Politics and Religion

No, I used the word "argue"
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 1703 reads
1 / 33

...sometimes has his head up his ass, now, he can be up yours.


-- Modified on 7/20/2015 8:48:28 AM

HONDA 153 Reviews 323 reads
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......to now attack Donald Trump after staying mostly silent after his verbal attacks on Hispanic immigrants. Perhaps it's time for Donald Trump to pull out of the Republican primaries and run as an independent.  

Posted By: gatorjimmy
 ...sometimes has his head up his ass, now, he can be up yours.  

-- Modified on 7/20/2015 8:48:28 AM

GaGambler 458 reads
3 / 33

I just think that wisely they didn't want to make the race all about him. I think they treated him like we recommend we do here with board troll. Trump was running around like Laffy screaming "Look at me" at the top of his lungs. Until the media forced their hand by giving him unlimited air time, the other candidates were wisely letting him just run his mouth hoping he'd run out of steam and go away.  

and I am sure you are wishing that Trump would run as an independent, and I am sure you are thrilled that the other GOP candidates have to interrupt their own message in order to distance themselves from Trump. You are the people that "feed the troll" only in the case of the Dems, you have very good reason to do so.

JackDunphy 283 reads
4 / 33

I'll trash Trump as a buffoon and have no trouble doing so. What he said about Hispanics was borderline racist, at a minimum.

But where is the Left standing up to Obama's racist shit? What Trump has said wouldn't fill a thimble to Obama's anti-white nonsense.

You want R's to go WAY beyond what D's will do.

Be honest, if Obama was a white Republican, and he had the same baggage as Barry, that R would be LONG gone.

GaGambler 294 reads
6 / 33

You will only spend the next six months trying to argue the definition of the word "racist" until everyone is completely worn out on the subject, at which point you will pound your chest and say "See I knew you couldn't prove your claim" but nobody will even read that post as the rest of us will have moved on to other topics.

Obamas record on race is out there for all to see, either you believe he is not only divisive but downright racist or you don't. All the proof in the world won't convince the likes of you, or any of the other kool aid drinkers.

mattradd 40 Reviews 194 reads
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JackDunphy 464 reads
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No need for a link as I am sure you will remember all...

Remember when he said the white Cambridge police officer acted "stupidly" when he arrested black professor Skip Gates, even though Obama said in the same sentence, he didn't have all the facts?

Or how about the time he said his grandmother was a "typical white woman."

Or "That's just how white folks will do you."

Or his repeated backing of Reverend Wright, saying he couldn't disown him, long after it was established Wright was a racist.

GaGambler 277 reads
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Why in the world would a person want to waste that much time, knowing full well what the outcome is going to be?

JackDunphy 265 reads
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If the quotes don't do it and the attached doesn't do it, well then there is really no point going any further.

Just wonder how he, or any reasonable person on the Left would argue against my points, if instead of it being Obama, is was ANY Republican doing or saying this shit about blacks

mattradd 40 Reviews 296 reads
11 / 33

Hold on to your hat GaG

So, in all of this where has Obama treated people poorly or violently because of their race?

Where has he made a statement of belief that some races of people are better than others?

His opinion about that police officer's conduct is just an opinion about its appropriateness. So, a person of a one color can't criticize the behavior of someone of a different color without it being racist. I can agree with you if you have an issue regarding the appropriateness, or helpfulness of Obama's intervention, but I don't see where it calls for a claim of racism.

"A typical white woman." That's called a generalization, not a racist statement. I would say the same of one of my grandmothers. The other one I'd describe as a card or character.

"That's just how white folks will do you." Another generalization. Neither of these two comments express the superiority of one race over another.

Regarding the Reverend Wright, get back to me when you've studied up on Liberation Theology and Prophetic Preaching.

Now, notice I did not participate in any discussion regarding Trumps discourse on Mexicans, or those crossing the Mexican border. Why, because I didn't consider them to be racist, but more generalizations. However, I do believe that he did so in order to tap into some in the Republican base who hold racist views.

I do believe the term racist and racism is overused and misused in our culture and press. I've often remarked about the generalizations that comedians can use regarding race, and not be viewed as being racist. You often see those, in the audience, who are being generalized about (joked about) laughing just as hard or harder than everyone else

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 291 reads
12 / 33

.....I think the giys is who is selling this is missing the boat here.......he's making this a 1 trick pony.
He could create an actual living on not onlty having The Donald up the poop shot, butt also Butt Plugs in the image of:

Hillary, Cruz, Jeb, Bernie, Christie, Etc, etc.....
Sports teams stars or team. mascots you hate to wear & cheer at games: Labron, Tom Brady, Bulldogs, Seminoles, Etc....
Celeberties you want up your ass.....Arnold, Kardashians......

It boggles the mind and tightens the sphincter!

So let's get back on this important topic, and not discuss who is a racist......plenty of other threads for that.
Posted By: gatorjimmy
 ...sometimes has his head up his ass, now, he can be up yours.  

-- Modified on 7/20/2015 8:48:28 AM

marikod 1 Reviews 433 reads
14 / 33

to define “racist,” they could not do it, even with the help of a dictionary.  If any “discrimination” because of color makes you a “racist,” then every college admission office that practices affirmative action is filled with “racists.” The federal government is filled with racists as well, since minority set aside programs are based on exactly that.

     Same with making presumptions based on race. If I’m choosing a pick up B ball team and I have a choice between St. Croix and a brother, I’m picking the brother. Am I a racist, or do I just want to win?

       The only definition of racist that is easy to apply is the one used by hate groups -– we don’t like you just because you are black, or just because you are white. And, of course, the President neither by words nor conduct has ever been a racist under this definition.

      Once you go beyond such obvious animus, the word becomes so vague as to be as useless as these "so and so is a racist"  posts

JackDunphy 243 reads
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Matt couldn't even call Wright a racist. LOL

That's all washed away with the "liberation theology" argument.

I cant say you didn't warn me...ugh

JackDunphy 190 reads
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Very easy question:

Per any reasonable definition of the term racist, is Reverend Wright racist?

GaGambler 202 reads
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If a white person needs a score of a hundred, a latino only needs a 90 a black person only needs an 80 and someone like me needs to score a 110. How ANYBODY can argue that is not racist is beyond me. It's not only racist, but completely unfair, punishes hard work and is a major contributor to our decline as a nation, but you libs support it blindly

You libs crack me up, as predicted since you have no defense for Obama's blatant racism, you simply debate the meaning of the word

JackDunphy 304 reads
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"poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race."

GaGambler 305 reads
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but actually posted a link to a definition. lol

I wonder how Matt, Mari et al feel about Michelle Obama and her "for the first time in my life I am proud of my country" words that she has never retreated from. I suppose they don't believe that she is a racist either.

Well maybe in the future you won't doubt me? I hate to say "I told you so" but I did. lol

mattradd 40 Reviews 244 reads
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of the term being debated. From my link, it's obvious I'm not making up my definition!   ;)

GaGambler 204 reads
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I have ZERO interest in debating this subject with you for months. If Jack wants to parse words with you, that's his business, but I've already told both you and him that it's an effort in futility and quite frankly, I am just not quite that bored.

mattradd 40 Reviews 318 reads
23 / 33

does not make one a racist. Reverend Wright may well be so, but your examples do not prove the point. And, are you saying Obama is guilty by association? That any person who frequents Rev. Wright's church is a racist? That would make any person attending Rev. Collier's whites only Christian conference, racist. I don't believe that! Do you?  ;)

GaGambler 277 reads
24 / 33

I told you so. ROFLMFAO

JackDunphy 296 reads
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Calling Wright an "advocate for a race of people of your same skin color" when he has trashed whites time and time again is different than a skin head's racism, how exactly?

Oh, never mind...

I am just happy at this point that wildly, crazed, Liberal Matt had the "courage" to say:

"Reverend Wright may well be" (a racist.)

Tell him to get back to us after he has more thoroughly researched this topic.  

On second thought...tell him to get back to YOU!!!! :D

mattradd 40 Reviews 301 reads
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GaGambler 284 reads
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and I also told Jack it was a waste of time, thank you for proving my point in spades. or is using the word "spade" racist in itself? Feel free to "debate" that with Jack too, just leave me the fuck out of it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 222 reads
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"Not too mention that Matt not only wanted to debate the meaning of the word..."

Nough said!   ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 214 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 196 reads
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What are you trying to say? What does this have to do with whether Obama is a Racist? Did Obama propose the tax on white privilege? Come on Ed, speak your mind!  ;)

St. Croix 334 reads
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I am now the head football coach at a leading west coast university. First game is 1st week of September. Summer practice is in full swing. Reporters want to know who St. Croix is going to name as his starting QB. I tell them I'm going with the white kid. The white kid gives us the best chance of winning. Maybe I go into a little detail about the white kid can make better decisions, and be an overall better leader than the black QB that is also on our roster.

See mari, you went with the premise that brothers in general are better athletes. I went with the premise that whites are probably better at leadership and decision making skills. Am I racist, or do I just want to WIN.  

And when it comes to B ball, I can say with the utmost confidence, that I can still beat your ass one on one to 10, and I'll spot 5. #Crossover Move #Step Back J #Take You to the Hole #School Your Privileged White Ass.
Posted By: marikod
to define “racist,” they could not do it, even with the help of a dictionary.  If any “discrimination” because of color makes you a “racist,” then every college admission office that practices affirmative action is filled with “racists.” The federal government is filled with racists as well, since minority set aside programs are based on exactly that.  
      Same with making presumptions based on race. If I’m choosing a pick up B ball team and I have a choice between St. Croix and a brother, I’m picking the brother. Am I a racist, or do I just want to win?  
        The only definition of racist that is easy to apply is the one used by hate groups -– we don’t like you just because you are black, or just because you are white. And, of course, the President neither by words nor conduct has ever been a racist under this definition.  
       Once you go beyond such obvious animus, the word becomes so vague as to be as useless as these "so and so is a racist"  posts.  

GaGambler 225 reads
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I did mean my original words were "argue" but my last post did indeed say "debate"  

Congratulations, you have now won the argument by completely deflecting the original question, just like I said you would do. I hope you are proud of yourself. Now you can join your bird brained friend and start crowing about how you "kicked my ass"

marikod 1 Reviews 269 reads
33 / 33

you are sure cocky.

        You're not going to wear your heels when we play, are you? Not sure I could handle that....

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