for. They can see the entitled Baby momma in Judge Judy's courtroom, along with the Fat Cats who have been pocketing the benefits of their higher productivity (working harder for little or no increase in pay).

P.S. Having had the opportunity to ride a 16 hands high Appaloosa, at the age of 11, through some pretty treacherous mountain paths, upon doing so again, I would pick a burro as my trusty steed. And, given the treacherous terrain, here on this board, that's what I choose to ride, here!  ;)

on the mindset of those that confuse others money with their money.  And the jealousy of those that made poor life decisions to have children they cannot afford.

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 9:06:07 AM

who "confuse others money with their money", and partake in practices in taking money, which does not belong to them, find their way into Judge Judy's court room. Yours is the same old ploy the Republican establishment has been using to bamboozle their base into focusing on the little guy, while the 1% pick their pockets.  ;)

The woman was a classic "taker" one who almost surely is a Bernie supporter

Judge Judy just interjected a bit of common sense.

Are you really trying to defend a woman who thinks the world owes her a living due to the fact she bore five kids she can't afford to support? I suppose you also believe that since I drive a nice car and have made a few bucks, it would be ok for a mooch  to "borrow" a few grand from me and then claim it was a gift? Now you are starting to sound like Willy Wonka

...still doesn't have to pay back the $2,000.  The show puts up the money so all the defendant had to lose was the embarrassment of being on TV.  The defendant is obviously a broke-ass bitch; the plaintiff wouldn't have been able to collect on the judgment in a civil court anyway so she's a double winner.

(At the very end, the defendant slipped and admitted it was a loan.  That's when Judge Judy abruptly ended the case)

I actually knew a person who appeared on Judge Judy and he was just as obviously guilty as this woman, but it didn't cost him a penny.

I just don't believe one is going the get the true scope of people exercising greed and entitlement, from Judge Judy's courtroom.  And, I was pointing out what the Republican establishment has been pulling over on their base, for years, and now the Trump supporters are no longer falling for. They can see the entitled Baby momma in Judge Judy's courtroom, along with the Fat Cats who have been pocketing the benefits of their higher productivity (working harder for little or no increase in pay).

P.S. Having had the opportunity to ride a 16 hands high Appaloosa, at the age of 11, through some pretty treacherous mountain paths, upon doing so again, I would pick a burro as my trusty steed. And, given the treacherous terrain, here on this board, that's what I choose to ride, here!  ;)

Personally I will take the Appaloosa  over the burro, although having been born and raised in California, I am still rather partial to Quarter Horses. I had a Palomino once, craziest fucking horse I ever owned. Kind of like some of the posters here, you could just look in his eyes and tell there was something off with him.

brooks561 reads

with VERY rare exceptions, the 1% earned what they have

libs have to make boogie men out of the successful to rationalize taking the shit that others have earned.  this fantasy of the evil rich provides cover for the fact that they are losers and can't admit that they are losers

libs are nothing without hate and jealousy

grow the fuck up, work hard, stop the excuses and take advantage of the opportunities that this country affords.  and teach your children to do the same you bunch of pussies

oh, the poor "little guy", fucking childish

The top 1% really are more likely to have made their own fortune than to have inherited it.

It's not as hard as it sounds to work your way into the top 1%, even the average "unskilled" hooker making $250 hour can work her way into the top 1% by earnings if she can just manage to work forty hours a week. If a "dumb hooker" can do it, then surely all you educated libs with college degrees and careers spanning 30-40 years should be able to do the same.

Or is the babbling brook actually correct and you really do need to "grow the fuck up, work hard, and stop all the excuses" or is it easier to just claim the game is rigged against you?

That said, I don't think it's fair for hedge fund managers to pay a 17% rate on their income.  Let them pay ordinary income taxes on it and they'll still have tons of money.

but unlike the hedge fund managers unless I hold the asset for a year and a day before taking the income, my "carried interest" is treated as ordinary income. I absolutely agree that hedge fund managers be treated the same.

BTW Long term Capital Gains are not taxed at 17%, the current rate for 2016 including the Obama Care tax is now 23.8%, at least for anyone with capital gains of more than $250,000.

brooks557 reads

the $250K is the AGI from all sources

I think that hedge fund managers ARE treated the same

I agree that if the investors in the deal are making capital gains, then so should the managers "carried interest" be treated the same.

Most of my "ventures" create income not capital gains until and unless we actually sell the asset, accordingly most people in my business pay taxes at an "ordinary income" basis, If a hedge fund manager creates a fund, with no distributions to him or his investors for a year and a day and then they start distributing the capital gains to the partners, I have no problem with the hedge fund manager getting the same tax treatment as his investors. What people don't seem to realize is that if the are no gains the hedge fund manager has no gains to pay taxes on. I have no problem with this as the Hedge fund managers aren't asking for special tax treatment, only the same tax treatment as every one else.

Where I would have a problem is if a manager of an income fund, where the distributions to the partners were either short term capital gains or short term dividend where the investors would not be entitled to the preferential tax treatment and IF the managers still were taxed at a capital gains rate, THEN I would have a serious issue with that, but that does not seem to be the case.

brooks566 reads

would you care for a truce or would you like to continue starting with the cute name-calling.  babbling brook/GaGger

up to you, either way is good with me

of how corporate America works, and I shop mom and pop locally for services and food every single time when I am given a choice where to spend my money.  I boycotted Wal-Mart over 7 years ago.  I am currently looking for a new pharmacy to replace Target/CVS.  With that being said...

I am also very familiar with the entitled.  Being empathetic by nature, I WAS a magnet for the user.  I was forced to set strong boundaries.

I learned to take responsibility for my choices and take my power back "No, that is not in my best interest" is much better than resentment with users not paying loans back.  I related to girl that loaned the money.  Lessons learned in life.  I no longer attract people that drain me or railroad my boundaries.  

The victim went somewhere else.  I have nothing for the entitled

"I related to girl that loaned the money." Thanks for being so transparent. I do not begrudge you at all on that count. And, I'm with you regarding shopping habits. I stay away from discount stores, buy quality made in America products whenever I can. They last longer, I need less, and I help keep jobs and money here at home.

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