Politics and Religion

George Bush’s Top Ten Mistakes – We all agree on this, right?
marikod 1 Reviews 1581 reads

1. The invasion of Iraq seeking phantom WMD

       2. The ground invasion of Afghanistan when we were really just after a few hundred non-Afghan bad guys.

        3. Permitting the torture of suspected bad guys all the time publicly stating “we don’t torture.”

        4. The Bush tax cuts – take those away and we would not be talking about the deficit as a national security problem. It’s time to recognize this was a disastrous decision. Did not forestall the 2008 meltdown and now look where we are.

     5. Appointing Alberto Gonzales as the Attorney General and enabling a DOJ culture where attorneys were selected for their loyalty to Bush instead of their legal qualifications

     6. “Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job.” Nuff said.

      7. Not taking seriously the CIA’s pre 9/11 report that Bin Laden would strike.

        8. The “Mission Accomplished” Fiasco when in fact no one in the Bush admin had any real plan to rebuild Iraq and made matters worse by ordering the Iraqi Army disbanded. No you have disgruntled solders with weapons out of work in Iraq. Unbelievable bad judgment.

      9. The Warrantless Wiretapping

      10. Giving in to Paulson and Company and permitting the Tarp money to be paid to the big commercial banks. Okay Mr. O gets some flack for this as well but the truth is Bush had no idea how to handle the financial meltdown. The big commercial banks did not TARP money and the program was an abject failure – flash forward a few months and they all had lost 40% of their value.

Okay Mr. No Trouble, can you name even one decision by Mr. Obama that would make the Top Ten?

With the same neocon advisers, and basically the same policies?

...this is due to his strong faith.  Once he was asked if he went to his father for advice.  He said: "No, I go to a higher Father."

Being deeply religious, he prayed for guidance before making difficult decisions.  As we all know, God is infallible, so Bush couldn't admit that the Iraq war was a mistake because God "told" him it was the right thing to do.

St. Croix190 reads

So we are still on Obama vs Bush? No statute of limitations with you.

Guess you're voting for Obama even though you mentioned a number of times voting for Romney. I know you mentioned "your money" as the prime reason for Romney, but you seem to be a "it takes a village" kinda of guy. And I'm not talking Village People, OK cowboy.

I thought I could annoy more posters with the Bush Top Ten.

       As you know, regardless of who is elected president, the special tax rates for dividends and long term capital gains expire on December 31, 2012 plus we get hit with an increase in the Medicare tax to 3.8%, so I have already starting sellings some of my winners like Goldman Sachs.

You should be proud of me- I’m down to just two financials now – JPM and you know who.

St. Croix116 reads

Do me a favor though. Keep your fingers off the "buy" button for a bit. Don't know what in the hell the Fed will do tomorrow, the fiscal cliff is around the corner, the economy really sucks, and the market is due for a correction. I just hope it happens right before the election. Does that sound a bit unpatriotic? (lol)

So you think reinstating the Clinton tax rates will magically cure our deficit problem? How much revenue would be generated by doing that? Even if we increase the dividend and capital gains rates, how much would the Fed govt get? I'll save you the aggravation, just the Clinton tax rates, maybe $100B max. We are running $1.3T in annual deficits. Increasing the tax rates is about a pound of flesh. It will give the progressives a little "hard on". Look at the 2008 Fed budget. What was the amount? Now look at the 2009 budget. What was the one significant line item? Now look at the budgets for 2010, 11, 12, 13, and what do you see? That's your homework for tonight.

But I'm happy. My Bruins beat Nebraska

P.S. I'm guessing you will generate a anti-drone thread in the next few days. Why? Obama needs to kill somebody. Anybody! So get ready for a hellfire missile sans KY up some towel head's ass. Want to bet on it, maybe a little over/under bet?

-- Modified on 9/12/2012 9:12:05 PM

Bush took office 13 years ago and served 8. Obama took office 3 years ago and has served 3.

Why don't you come back 10 years from now so we can see the wreckage that Obama's decisions today will have in the future, then we can talk.

Thus far, Obama has not had to handle anything even close to the attack of 9/11.
What he has had to deal with, namely the economy, he has thus far clusterfucked.

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