Politics and Religion

Nah, there are enough train wrecks there as it is....
Priapus53 4070 reads
1 / 24

With the partisan rhetoric heating up in here lately ( least I had nothing to do with it----;))
,thought I'd ask a q that would have some consensus in here. Decided not to post this on GD board because of the expected drivel that this q would generate from SOME of the providers & their mangina supporters.

Lemme give you an 2 personal examples from what I
state in the subject heading : when I contact provider by e-mail I give them 4 days to respond; if I don't hear from then by then I move on. Some months back I contacted a highly reviewed provider; after 4 days & no response I booked with someone else. 5 days later ( & NINE
days after I first contacted her ), the provider that I first contacted replied to me. I politely told her that she took 2 long to get back to me & I booked with someone else. About a week later she contacted me again saying that she'd be available if things didn't work out with the other provider that I had booked with. Needless to say I didn't respond & had a GREAT time with the provider that I did see.

Another time I had a provider reschedule with me twice in a row; this brings up an old saying ( pity manginas & GWB can't handle this saying---LOL ! ) "Fool me once ,shame on you; fool me twice shame on me". The end result being that I showed this provider the door also.

Looks, performance & personality is the criteria hobbyists use in their appraisal of a provider. What seldom gets mentioned are the qualities of courtesy & reliability. If a provider is deficient in the latter 2 categories I won't book with them. After all, remember that this IS a business.

Thoughts ?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1205 reads
2 / 24

If I am paying my hard earned money I want to receive good service in return..

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1384 reads
3 / 24

In this hobby things need to be professional and discreet. A slow response is an indication that they might not be one or both. My own level of anxiety in this business is higher than I'd like, so the last thing I need is a careless provider, no matter what she looks like or her performance. I had one provider tell me that she regularly would go down to the bar at the hotel she was staying at to put away as much liquor as she could get away with. This was in the middle of a session. Needless to say, I didn't repeat. I contacted another provider once and she couldn't nail down a time to see me, which to me spoke volumes about her scheduling abilities. I later declined. A month later she contacted me saying that she'd had a cancelation and was hoping that I'd book with her, because she was about to take a trip to NYC to go on a shopping spree. I declined and told her that I prefered not to be contacted by providers.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1510 reads
4 / 24

I'm supposedly the Queen of Drama on the GD board, and here you bring this up on this board, where my fellow sisters in arms dare not tread, so now I have to shoulder the burden of flaming you all by my little lonesome self! Geeze buddy! Cut a drama diva some slack!!

Ok, so regarding your examples: With the first one, yes, most of the time a 9 day lag in replying is probably an indication that your inquiry simply wasn't a priority to her. Then again, maybe she took a two week vacation, and wsan't available during that time. Perhaps she was scaling K-2 and her sherpa (did I speel that right?) accidentally dropped her palm pilot down a ravine. When she finally responded, did she mention the unusually long response time and explain it? If she didn't try to explain or apologize for it, you are completely correct in your assessment. Hell, if I take more than a day to get back to someone, I'll include some sort of explanation for the delay in replying to them. Maybe that's just me :)

Regarding example 2: Again, did she make any attempt to make it up to you? Sometimes life lands in our lap when we aren't expecting it, so re-scheduling and last minute cancellations aren't out of the realm of possibility. When it happens though, I always offer some sort of discount to the gent. I'll offer him say 90 minutes at my hour rate, or a discount on my hour rate, whichever he prefers.

I just want it noted that I am writing this reply under protest, due to the lack of supporting divas to properly flame and excoriate you. It really sucks having to do it all myself, especially when you didn't give me much to work with :)

pwilley 59 Reviews 1151 reads
5 / 24

I made up my mind a long time ago that I will not do advance scheduling.  There are just too many hassles involved some of which you pointed out and of course who is to say how I am going to be feeling a week from now.  So, I eliminate a lot of hassle by just calling someone when I'm ready.  Often times it works out ok and sometimes I have to go with choice 2.  And there are some I suppose who only accept advance scheduling and for them, I just figure its their loss.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1788 reads
6 / 24

I tend to repeat. Most of my appointments are repeats, and over half are with one provider.

Obviously, if I am dealing with someone with whom I have a long-established business relationship and am already confident of her character -- she gets a lot of slack just as I'd hope she'd give me.

In other words, when they tell me the dog ate their phone; I believe them. So, in that respect, a mangina. (But, remember, these are women who have established a track-record of reliability with me.)

HOWEVER -- with ladies I haven't seen before I tend to be less tolerant. They get ONE shot, and they had better impress me with not just responsiveness, but the quality of those responses. They have to be on-time, and SNAFU-free. So in that respect, I'm a manrectum.

However -- because I sometimes book as much as 9 months in advance; if she has dropped her blackberry down a ravine that isn't a problem.

But if I don't hear back for a freakin month and her response is: "hi been bizzy who r u agin?" She won't be hearing back.

I consider myself to be a client worth having; so I am not going to go way out of my way to beg and plead with someone to please accept my payment.

-- Modified on 2/19/2010 9:24:00 AM

Priapus53 1562 reads
7 / 24

Anyway, to the matter at hand : Provider # 1 didn't explain or apologize for long response time; provider # 2 made no attempt "to make it up to me".

Hence, I am totallly correct in my screed----:)

Of course, to be politically correct, hobbyists ALSO flake on providers---ugh---that was painful-------:(

Lastly, Stac, from reading your posts, can see that you're not a flake & are quite reliable & courteous. 2 qualities to be highly praised in this "flakey" biz we inhabit-----;)

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 897 reads
8 / 24

I DO realize life happens. The cell phone gets run over by a truck; the ex-boyfriend tries to get you in trouble with the cops; the hymen grows back. (*grin*)

But the sad reality is that many providers are incredibly unresponsive. You might just as well have sent your email to a black hole; and the voicemail on their phone is full.

My email has an autoresponder for when I am on vacation so people don't think I am being deliberately neglectful. Setting up something like that is child's play.

My phone has a voicemail box I can check and empty periodically as needed.

The average provider I see charges $400/hr. That's about as much as the average working guy takes home in a week. It's about what my specialized regulatory attorney charges. That's serious gosh-darned money.

Women who want to be paid like professionals need to conduct business like professionals. Use email autoresponders, clear their voice mail once in a while and stuff like that.

It really isn't too much to ask.

I think a client is perfectly justified in saying "NEXT!" when he gets NOTHING back from a provider after a couple of days.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 942 reads
9 / 24

Normally, I plan things 2 or 3 days in advance. Seems to work wonders for me. I have planned things over a week and even a month ahead of time before though. I'm almost always up for it so long as I haven't come down with the flu or if I can't get away from my boring ass job.

Darth_Gonzo 1673 reads
11 / 24

I don;t double book, or schedule three providers in case they cancel or don't show... I make plans with a lady. If something happens, we reschedule if possible. If she's touring, not always possible.

I never get tweaked anymore if she calls and cancels or has to postpone... because if they do, they're off my list.

It's one really good reason all my encounters these days are exceptional... I try to be a gentleman about it at all times, unless circumstances warrant otherwise, but the fact is, the providers are there for my needs, not the other way around.

If I want a relationship with the inherent responsibilities and shared experiences, I shouldn't be walking down the Primrose Path.

My 2 cents:)

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1369 reads
13 / 24

and yeah, I gotta admit, this post would undoubtedly require several buckets of popcorn before it was all said and done LOL

marikod 1 Reviews 1247 reads
14 / 24

dethroned some time ago and for all practical purposes has Left the Building.

      Your posts are too substantive to even elicit a peep from the Drama Llama. Being opinionated does not equal drama when your opinions are factually based.

     Yes, I do indeed miss those days from the Vegas Board with She Who May Not be Named, Nikki, Ashley, Smarty, and the Drama Llama himself (err-  or herself, I was never quite sure).

Priapus53 2343 reads
15 / 24

If this post & a previous one I wrote about a provider were put on GD, I'd be friggin' tarred & feathered------LOL !

joepagar 15 Reviews 1353 reads
16 / 24

...and a couple times a flakey provider has told ME to 'buzz off', but that's ok cuz I own my money...I still got my money, but then again she's still got the p*ssy. Who won?

joleneineugene 1105 reads
17 / 24

give my take on Pri's question: no one gets a second chance to make a good first impression.

He had every right to change his mind and not see them after they failed to respond to his contact (vacations, make ups or what have you notwithstanding). Further explanations are usually viewed as lame and far too late to positively impress him.

A client's positive perception is the only thing that gets him to walk through a provider's door. Fail his perception and that provider is replaced by another more accommodating.

joleneineugene 1870 reads
18 / 24

And if the provider needs to schedule an incall (like a hotel), it's still her loss?  Some providers cannot afford a full-time and permanent incall when they begin; some choose not to have a permanent one even after they're established.

If you don't even do one day in advance, I hope your references are fully up-to-date!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1085 reads
19 / 24

Like providers having certain stipulations, some hobbyst's also have certain standards and expectations. Some of mine:

1)  No risky motels

2) No risky neighborhoods

3) B&S, I am gone

4) In calls in apartment complexes where lot of people hanging out on parking lot, bye, bye.

5) If intrusive personal information is requested, see you later and have a good one

6) No more than 30 to 40 minute drive

7) Will call 1 hr before, no answer or no call back, not wasting time find another provider

Just like your time is money mine is too. So, no games. This is an  adults only game so, be an adult.

GaGambler 1225 reads
20 / 24

WTF, sometimes I don't even know which country I will be in from day to day. lol

I realize that short notice doesn't work for some ladies, unfortunately that means that I will rarely be able to enjoy the pleasure of their company.

I have been doing this for longer than I care to remember, before most of the ladies I see were even born, and it works fine for me. There is no "one" right or wrong way to do things, whatever works for the person involved.

idontthinkso 1857 reads
21 / 24

Reading the post by Priapus I'm reminded of the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld.  
"No Soup for You!"
Sometimes I think it was the elitist attitude of the chef that was the cause of his soup being in such high demand.
As a hobbyist, Priapus, you must realize that there is a huge target market for every provider out here.  No matter the size, shape, attitude, business acumen, drama quotient of any of them.  The providers are getting their business.
Even girls with horrible reviews, even rip off reviews, are still reeling them in.  
So it's kind of redundant for you to say you told a flaky provider to buzz off.  I don't think that either one of those ladies were desperately knocking down your door, thinking that their only hope to get their rent paid this month was you.  
The more elitist a provider is, the more sought after she seems to be.  The more rude and off putting she is, the more clients she seems to attain.  
That's not my business model.  I don't do the snob act very well.  But if I'm in the mood when a gent calls, and his references check out, then I'll see him.  If I'm not in the mood it might be days before I return the contact.  It's a shrug of my shoulders because this is, in fact, a hobby.
We are, in fact, talking about you getting laid.  Not the most important of factors when it all boils down to it.  
Somehow, even though there are posts about this very subject day in and day out, somehow I still have my fill of clientele.  Somehow, even though I have a lax attitude about my communication, I seem to still be able to get my business taken care of.  

The real question for Priapus is:  Are you feeling that your control is somehow threatened in this game?  Even though it is just a hobby, does it make you feel more powerful to come on to the boards and post about how you (allegedly) told two providers to buzz off?  

If so, great.  But why not let's get down to the truth of it.  There will never ever be a shortage of men who get their thrills from this game.  For every one man who says, "No, I'm not interested in seeing you."  There are ten who set up appointments that week.  Then it's up to us to do the weeding.  

I know you don't like to hear that, but that is what's true.  At least from my perspective.  

And now, I am going to hide my identity with an alias because I don't want any lingering drama over this post.

Priapus53 1534 reads
22 / 24

It's not a matter of who "won or lost";simply a matter different perspectives,which is the beauty of the hobby.You certainly have the right to pick & choose hobbyists as I do providers.

I appreciated your posting;thanks for the insight.

GaGambler 1081 reads
23 / 24

The Manginas would probably beat the providers to it. lol

That said, I am a little more forgiving where it comes to providers getting back to me in a timely manner. That doesn't mean I will sit there waiting by the phone hoping she will get back to me. My solution is to book with another provider who "is" avalable and if I am still interested in the "prodigal provider" once she gets back to me, we can start all over again.

The one thing I know, I will not only be horny today, but I will be horny tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that, etc. etc lmao

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1419 reads
24 / 24

"The more elitist a provider is, the more sought after she seems to be.  The more rude and off putting she is, the more clients she seems to attain."

 My "seems" are coming apart from laughing so hard..maybe in your dungeon but not in my real alternative world.... Seriously.. Are most of the guys on Ter actually attracted to rudeness and persnicketyness?? roflmao

-- Modified on 2/21/2010 8:25:51 PM

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