Politics and Religion

My guess is that this site is made up of older white married males....
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 96 reads

Who won't vote for Hillary, me? I'm a Cholo/Latino who's voting for Hillary, but I'm a minority here.

FatVern502 reads

How does Hillary fare among married men?

Based upon the opinions of the married men on this site, there isn't a married man alive who would vote for Hillary Clinton

NoYellowEnvelope95 reads

So that's one.

And I bet Chelsea's beau will vote for his MIL.  So that's at least two.

And I saw where H.W. will vote for Hillary.  Hey, up to three now!

Who won't vote for Hillary, me? I'm a Cholo/Latino who's voting for Hillary, but I'm a minority here.

This white, middle-aged (over 50), married man will be voting for Hillary.  I would not vote for Trump if he was running for Dog Catcher (maybe if he was running for shit scraper-you know, the people that follow horses in parades, with the shovel and the bucket).

But Clinton leads among white males with college degrees.  But god forbid Vern would do any research. He prefers to simply post ass-umptions based on his many prejudices.

FatVern70 reads

Who are they, guys with liberal arts degrees?  

The campaign wont say, Clinton already has the LGBT vote in the bag. Democrats love to count their votes twice.

If elected, Tramp will be our first BQ (bisexual and queer) president.

So, 3/5 (L, G, T) for Hillary and 2/5 (B & Q) for Tramp.

A few gubmints as well.

Posted By: wolverine3647
This white, middle-aged (over 50), married man will be voting for Hillary.  I would not vote for Trump if he was running for Dog Catcher (maybe if he was running for shit scraper-you know, the people that follow horses in parades, with the shovel and the bucket).

FatVern71 reads

That's just what I'very heard.

I don't think many men will be voting for Clinton.

LasVegan65 reads

the women in our country are much smarter than the men?  I disagree, there have got to be men who read and know how pitiful Trump is.

LasVegan62 reads

Still scratching my head, wondering.  How could there be any doubt?  Don't people read?  Don't people do even a sliver of research.

We have all had people who for some reason or other we dislike.  Sometimes they have been our bosses and sometimes people who work for us.  When we know they are amazingly capable of doing their jobs, we tend to ignore their flaws, just as we hope they ignore ours.

Nobody is more capable and motivated to do an amazing job than Clinton.  She has especially stood up to the stress and unfair/unreasonable scrutiny placed on her by the extreme far right.

Then there is Trump.  After all the people he has cheated, after all of his flat out lies, after all of the issues he didn't have the slightest clue about (and was unwilling to do his homework), and there are voters who do not realize what he is made of?  Just these alone give us insight into the kind of person Trump is.

He has never done anything in his life to benefit anyone but himself, NEVER!  What could possibly lead people to believe he would ever subordinate himself to the benefit of our nation?  The evidence is overwhelming!  If Trump gets elected, it only means the majority of Americans are clueless about these things, clueless or totally amoral.  If he gets elected, this will be a very sad commentary for the state of our citizenry.

FatVern65 reads

Whoever wins will be America's bet representation, no doubt about it.

Posted By: LasVegan
Still scratching my head, wondering.  How could there be any doubt?  Don't people read?  Don't people do even a sliver of research.  
 We have all had people who for some reason or other we dislike.  Sometimes they have been our bosses and sometimes people who work for us.  When we know they are amazingly capable of doing their jobs, we tend to ignore their flaws, just as we hope they ignore ours.  
 Nobody is more capable and motivated to do an amazing job than Clinton.  She has especially stood up to the stress and unfair/unreasonable scrutiny placed on her by the extreme far right.  
 Then there is Trump.  After all the people he has cheated, after all of his flat out lies, after all of the issues he didn't have the slightest clue about (and was unwilling to do his homework), and there are voters who do not realize what he is made of?  Just these alone give us insight into the kind of person Trump is.  
 He has never done anything in his life to benefit anyone but himself, NEVER!  What could possibly lead people to believe he would ever subordinate himself to the benefit of our nation?  The evidence is overwhelming!  If Trump gets elected, it only means the majority of Americans are clueless about these things, clueless or totally amoral.  If he gets elected, this will be a very sad commentary for the state of our citizenry.

... because it shows just how shallow superficial and lowest common denominator this country is becoming.

And who do we have to thank for this? Pray tell.

brooks560 reads

fucking twice!  an empty suit, even AFTER being POTTUS who fucked up everything he touched and made the USA pussies to the world

and who gives a fuck what the "world thinks"

we're the USA the rest of the losers follow or fall by the wayside

pussies just don't like it

Trump is the definition of a bigot. The Le Pen family has never spread the level of hatred that Trump preaches.

brooks570 reads

think other than like minded pussies

when they float their coward asses over here to DEFEND US (well maybe after 3 times - WWI, WWII and Cold) and begin to pay their fair share of NATO, MAYBE just MAYBE then I'll begin to give a shit

the dumb-asses that allowed an INVASION of their continent by muslim assholes to sexually assault their women and murder by the hundreds don't get to lecture me

fuck them

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