Politics and Religion

Never moaned that I could not keep up... But I just don't feel the need
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1840 reads

to hide behind aliases... or post multiple times after myself... or call others names... and I like having original posts... as opposed to predictable "party line" posts that have no substance other than to repeat some lib playbook....

On Oct 16th I posted a request of all to provide a single point that you would like to see the rest of us subscribe to... that is, what specific one thing do you feel others should hold the same opinion as you?

I had two takers -
Scriptfixer (learn more & enjoy this experience more if we stop name calling and the character attacks AND the way someone changes on some issues is through personal involvement with one of them) and
Bagman74 (each side of the argument should support their point, and think about the other sides argument AND social programs aren't evil)

It is intriguing - that when I ask, What is important to you?  most ran away and would not answer the question.  Is that because most of us do not hold any concept or principal that we feel strong enough about to proclaim it to others....

and I must wonder is that what gets us into geopolitical messes where we are half committed - and half-reluctant.  Do we have convictions anymore or are we now totally reduced to the sound bite...  "I support (fill in blank here)"  "Really, Why what have they done?"  "Well lots"  Perhaps not the best answer, but when man on the street interviews are granted, it is a frequent answer...

DrFill1924 reads

your therapy isn't going to go anywhere without your cooperation.

good money to take care of me... if you don't have the time perhaps we should revoke your billing code... or perhaps you failed to fill out the CMS 8551?  maybe?

In any event... I guess I will have to contact medicare to determine if you are indeed licensed and properly credentialed to receive payment for your services....  

Bwahahahaha  Ya did pass the boards - right?

GaGambler1340 reads

into a pissing contest between JackO and BSD.

Bizdude WTF did you do to JackO that makes him piss on every one of your threads?

or perhaps he likes green dudes?  Maybe he is jealous of my lifestyle.. as I do have style?  or perhaps it is that he is indeed infatuated with moi!?  

Bwahahahahaha.... for me... I like to laugh...

Hairupmyass1624 reads

and I'd become an SOB without it?

You gonna answer people's questions, or just run around alternately crying & whining like a little girl with wacked out shit straight from your own intellectual Twilight Zone?

DrFill2465 reads

it's more than a little arrogant for ANY fellow to announce his little programs for the board, as if he were the fucking teacher or something, and moralize about how we should be conducting ourselves, after HE admits he's done his share of fucking up.

But for BIZARRO, the resident ricochet, whose idea of substance is fucking counting fucking posts, who perennially whinges & moans that he "can't keep up" and needs some sort of affirmative action so he can; who hollers about George Soros & Charlie Sheen being bigots, and Al Gore ruining the hobby with his movie, to be scoring anybody's posts instead of actually answering the question (when his prior post complains about" lack of substance") - well, this fella is just not playing with a full deck, and there's not a lot to do except have a good time, eh?

And exactly WHAT does anybody have against having a good time?  

And exactly WHAT PROBLEM does anybody have with mocking Bizarro's neurotic need to run this particular classroom?

to hide behind aliases... or post multiple times after myself... or call others names... and I like having original posts... as opposed to predictable "party line" posts that have no substance other than to repeat some lib playbook....

DrFill1509 reads

just totally without substance.  

Are you really doing your best here?  Because I think you just aren't trying.

Now.  Stand up straight.  Look in the mirror and repeat after me:  "I WILL MAKE SENSE.  And I will start by getting some decent aliases, that don't make me feel so, well, Bizarro."

"2nd, I will answer questions with relevant answers.  I will not project my mental disorders onto others."

And I think that would be a VERY good start.

DrFill1421 reads

stop lying.  You piss and moan all the time about how other people post more than you, and once in recent memory specifically that you couldn't keep up.

It's not nice to lie.  Even if you think this is some kind of fucking posting contest.  It's disruptive.  

Now promise the class that you won't lie.

and that he is "tired" and can't keep up... I know... you must be tired... what filling out that CMS 8551 - but be sure to do that so you can get paid... and be sure that your license is all paid up... and get them CME credits all spiffed up... cause know what sucka... We know your phony.  and your name?  well that took zero intellectual capacity...  Alias?  yea - from time to time I do use em... but only to make a point. Not to hide behind!

-- Modified on 10/18/2007 9:20:23 PM

DrFill1715 reads

and you bluster and deny and pretend that somebody else is doing it.

Seriously, dude, you need help.  Charlie Sheen is a bigot? You're a fucking nut.

Where's the shit?  and Sheen is not bigoted by his hatred?  or belief in delusional conspiracy theories?  eeek!?  man - you've a weird perspective of normal.  C Sheen is normal, course you probably think that Alec Baldwin is a great Dad!?  and the ANS's baby is gonna have a normal childhood... or that Paris Hilton is a really really good person.  Wow!

DrFill2157 reads

Aliases should not matter to people who want to address the call of the question.

I'm tired of searching and sifting to footnote a reference for somebody who will tell me black is white, and deny its existence when I push it in his face.  

I'm tired of having you hijack a thread into your personal Twilight Zone and then complain that people 'have no substance'.  

If HarryJ posts like a guy falling off a barstool, you post like a guy talking thru the bars at the county psych ward.

Where the fuck do you get off complaining that other people post more than you?  You've been offered your own private affirmative action - Jack0 SAID he'd write your posts for you.   But no, you're like a retarded 3 year old who has to play in his OWN shit.

DrFill2196 reads

1st, it's a lie.  You piss and moan and cry like a little girl.  It's fucking pathetic.  Jack0s agent even gave you a personal affirmative action  progam.  Does it help?  Fuck, you're too spastic to use it!

2nd, you harp on irrelevant shit instead of answering the question, and then claim other people do it.  You sling names, and then cry when people sling back.

Like here:  wtf difference does it matter who posts, if you can focus on the idea?  Well, of course, you can't focus on the idea.

Then you make yourself the English teacher, and carp about "original" posts.  Bizz, you can't deal with the basics.   But you're original, all right.  You're fucking high.

Seriously, dude.  Get some help.

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