Politics and Religion

no crying, bitching, whining! Just stating the facts!
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 725 reads

And my spanish is beyond pedestrian, asswipe and I'm more than familiar with the culture. If you think it'
s ascendancy into power bodes well for YOUR good ole USA it just shows how fucking stupid you are!!

But sorry to say it's not MY neighborhood being turned into a 3rd world dump. I pay plenty in property taxes and our police force is well staffed!

salonpas3646 reads

Wow such wonderful memories, bankrupting the country, crashing the world economy and wasting the lives of 4500 American men. We have nothing to show for our time in Iraq, but debt and death.

The Republican National Committee is celebrating former President George W. Bush's birthday this weekend by selling wistful "I Miss W." t-shirts to its supporters.

"President George W. Bush led our nation through some of the most challenging moments of our nation’s history — and we miss him and his leadership," reads a fundraising pitch on the RNC's website. "By sporting this comfortable, classic, American-made tee, you can share our message and help us elect principled conservative leaders to office."[/quote

JackDunphy900 reads

You see salon, American people have now realized that Obama added more to our debt then Bush, Dems voted for that war where 4500 died and Obama withdrew too quickly from Iraq.

When will you realize it?

You should look before you post.  

Reading and comprehending is not your forte, is it?

Add to that, an old ass white man who has no sense of reality and sees his world crashing all around him with the browning of the good ole usa.

Posted By: anonymousfun
You should look before you post.  
 Reading and comprehending is not your forte, is it?

leave their shit paper in the trash can? Yeah, some places are "browner" than others....your hood maybe?

Would not take long for your old white ass to show your true decadent nature.  I have no problem with my diverse suburban hood you idiot. Leave their shit paper in the trash? How in the hell did you escape that shit bucket idiot? Now let's see how long it will take your dumb ass to get this thread pull old man.

-- Modified on 7/6/2014 12:41:38 PM

where? Bell? lol!

do you have bars on your windows to keep the white man out?


Keep on posting, you are really showing you are a dumb ass idiot that uses the race card & stereotypes very well! Dude, carry your old stupid ass back to the gd board, you're making this to freaking easy! You have to be one of the dumbest people on ter! Damn, and you have the nerves to talk about Tidwell. Please old man!

Maybe you got some of that affirmative action stuff going on too..???

Tidwell? GD board??? WTF?

Yes, if showing you to be stupid, I'd agree, this is easy!

That plays the race card and you are stuck in a time warp. You make Tidwell look smart as hell. Now, search YouTube for a response

kind of situation.  

Blaming immigrants for all of your problems is mindless drivel

salonpas799 reads

Yeah we all miss the Dow at 7949 on January 20, 2009. The Dow is now at 17000. We all miss losing 800,000 jobs each month and an unemployment rate of almost 8% before Bush left office. The employment rate as of last Friday 6.1%

We all miss being lied to in order to go into a war for profit. We all miss those color coded fear reports every day with the phony terror threats. We all miss Blackwater threatening to murder State Dept. employees, if they were busted for stealing tax dollars. We all miss Halliburton taking $39 billion in tax payer dollars to deliver crappy service in Iraq. We miss the huge tax cuts while low income soldiers were sent to fight two wars.

There's so much relief when it stops that it feels down right pleasurable! Of course, for some people, this is there only experience of pleasure; stopping the pain!  ;)

Bubba started the housing bubble (Community Reinvestment Act) and left W with a recession. W led the nation to years and years of prosperity until Bubba's housing bubble bursted. Iraq was stable when Obama took office. And furthermore W was honest with the American people, including and especially, WMDs in Iraq.

Bush's final GDP: Negative GDP -9%. Job losses his last month: 800k. $2 tril on war. No WMD. Ignored warnings of 9-11. A gigantic waste of infrastructure $$$ spent in Iraq. Non-recession monthly job growth avg: 68k.

This is what Republicans miss? Are you fucking kidding me?

There were WMDs. We found shells, labs, raw materials and even finished weapons.



BTW, what do ya suppose Saddam was going to do with 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium? Maybe he'd have blown your ingrate ass to smitherines by now.

As for the economy, the vast majority of the contraction happened after the election of the known Marxist, Obama. Business were hunkering down in order to survive his reign.

Don’t say these things in public, they will think you are mad and put you in an asylum.  

Keep reading the bullshit from wherever you are reading.

You've done more to prove my point than I could have done myself.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Don’t say these things in public, they will think you are mad and put you in an asylum.  
 Keep reading the bullshit from wherever you are reading.

History has proved that assumption wrong.

Posted By: salonpas
Wow such wonderful memories, bankrupting the country, crashing the world economy and wasting the lives of 4500 American men. We have nothing to show for our time in Iraq, but debt and death.  
The Republican National Committee is celebrating former President George W. Bush's birthday this weekend by selling wistful "I Miss W." t-shirts to its supporters.  
 "President George W. Bush led our nation through some of the most challenging moments of our nation’s history — and we miss him and his leadership," reads a fundraising pitch on the RNC's website. "By sporting this comfortable, classic, American-made tee, you can share our message and help us elect principled conservative leaders to office."

And let's look at what Biden the Bumbler said about the  Iraq GWB left him with:


FACT of the matter is, it is Obimbo that has squandered those lives and dollars.

Man with no sense of reality,  plays the race card and is prone to melt down when faced with reality. Hey idiot, how do you like the brown of America the beautiful?

Us white folk, are going to burn up in the sun.

Yeah I'm old. Old enough to have a historical prospective a lot of young immature new arrivals lack.

First rule of plumbing, remember shit flows down hill.

Shit does flow down hill, right into your old ass mouth! You have a fucked up historical prospective from days that will never return old ass man! What a weak ass response by a weak ass old white man stuck in a time warp!  Chew on that old fart!

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Yeah I'm old. Old enough to have a historical prospective a lot of young immature new arrivals lack.  
 First rule of plumbing, remember shit flows down hill.
-- Modified on 7/6/2014 12:43:29 PM

an old ass fat white woman, named Cece?

Posted By: hound88
 Shit does flow down hill, right into your old ass mouth! You have a fucked up historical prospective from days that will never return old ass man! What a weak ass response by a weak as old white man stuck in a time warp!  Chew on that old fart!  
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Yeah I'm old. Old enough to have a historical prospective a lot of young immature new arrivals lack.  
  First rule of plumbing, remember shit flows down hill.

You're right about one thing, those days will never return.

America will be dragged down to the level of it's invaders. Only question is HOW far down.

You are a freaking bigot! I know I'm right especially when it's obvious you are an old white fart & bigot stuck in a time warp.  Dude, the good ole usa is changing right before your old ass and  your are freaking out!  You have no choice but to livewith it shit head. Lmao!

It's just not for the better, that's all! Anyone with any time here knows it. Freaking out?? Hardly!!! I'm insulated from the retardation so I can sit back and laugh.

Nail, meet hammer.


yet another modified post? are you having trouble forming thoughts, or should I say coming up with names to call?  

poor angry crybaby, i'll bet you just wanna lash out, huh?

i know you won't admit it but i know when i've gotten under someone's skin (smiley face)

As stated,  anyone that uses YouTube to prove a intellectual point is a complete idiot.

Btw, I didn't offer the video as proof of anything!! Show me where I did if you can... If not then it's just one more demonstration of how fucking stupid your fevered brain is!!


If it's not a part of the post, why use? Holy shit!

Even cows know when they're being lead by the nose!

Lmao! Poor young dumb victacrat! Maybe you can sue somebody' go ask Eric holder

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Even cows know when they're being lead by the nose!  
 Lmao! Poor young dumb victacrat! Maybe you can sue somebody' go ask Eric holder!  

You seem to have a real fixation about intellect. Is it some deep seated sense of not being worthy that you feel the need to prove your smart?  

Maybe you need some Stuart Smalley time????

There there crybaby, oppressed, minority....it's okay, afterall:

you considering You Tube as a factual source shows how stupid you are.  

There were no WMD in Iraq, it was a lie

There were no Al queda in Iraq, that was lie

Saddam Hussien did not help Osama Bin Lade, they hated each other and Osam considered Saddam an infidel, it was a lie

No, people of Iraq did not stand in line with milk, honey and garlands to welcome the American liberators, that was a lie

No, United States cannot send troops every single country or tell other countries what to do

No we do not rule the world, whomever told you that lie

Posted By: anonymousfun
you considering You Tube as a factual source shows how stupid you are.  
 There were no WMD in Iraq, it was a lie  
 There were no Al queda in Iraq, that was lie  
 Saddam Hussien did not help Osama Bin Lade, they hated each other and Osam considered Saddam an infidel, it was a lie  
 No, people of Iraq did not stand in line with milk, honey and garlands to welcome the American liberators, that was a lie  
 No, United States cannot send troops every single country or tell other countries what to do  
 No we do not rule the world, whomever told you that lied  

What difference does it make?

salonpas883 reads

Sorry your revisionists history BS won't fly here. The Iraq Survey Group set up by Bush concluded that no WMD existed in Iraq.

After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration formed the Iraq Survey Group and tasked it with the job of locating WMD stockpiles in Iraq. The ISG was staffed with hundreds of intelligence analysts and military personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. The group scoured Iraq, searching for deposits of weapons. But that was actually only part of the ISG’s focus.

According to the ISG final report, the search for WMDs actually began during the invasion phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom. A military task force was deployed to investigate suspected WMD sites on the theory that the Iraqi military might otherwise employ those weapons against coalition troops. After the invasion, the ISG was established to conduct "a more systematic collection of evidence to build an understanding of Iraqi WMD programs." In other words, the ISG did not simply look for WMDs. The group also looked at Iraq’s WMD capabilities and examined evidence relating to past WMD stockpiles.

After nearly two years of investigation, the ISG concluded that:

"Saddam Husayn ended the nuclear program in 1991 following the Gulf war. ISG found no evidence to suggest concerted efforts to restart the program."

"While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter."

"In practical terms, with the destruction of the Al Hakam facility, Iraq abandoned its ambition to obtain advanced BW [biological warfare] weapons quickly. ISG found no direct evidence that Iraq, after 1996, had plans for a new BW program or was conducting BW-specific work for military purposes."

Experts from the three nations failed to document any existent biological or nuclear weapons and discovered only a few random chemical weapons. The ISG concluded that contrary to what most of the world had believed, Iraq had abandoned attempts to produce WMDs. In his congressional testimony, the head of the ISG, Charles Duelfer, admitted, "We were almost all wrong" on Iraq.

The ISG report was sufficient to convince the Bush administration that there were no WMDs to be found; they called off the search in 2005.


The word "LIE"

In his congressional testimony, the head of the ISG, Charles Duelfer, admitted, "We were almost all wrong" on Iraq.  

According to YOUR SOURCE, "they/we" were WRONG.

So next time you revisionist liars say "we were LIED TO", STFU, k?

......... and yet you cry, whine and bitch everyday about the changes afoot in the racial make up of the good old USA. ND those Spanish classes you took in High School, I'm assuming you went to HS, might now be put to good use after all jackass.  

Iraq WMD: GW. Bush, the chief architect of the Iraq war has accepted the Iraq Survey group report that no WMD were found in Iraq. Not sure why you hillbilly's are still raising a ruckus about WMD in Iraq.

And my spanish is beyond pedestrian, asswipe and I'm more than familiar with the culture. If you think it'
s ascendancy into power bodes well for YOUR good ole USA it just shows how fucking stupid you are!!

But sorry to say it's not MY neighborhood being turned into a 3rd world dump. I pay plenty in property taxes and our police force is well staffed!

No, it was'nt milk and honey and garlands. It WAS flowers and babies and cheers!!!! At least as reported by people who were there. We you?

See, you don't know shit.

Posted on April 10, 2013 by Paul Mirengoff in Iraq
Revisionist history aside, we were greeted as liberators in Iraq

The late Christopher Hitchens had a standard response to Iraq war critics who ridiculed Vice President Cheney and others who predicted that U.S. troops would be greeted as liberators in Iraq. His response: “They were, I saw it.”

Others saw the same thing, and reported it. Michael Rubin collects some of these reports. For example, there was this from the Daily Record of April 10, 2003:

    Ten days ago, when the war still looked like a contest, Iraq’s deputy premier poured scorn on claims that civilians would greet Allied troops with flowers. Baghdad’s people rammed Tariq Aziz’s sneers down his throat. Hundreds threw bouquets at US tanks as they rumbled through the city. Mothers held up babies for soldiers to kiss. Kids reached out to touch the tanks. The fact of their freedom was hard for many Iraqis to accept. Millions have lived their whole lives under a regime where it was a crime to throw away a newspaper, because Saddam’s face was always on the front page. Some stayed in their homes, astounded and still afraid. But others poured on to the streets to celebrate.  

Similarly, on the same day, the Boston Globe had this to say:

    Lieutenant Colonel John Charlton, who commands a tank and infantry task force, advanced yesterday morning into a neighborhood near the Mother of All Battles mosque, where he had expected to find stiff resistance. Instead, Charlton said, his troops found hundreds of smiling, cheering Baghdad residents. “We came in ready to attack with a tank company and an infantry company,” Charlton said. “Instead, it was a celebration. “The civilians all came out and were overjoyed to see us,” said Charlton, 43, of Spokane, Wash. “I was surprised that a lot of them spoke English and had relatives in the United States. They were thanking us for our help and denouncing Saddam and the regime.” Residents, Charlton said, were helping the troops locate ammunition caches and hideouts.  

The Bush administration made its share of mistakes regarding Iraq. High on the list, I believe, was its post-liberation emphasis on being liked rather than feared, when the two impulses were in conflict. But the prediction that we would be greeted as liberators was not mistaken

Why not send Dubiya to Baghdad and let him give a speech how he saved their country from Sadam.     I'm sure it will be a one way ticket to real justice.    Oh, by the way why not he take his partners, Cheney, Rice and Powell

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