Politics and Religion

Nnoway your comments really scream Trump supporter on here.
Nnoway 13 Reviews 101 reads
2 / 9

Especially considering that our own election, especially on the Democratic side, wouldn't pass even the most contaminated smell test.  

I personally would love for the Clintons to return to the White House but just by looking at how it went down on the Democratic side  
              1. with the Clintons basically clearing out the field so she can get appointed as the Democratic nominee (you say Bernie? Come on be for real now)  
              2. now with the Clintons' good friend Trump acting like he never really wanted it all that much anyway,  
              3. and the hate and even contempt that Hillary Clinton seemed to evoke in the majority of American populace, the hate the degree of which I don't remember seeing in any other election, neither from the liberals towards Bush or Reagan, nor from conservatives towards Obama.

It then would seem logical if Trump were to resign and the Russians were to make it impossible for Hillary to continue so the VP candidates could play it out between themselves. I think either one of those guys would create less upheaval then either ones at the front of the ticket. Judging from everything I read Hillary is so unacceptable to so many Americans that her election could literally lead to the armed rebellion. I mean, even the press is already semi-jokingly mumbling something in that regard. I heard comments CNN even giggles on MSNBC. I haven't heard anything in that regard on Fox but I suspect not because it hasn't been mentioned there.  

I personally think the Clintons would do well for the country (a separate topic why) but if the country is so dead set against them then what I personally want most of all is for things to remain chill.  

Either one of the VP candidates seems alright to me. Both are more then competent. I'd prefer Kaine to Pence but even Pence is... whatever.  

Trump obviously just doesn't want the job. The guy wanted to be a protest candidate, fly around a bit, speak some shit, keep himself busy, hear his supporters telling him how wonderful he is, and in the process promote his brand and make some money for God's sake! And then all of the sudden, I'm sure to his own great surprise he began first leading in the polls and then winning, and now he finds himself not in the position he ever planned to be in. So naturally Trump now would do whatever it takes to self-sabotage his own campaign. And that by default would leave Hillary, Hillary that nearly 75% of the country seem to hate.  

So if Russia were to release something that would disqualify Hillary and that would prevent "big trouble in our little China" I'd say more power to them, and hello president Kaine or president Pence or maybe even president Ryan. Any of them I'd be fine with.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 110 reads
3 / 9

...your misleading subject line.  To "blatantly interfere" in an election would be to try to cause Putin to lose the election.  AFTER the election, Clinton called for an investigation of whether Putin’s party had rigged the parliamentary election.   You're speculating that Putin will interfere with our election DURING the election.

Stop being a dupe of Putin and right wing websites.  Think for yourself, man.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 125 reads
4 / 9

I'm saying that Putin believes that Hillary tried to influence Russian election and that's what the article says.  

It even describes the circumstances how Putin came about to believe that. And check this out: IT'S A VERY SHORT article. Btw, the article doesn't express the opinion of the author to be considered either  right or left wing  

Now, all I'm saying in my previous message is that if Putin believes that Americans tried to interfere into their elections, why wouldn't he want to try to interfere in American ones? Give me one reason. Putin obviously doesn't like Hillary while Trump obviously likes Putin. Surely Putin is not afraid of the US's reaction and if you scan through Russian-language forums it's very clear that the Russian people are very much behind him in that. They seem to believe that Americans hate their guts and would do everything possible to undermine them.  

If all I say is true why wouldn't they try to interfere in American elections?

Furthermore, do you disagree that Hillary Clinton is one of the most disliked presidential candidates in the history of the United States? If you do then we have really nothing to discuss here because you obviously live on Mars and I live in the United States, planet Earth.  

As I said numerously beforehand I personally like the Clintons and believe it or not even trust their good intentions in regards to the country. I think both Clintons are much more patriotic in relation to the United States then either Bush, Trump or Obama. But even if you like Hillary you can't deny that she is widely disliked even by many of those who are planning to vote for her.

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 8:10:52 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 151 reads
5 / 9

...interfering DURING the election.  Putin blamed Clinton for the SUBSEQUENT protests in Russia.  He said that "she set the tone for opposition activists...she gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work."

The only thing the article said that Putin claimed about what happened DURING the election was that "foreign interests" had attempted to sway the outcome of the election.  The article quoted Putin as saying: "It is unacceptable when foreign money is pumped into the election process."

Again, please show me where the article mentioned Putin specifically blaming Clinton for interfering DURING the election.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 84 reads
6 / 9
bigguy30 111 reads
7 / 9

You can say otherwise but your comments are starting to say something else.

Posted By: Nnoway

Nnoway 13 Reviews 187 reads
8 / 9

...then just put me in the folder that feels more comfortable for you.  

I say what I think is right. What, by saying that Hillary is one of the most disliked politicians to ever run for president and outlining the reasons for it as I see them I opened any new horizons for you? I don't think so.  

I'm not a left winger by most criteria although my conservative friends consider me a liberal. My liberal friends obviously think I get my news from Fox news which is a total nonsense. I get most of my news from PBS and CNN but I do indeed take a pick at Fox and MSNBC from time to time. You got to know what crazy people on both sides are talking about :)

You obviously is left leaning type of guy so if you don't think that I'm conservative then I'm doing something wrong.  

As I said earlier I'm a former Kasich supporter. If you think about it who is politician closest to Kasich, if there is no Kasich: ideologically, temperamentally, experience-wise? Hillary of course. I could've cared less what label a politician carries: Democrat, Republican or "Rent too damn high".  
I voted for Bush at some point, and at some point I also voted for Obama. I venture to say that in that department I belong to silent majority because otherwise how those two guys would be able to assume the post they assumed?
In addition I always liked and in many ways respected the Clintons. It doesn't mean that I have to be blind to the way the country seem to look at them.  

I do think however that Trump touched on many important issues which are overdue to be addressed that no other politician dares to raise.  
But Trump is also not a vehicle to address them, being nothing more then a crazy narcissistic bullshitter who got himself into predicament that he is gradually trying to ease himself off of in favor of his good social friends who I'm sure within a year or two would somehow express their gratitude to him in one way or the other.

bigguy30 113 reads
9 / 9

This is not about left or right, but right and wrong for me.
The GOP party is business first and maybe country second.
It's not just the messenger in Trump, but the message and actions of the GOP around the country is wrong!

I guess you forgot about the government shut down and the countless blocked bills by the GOP Congress?

They don't give a fuck about this country and only care about their own pockets.
Then they will follow the needs of the rich business companies, who tell them what to do.
Posted By: Nnoway
...then just put me in the folder that feels more comfortable for you.  
 I say what I think is right. What, by saying that Hillary is one of the most disliked politicians to ever run for president and outlining the reasons for it as I see them I opened any new horizons for you? I don't think so.  
 I'm not a left winger by most criteria although my conservative friends consider me a liberal. My liberal friends obviously think I get my news from Fox news which is a total nonsense. I get most of my news from PBS and CNN but I do indeed take a pick at Fox and MSNBC from time to time. You got to know what crazy people on both sides are talking about :)  
 You obviously is left leaning type of guy so if you don't think that I'm conservative then I'm doing something wrong.  
 As I said earlier I'm a former Kasich supporter. If you think about it who is politician closest to Kasich, if there is no Kasich: ideologically, temperamentally, experience-wise? Hillary of course. I could've cared less what label a politician carries: Democrat, Republican or "Rent too damn high".  
 I voted for Bush at some point, and at some point I also voted for Obama. I venture to say that in that department I belong to silent majority because otherwise how those two guys would be able to assume the post they assumed?  
 In addition I always liked and in many ways respected the Clintons. It doesn't mean that I have to be blind to the way the country seem to look at them.  
 I do think however that Trump touched on many important issues which are overdue to be addressed that no other politician dares to raise.  
 But Trump is also not a vehicle to address them, being nothing more then a crazy narcissistic bullshitter who got himself into predicament that he is gradually trying to ease himself off of in favor of his good social friends who I'm sure within a year or two would somehow express their gratitude to him in one way or the other.

-- Modified on 8/14/2016 10:15:25 PM

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