Politics and Religion

More workers have gotten disability then have gotten jobs in Obama's recoveryconfused_smile
mrnogood 1693 reads

"The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's economic recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits."

Democracy only lasts if the people voting are independent, and not dependent..If more of the population is dependent on the government, than is independent FROM the government, the vote will ALWAYS go to the politicians promising more to the people..and the system no longer caters to those who are independent...

Democracy, nor a republic flourishes under these circumstances

Democracy only works if people are "independent of" instead of "dependent on" gov't? Why? If people are independent of gov't, and don't need it, then why have a gov't at all?

Conservatives have been poo-poo'ing the idea for years that democracy only lasts as long until it takes people to realize that they can vote to get things they want. Isn't that the fucking point of having the right to vote in the first fucking place? To get a gov't that does what you want it to do?

Are we to believe that the only way a gov't can function is if it constantly shits on your head?

Fucking retarded.

mrnogood292 reads

history would show us, time and time again, that eventually, the same government that gives you everything, turns around and takes it..

These types of situations usually end up with people in some form of labor camp, and totally enslaved, by the same government, that once provided for their needs..

It does NOT EVER end well willy...

Thomas Jefferson:

"A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have...."

-- Modified on 7/6/2012 2:43:55 PM

You ask whether it is the idea of democracy to get the govt that gives you what you want.

Partly.  You can ask for things that will cause the system to collapse, and you can get them for a while.  Until.... Until Athens. Until Stockton. Until Vallejo. Until CA.

Yes, people can vote themselves a lot ..... for a while.

But eventually when 50% are receiving aid for not working and 40% work for the govt, then govt employed nurses will strike to get more from govt employed clerks who want more from govt employed train employees who want more from govt employed teachers.

In the end, you have Italy which is always on strike somewhere.  (And I love Italy. My fav country out of the 30 I have visited,  But still.....

As to you penultimate sentence - no we don't want govts that shit on your head by depriving us of what we want.  We want the govt to get out of the way so we can get it for ourselves.  

The govt that gives everyone what it wants will explode.  As someone in Madrid.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Democracy only works if people are "independent of" instead of "dependent on" gov't? Why? If people are independent of gov't, and don't need it, then why have a gov't at all?

Conservatives have been poo-poo'ing the idea for years that democracy only lasts as long until it takes people to realize that they can vote to get things they want. Isn't that the fucking point of having the right to vote in the first fucking place? To get a gov't that does what you want it to do?

Are we to believe that the only way a gov't can function is if it constantly shits on your head?

Fucking retarded.

Snowman39246 reads

this country was founded by a group of citizens overthowing an oppressive government?

Government needs to exist, but needs to know its place.

nuguy46219 reads

the data came from the SSA.
You now argue with your own Prez's data?

In June, more people went on SSA disability, then got a job.
(A party was thrown at the WH, as it is every night jobs data are released. Why: More people became dependent on Obama for the most basic of life services; thus, in their minds, establishing another vote for the King).  Surprised you jockstrappers aren't invited to the festivities.

Graphs shown this morning reveal Romney attempt to recover from unemployment in Mass. and Obama's attempts with a GOPutz Congress that has voted down every jobs bill are identical. And hey so are their healthcare laws--fancy that.  Digging into the recesses of history reveals hundreds of Romney tapes supporting a mandate as absolutely necessary for a healthcare law drawn up by the same MIT econommist Jon Gruber.

And a fine focus is now being put in ad buys on Romney's level of job destruction with Bain and his level of sending jobs off shore with Bain and it's hurting  Romney in swing states by a significant decisive margin.

Romney's potential criminal tax liability for hiding assets off shore and not paying tax on them is now coming into focus as well.  Stay tuned.

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