Politics and Religion

More jobs for women?
SolaLove See my TER Reviews 321 reads

Seriously, I don't know.    

I do know via friends experiences how traumatic arrest and conviction can be - for an individual, their family, their career, even their ability to find housing.  And to put the permanent and public record scarlet A on your forehead as a sex offender, an "exploiter of women and children"?!?  Yeah, there are some really really bad boys in this world who need to be dealt with - however most of ya'll are really great fellows and I just love and adore you to pieces!

We are officially seeing the new "war on drugs."  Watch your cars and your houses, boys.  

I am worried about this, in a big bad way.  

Play safe...!

Seattle Washington's City Council has already changed their language officially from "patronizing a prostitute" to be "sexual exploitation."

There are two bills that are being considered by the Senate which inserts strong End Demand language into the anti-trafficking laws, and increases the penalties for clients of sex workers (to include asset seizure and changing the misdemeanor to become a gross misdemeanor (can we say - the sex offender registry is coming next? It was definitely implied if not suggested by the King County Prosecutor at this weeks Town Hall Forum on human trafficking.)

We've been working on a testimony letter to present to members of our senate, we have meetings with both the sponsor of the bill as well as the Law and Justice committee chair next week.

*****Please see the great comments below the letter - and anonymously add your own if you want the Law and Justice Senate Committee to see your thoughts too!   THANK YOU!!!!*****

There are a good handful of individuals taking a tremendous amount of time and effort to protect the industry, and in this particular situation - TO PROTECT CLIENTS in Seattle.

... Of course, if you do not mind being charged with a gross misdemeanor (up to $5k fine and a year in jail) as well as being subject to asset seizure (your money, car, and possibly even home!), or if you are buying the party line that you are essentially a rapist and pedophile who is directly contributing to the demand for human trafficking... go ahead and keep sitting on those fingers... cuz' next up, as suggested by the KC Prosecuting Attorney?  You'll be on the sex offender registry for patronizing a prostitute.

However, if even one city can turn the tide on this full throttle anti-sex movement that is steamrolling the country in the guise of anti-trafficking, then perhaps other cities will consider actually addressing TRAFFICKING and ABUSE instead of all commercial sexual activity.

Posted By: SolaLove

 ... Of course, if you do not mind being charged with a gross misdemeanor (up to $5k fine and a year in jail) as well as being subject to asset seizure (your money, car, and possibly even home!), or if you are buying the party line that you are essentially a rapist and pedophile who is directly contributing to the demand for human trafficking... go ahead and keep sitting on those fingers... cuz' next up, as suggested by the KC Prosecuting Attorney?  You'll be on the sex offender registry for patronizing a prostitute.
What will happen when the overwhelming majority of people(men) end up on the national sex offender registry?

Seriously, I don't know.    

I do know via friends experiences how traumatic arrest and conviction can be - for an individual, their family, their career, even their ability to find housing.  And to put the permanent and public record scarlet A on your forehead as a sex offender, an "exploiter of women and children"?!?  Yeah, there are some really really bad boys in this world who need to be dealt with - however most of ya'll are really great fellows and I just love and adore you to pieces!

We are officially seeing the new "war on drugs."  Watch your cars and your houses, boys.  

I am worried about this, in a big bad way.  

Play safe...!

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