Politics and Religion

More good news.
inicky46 61 Reviews 345 reads

Or, I suppose, to the righties, bad news.
Can good be bad?  Is good fair?  Was there bad before there was good?
Oh, well, who cares? Obama can't take credit for it anyway

randomvr3012464 reads

The economy grew at its fastest rate since the great depression.    When are the Republicans going to impeach the President as it is all his fault.  LOL.

JackDunphy479 reads

The economy shrank by 2% in the first quarter so when you view the economy in whole, over the first half of the year, it was horrible.

Since Barry became Prez:

1) real wages have shrank by $5,000,  

2) almost half of the jobs created are McJobs,  

3) we have added $8 trillion to the debt,  

4) food stamps are at an all-time high,  

5) the labor participation rate has plummeted,  

6) those having part-time work but looking for full time work has skyrocketed,  

7) black unemployment has soared,  

8) and he remains at only 39% approval on the economy. Other than that, things are great.

And connecting the economy to impeachment was another winner of yours. The impeachment is coming, rest assured, after we have taken the Senate back with "only angry white men and Fox news viewers."

I doubt if anyone wants to go back to the summer of 2008 and we are nowhere near 2008 by any means of statistics, data and imagination as of today.

Your 1 - 8 was used in 2012 but your pal and tax dodger Mitt the Witt was defeated squarely!    People are not buying your talking points.     Time for your GOP chair Rinse my Pe*is to stop paining rosy pictures for 2014

At this point most people would gladly go back to Bushes economy. Those "talking points" are what everyone is living.

And as for Romney, he has been proven so right since 2012 there's buzz about him running again! And that NEVER happens.

Posted By: csekhar73
I doubt if anyone wants to go back to the summer of 2008 and we are nowhere near 2008 by any means of statistics, data and imagination as of today.  
 Your 1 - 8 was used in 2012 but your pal and tax dodger Mitt the Witt was defeated squarely!    People are not buying your talking points.     Time for your GOP chair Rinse my Pe*is to stop paining rosy pictures for 2014.  

Off with his head!

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 12:49:23 PM

Over estimate the projected cost only to come back with an underestimated cost at a latter date.

Let us see if these new projections hold true ten years from today.

GaGambler447 reads

I am crowning Fungy the undisputed SPOTY champion for 2014, there is no way you can come back from making such an accurate post, and with only the most minor of spelling mistakes, even Conan the Putz can't claim one spelling mistake trumps your nailing his post to the wall.

DA, pay up. Your SPOTY candidate just lost in a landslide. lol

And as for Johny, I'll just ask him to prove how he seemingly "knows" the CBO set its initial estimate high so it could then lower it to make Obama look good.
No doubt if the estimates had been low and were then raised, the righties would be flapping around in a tizzy about how it proves ObamaCare is to blame.
Funny about how good news to them is either no news or bad news.

Or, I suppose, to the righties, bad news.
Can good be bad?  Is good fair?  Was there bad before there was good?
Oh, well, who cares? Obama can't take credit for it anyway

... and DOW, S&P and Moody's at their historical highs!     Average 401(k) balances at historical high after most of it was wiped out in 2008.    

If only the corporate Republicans care for this country and its people, support the President and pass legislation to tax all corporations the same rate irrespective of where they move their office, the Treasury can kiss goodbye to budget deficits for years to come.

I say let the people feel good for a while.  
The government cheese program is booming and people think they see the light at the end of the long dark tunnel.  

So what if it's a train?

JackDunphy485 reads

His approval on the economy is upper 30's. That is abysmal.  

The job picture and wages are horrific with half the jobs Barry is producing are service industry jobs. You want one of those?  

And their wages have come down by 10% under his watch as well. Does that sound "good" to you?

You can sell this bullshit on a fk board but the peeps aint buying it bro.

1) Because there are other things going on in the world and people feel Obama's generally weak.  So his low ratings in other areas affect this one.
2) The jobs picture, as you say, still isn't great.
3) The Republicans have been somewhat successful in their "blame Obama for everything while we do nothing but hold our breath."
Consumer confidence is just one piece of a big, complicated puzzle.
See, no bullshit there for those who can handle the truth.

Where is you're chart on consumer confidence?


-- Modified on 8/29/2014 7:56:29 AM

Which I feel is a pretty good sign, homes being built and sold. I live in LA and there were 2 large developments that were started about 3 years ago. The land was graded but nothing was done. Same in Las Vegas, a hard hit area. Now in the last 8 months homes are being built in those lots and being sold, in LA and Vegas.Hotels in Vegas that were left for dead years ago are now being worked on. There's something going on, and yes my 401k has doubled, my home value and the value in my area has increased by more then 20%. I'm not into numbers but they say the private sector jobs have increased but goverment jobs took the blunt of the hit and I don't see that sector adding new jobs unless a job bills is created, but I don't think that will happen.

Posted By: inicky46
And as for Johny, I'll just ask him to prove how he seemingly "knows" the CBO set its initial estimate high so it could then lower it to make Obama look good.  
 No doubt if the estimates had been low and were then raised, the righties would be flapping around in a tizzy about how it proves ObamaCare is to blame.  
 Funny about how good news to them is either no news or bad news.
You are turning the business of the CBO in to an Obama admin issue, or a non-issue into a political issue

Thanks for putting yourself right back in the SPOTY race!

Are you saying you disagree with the numbers

I thought you were done embarrassing yourself on here..  

Posted By: inicky46
Nice babble. Are you drooling, too?  TSTTT -e-

GaGambler476 reads

Just look at the idiot OP, he is bragging about "How Great" the economy is based on the second quarter results look in comparison to the first quarter actually CONTRACTING. leaving us with some rather anemic growth for the first six months of the year. and this moron is actually CROWING about it, as is Obama.

It just goes to show how easily stupid people are led around by the nose. Not even our former SPOTY front runner JCA is buying this bullshit, but millions of lefties are standing up and cheering at this supposed "great news"

RokkKrinn552 reads

Arguing about whether the economy grew or shrank in the past year or quarter or whatever is immaterial.

Last time I checked, there was nothing in the Constitution that said "...it shall be the responsibility of the President to keep the Dow Jones Industrial Average higher than 14000...", or "...it shall be the responsibility of the President to keep the unemployment rate below 6%...", or whatever.

The only question is, Has BHO committed acts which could be held to be High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

All this other stuff is irrelevant.

Remember (as the saying goes):  Mussolini made the trains run on time.

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