Politics and Religion

Timbow 1778 reads
Snowman391051 reads

I do not dislike her, but just feel like she is not a strong fit for the office.

The Onion news is like Jon Stewart.  Still, thanks for the unintentional humor!  LOL!
PS:  I wish the possibility of a Palin presidency was just a joke!

Priapus531162 reads

Oh, wait, pardon me----Snow is a self-made "Horatio Alger millionaire & TER poet laureate"------LMAO !

Snowman392425 reads

Oh, poor Pap...

You claim others do not post valid arguments, and yet you can not discredit them....

Oh, Poor Pap....

So mad at the world, unable to achieve so he must lash out at others...

Oh, Poor Pap.....

Still thinking he is making a difference, when he can't even better his own life...

Oh, Poor Pap....

Boy of little credibility, Boy of low self-esteem, Boy of shatted dreams and wanna be  

Oh, Poor Pap...    

Priapus531621 reads

which is what I'm sure you're eating, out of a can, under a freeway overpass tonight-----;)

Snowman391227 reads

-- Modified on 3/7/2011 11:33:05 AM

I'm sure the Republicans would think that a guy known for gambling casinos, losing money on real estate, and having a TV show firing people would get a ton of votes in the current climate, but the joke would be on them.

Trump is, indeed, a joke.  I think he flirted with the Dems for a while, too.  He's a pompous douche.  Still, I  don't think he comes close in the joke department to Ms. Palin.  And worse than both of them is the wingnut from Minnesota, Rep. Bachmann.

-- Modified on 3/7/2011 3:25:47 PM

GaGambler1551 reads

Maybe it's a sign of how bad and biased that "legitimate news" has become when people don't recognize the Onion as satire.

Consider exactly which bright light of the board thought it was real.

-- Modified on 3/7/2011 6:17:21 PM

Timbow1241 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe it's a sign of how bad and biased that "legitimate news" has become when people don't recognize the Onion as satire.

It could happen is all I saw and replied .I did not even waste time linking to it :)

Suzanne Sena is pretty good looking :)

-- Modified on 3/7/2011 3:21:01 PM

Hopefully the first female president will be above a 5. These are the only two that quality with that criteria.

I assume you're talking about looks, in which case I agree with you.  Problem is, I don't want to fuck a "5" and I don't pick Presidents by their looks.  Especially since they've all been men and I don't want to fuck a guy even if he's a "10."  Perhaps you do...Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So on that basis, we'll have to get the gals on the board to rank recent Presidents.
Bush, Sr.
C'mon gals, rank 'em!  My wife thought Clinton was hot and said she'd definitely drop down and give him a Lewinsky if she got the chance.  And she gives provider-level head.  LOL!

Thought number one: based on the performance scores of those Presidents, both Michelle and Sarah are shoo-ins.

Thought number 2: there's no reason to remain in the closet here. This is a place of open-mindedness and brotherly love.

Posted By: inicky46
I assume you're talking about looks, in which case I agree with you.  Problem is, I don't want to fuck a "5" and I don't pick Presidents by their looks.  Especially since they've all been men and I don't want to fuck a guy even if he's a "10."  Perhaps you do...Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So on that basis, we'll have to get the gals on the board to rank recent Presidents.
Bush, Sr.
C'mon gals, rank 'em!  My wife thought Clinton was hot and said she'd definitely drop down and give him a Lewinsky if she got the chance.  And she gives provider-level head.  LOL!

I don't either one of them have that high an IQ!
Maybe together they would meet your standards!

Comparatively speaking, these two are geniuses.

Of course, that's no argument for Dimwit Palin.  But a high IQ isn't a be-all-and-end-all.

Jimbo could be the ambassador of legumes, as a senior statesmen during the Palin Administration.  Because as any genius knows, peanuts are not nuts.

But he did have the born again thing going for him.  So he wasn't all bad.

He was in waaay above his head, that's for sure.  But there are lots of reasons for one-term Presidents. The same cannot be said for LBJ or Bush, Sr., who were also one-termers. Personally, I think we'd have been much better off if Bush, Sr., served two terms and Bush, Jr., served only one.

But I maintain no of these Presidents were smart by definition.  You only need look at what we are left with today to understand that.  A good-looking babe ain't gonna do worse and we be much eaier on the eyes than the half black Gomer and the rest of the cast of the Andy Griffith show that "served" before him.

Too many Aunt Bees in politics ready to be the first vaginal President.  Lets hope for something less nauseating.

She'd resign after a year or so and blame "the liberal media."

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